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The name of the Inquisition in Chlouvānem is '''Murkadhānāvi''', meaning "of the Inquisitors", where "Inquisitor", '''murkadhāna''', translates to "black hand". The Inquisitors originally were the first preachers of the Yunyalīlta after the Great Prophet, and their hands were black due to the liturgical use of ''lunīla'' berries. These berries, commonly growing all throughout the wetter eastern half of the Lāmiejāya plain (as a climatic/cultural region, thus including also the Jade Coast and its basins), are not edible but have a dense pitch-black juice that was used in many shamanic rituals - often reinterpreted and passed into early Yunyalīlti ones - and also as a common black dye.<br/>The Inquisition was founded by these preachers as a kind of guild in order to better guard and preserve liturgical texts and set up scientific orders studying the world - in fact, monasteries and temples were the centers of science for two millennia, and even today most of the largest libraries in the whole planet are those of Yunyalīlti temples. The Inquisition then gained political power and became a sovranational organization that had influence on every forming Chlouvānem realm - not unlike the Church in European history - until the beginning of the Fourth Era when all Chlouvānem nations were united under a single government - the Inquisition.
In Chlouvānem, there is thus no distinction between the Inquisition as a country and as a political organization, being both called ''murkadhānāvi''. The country is however also often referred to as:
* ''murkadhāni bhælā'' “Land of the Inquisition”;
* ''chlouvānumi bhælā'' "Chlouvānem land";
* ''chlouvānumi murkadhāni bhælā'' - the designation in official documents, "Land of the Chlouvānem Inquisition".
In other Calemerian languages, there often is a distinction between the country (usually called Chlouvānem land) and the Inquisition. For example, in [[Skyrdagor]] the Chlouvānem people are called ''Snovanem'' and their country is ''Snovanemszikt'', but the Inquisition as a political body is often called ''Murkadanavi''. In [[Cerian]], Chlouvānem people are called ''Imúnigúronen'' (from the [[Iscegon]] phrase ''in mutnen ingúron'' "Eastern invaders", a term applied to many other peoples in Western history but revitalized in the Early Modern Age and applied to Chlouvānem - the easternmost hostile people they knew about) and their country is ''Imúnigúroná'', but the Inquisition is either ''tó Murocadána'' or ''ten Ímunigúronen sévíson'' (literally Chlouvānem Church).
==Chlouvānem ethnicity==
==Chlouvānem ethnicity==
The ethnic definition of ''Chlouvānem'' is very broad: popular usage, converted into a legal definition, defines as Chlouvānem everyone who:
The ethnic definition of ''Chlouvānem'' is very broad: popular usage, converted into a legal definition, defines as Chlouvānem everyone who:
