Verse:Kyrdan/Literature: Difference between revisions

(→‎Entiri Lumutaknen: Added content)
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Nikalnen, nexikala mezamathin,
Nikalnen, nexikala mezamathin,
Ankwylnen aimme neisalue,
Ankwylnen aimme neisalue,
Nakal, ši antu Ōhaimuri
Nakāl, ši antu Ōhaimuri
Niyiyalō Alōmešneax.
Niyiyalō Alōmešneax.
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===Munumkōri ō milu===
'''Munumkōri ō milu''' (original Erepursal: ''Ekkarini ka mylu'''; lit. “the Monk and the two Spirits”) is a folk tale of probable folk tale, early versions of which are found in both Umu and Kappalu. There are several variants of this tale, but the earliest version was recorded in Erepursal. Originally, it was a simple story for children, likely loosely based on a real event, but some later versions eventually turned into a fable, the moral lessons of which differ and depend on the context in which they are told. The original text contains many loanwords from Kērsalur and is no longer understood by modern Kirtumur speakers, who haven't learnt Erepursal.
;Erepursal text (Kērsalur words are in ''italic''):
Ninamikim ''ekkarini'' mauz pilnu phaleim eniyineŋale. Yiŋiri ''nel ekkariniax'' ka yu phaleim eyēra, ka mauz citra ''khurkila-ka''.
''Ekkarines'' phaleim munkyk nitutunē, inmēnkiŋ cu liawa melilku ''iphazina'' eŋynenēk. Tawa Eilkurmur-myli Itirȳlixawa.
Eilkurmur-myli eitum: “Mušapakkur kurkapiyu. Yikes taŋiri phaleim cepakireisē imenlekhis ''khymexa'', nenēla am areisin.”
Itirȳli ikintanireikka, uterke eineyartam: “''Yreha, payisa,''” eitum.
Nim calam kywanu ''ekkarines'' muŋis khiŋ ikexnu ''ehuššē'' tautra eweizē ka neiharat ''mualtahur''. Hēkkir ōrnu zōnex. ''Ekkarines'' eišalē murur eiwōra apha. Phak niyeimuphasturayat wō sitē raumax kal eizinylit.
“Itytatheya pekhi, kurŋysōtu pō alšu kurpatitu!” eiharatat ka calam wezkanne enaxitat.
“Khalei ityŋitat?” ''ekkarini'' eituš.
“Tapahazzatu ōŋŋus razur kanēa!” eipharek pekhi nērim.
“''Wāteyah, kāleas Ylkentiri nenkōrnusa!''” ŋiri eitum, ''namtumur'' nethitalin. “Thaneniraxteya!”
Ka pekhi phak cen ruš-axtat ikethantu niyera.
Khiŋ xenatera cak mauz rinu eicattu ka cak thuxat eišak-ka, ka eyētte. Ka eyucal ka ''eihiri'' eimuphastur niyitenan, ōl, ylek, thik kecapēni, ōl ŋywa ayōnaknu. ''Ekkarines eihiri'' elalašē ka phaleim niyeihutenta nixiyexawa.
“Cikkuthir-heim ninnuma,” ''ekkarinara'' neitum, utun kulkannu munkinein. “Eachōpetapi mulalikma ei-Urturum, eileŋer paka ecapurtut lōphasa enkanu. ''Ikema'' hōšanu.”
“Nakōl,” eitum, “''almer'' kurneilumu. Cim ''Anithitre'' tušan ōma hinkeŋkeŋurex.”
“Niyera pazyzek,” ''ekkarini'' šimtur eitumta. “Lei nikhȳrō patumeha sycim pa ''eihirnuŋam'' Cikkuthir. Ŋōsele ''nameihir''-nē.”
Ka niyera ŋiri iketnanet ka iyekhatta.
Yaunei zōn nihurax, sikhik pekhi phak eitentu tumin ''waškan'' sikenne. ''Ekkarines hellannu Ylkentiri''eizeit ka ''namtumur'' inithithalē, ninkilkelanu phak khumkir nō. Tautra ŋus itat.
Ruŋkiŋ ''ekkarini'' niparaweini ''šarkwalem''. Ŋywanu tachattē nannōl ka ŋiri ōl ŋywa ayōnaknu nantē.
“Hakurtumezze kua,” hau eitum. “Mušapakkur izullukeix cikureik yim canetra. Xenōm yihurap hȳ eniaŋal naeyi ha, reika ipaneter.”
“Ha taur, ōkurmethax,” ''ekkarini'' eitum. “Le-ō namšacap ere šarmatōŋa.”
“Ha taurna,” Itirȳli eitum nayōa. “Patumtōnu kōlšu?” eituš.
“Thynōri,” eyintuš ''ekkarini'' ka mukaur eithalu. Nakōl, Itirȳli eimet wa eleltananu phaleim ceithachin.
;English translation:
A monk lived in solitude in a temple on a slope of a mountain. He was a young monk, and it was a small temple, and the mountain was sharp and high.
The monk tended the temple in peace, until the day, when two spirits passed [the temple] and watched him doing his work. They were the Spirit of the Volcano and the Spirit of the Itir river.
The Volcano Spirit said: “Let’s make a wager. The one, who will drive that man away from the temple, will keep [that place] as home, as it would be a good place to reside.”
The Itir river Spirit was reluctant, but later he agreed: “Very well. So be it,” he said.
There in his little pond the monk gathered his food for a day, then he cooked it and prepared for the evening prayer. The sky was in the colour of hot lava. The monk has heard a noise, mighty and low.
There were four [men] in the courtyard, black smoke surrounded them and they appeared dead.
“Come out, man! We shall eat you or take your soul!” they shouted and fire came out of their mouths.
“And what if I don’t come out?” asked the monk.
“We will come back every night until you do!” screamed the man in the front.
“''[in Kērsalur]'' Flee, for it is the temple of the Violet God!” the monk said and cast a spell on them. “Reveal yourself!”
The next day clouds covered the mountain top and they were dark full louds, and it started raining. And there was lightning, when a noble man appeared in the courtyard, dressed in blue, violet and green, with glistening blue eyes. The monk greeted the noble man and walked beside him into the temple, [where] they could be out of the rain in it.
“I am the son of the House Cikkuthir,” he told the monk, as he was wringing out his garment. “I was travelling to the ciry of Urturum with my guards, when thick volcanic fumes covered us, making them mad. I was the only one who escaped.”
“Therefore,” he said, “let us go to the city together. There you can ask my family for a reward.”
“We must leave right away,” said the monk with a smile, “if you tell me, who you trully are, for you are certainly not a noble man of Cikkutir. You do not talk in the manner of the nobility.”
And right away the man has disappeared as it has ceased raining.
The sky was clear in the evening, when the four men appeared once again, saying the same words. The monk put out a sigil of the Violet God and cast a spell on them, turning them into four stone statues. And then the night came.
At dawn the monk was half-woken by a whispering voice. He opened his eyes for a moment and saw a young man with glistening blue eyes.
“I wish to say sorry,” said the voice. “It was a shameful wager. I shall leave this place forever. But I lived in this waterfall and river for so long, it would hurt to leave.”
“Then stay here,” said the monk, “but play no more of this foolishness.”
“Of course,” said the Itir river Spirit behind him. “Can you tell me you name?” asked he.
“Thynori,” answered the monk and he returned to his dreams. And so, the Itir river Spirit stayed, nourishing the temple with his fresh water.
