Contionary:øuí: Difference between revisions

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* ''Alternative form of '''{{cd|øí}}'''''
* ''Alternative form of '''{{cd|øí}}'''''
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|+ Declension of {{{noun|øuí}}} (a-stem)
! Case !! ''indefinite singular'' !! ''definite singular''
| ''Common'' || {{{noun|øuí}}} || {{{noun|øuí}}}{{{ending|a}}}
| ''Dative'' || {{{noun|øuí}}}{{{ending|e}}} || {{{noun|øuí}}}{{{ending|ne}}}
| ''Genitive'' || {{{noun|øuí}}}{{{ending|ð}}} || {{{noun|øui}}}{{{ending|é}}}
{| class="wikitable"
|+ Conjugation of {{{verb|øuí}}} (weak class 1)
! '''Active''' !! ''Non-past indicative'' !! ''Non-past subjunctive'' !! ''Past indicative'' !! ''Past subjunctive''
| 1 || øu || øuio || øues || øuesi
| 2 || øuið || øuieð || øuesuð || øuesið
| 3 || øuí || øuié || øuesú || øuesí
! '''Passive''' !! ''Non-past indicative'' !! ''Non-past subjunctive'' !! ''Past indicative'' !! ''Past subjunctive''
| 1 || øuie || øuieo || øuesie || øuesio
| 2 || øuiðe || øuieðo || øuesiðe || øuesiðo
| 3 || øuine || øuieno || øuesine || øuesino