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Traditional Talman religion/philosophy is often called '''Second-Moverism''' (''ing-ROH-nay-iz-əm'' (AmE) or ''ing-RON-ay-iz-əm'' (BrE), [[Eevo]]: ''Ñronaivih'' /ˈŋrɔnaivih/, [[Windermere]]: ''Thngop Ronea'',
'''Ngronaism''' (''ing-ROH-nay-iz-əm'' (AmE) or ''ing-RON-ay-iz-əm'' (BrE), [[Eevo]]: ''Ñronaivih'' /ˈŋrɔnaivih/, [[Windermere]]: ''Thăngop Ronea'', [[Clofabosin]]: ''Ronestatin'') is a religion founded by Anbirese spiritual leader Emisom Jeodgan. It teaches that the Second Mover (a concept borrowed from Mărotłism) is a goddess named Ñrona that exists in the real world, not merely as a force that exists within the mind; she is loving towards all sentient beings and wants to save all of them.
[[Clofabosin]]: ''Ronestatin'') and serves as the civic religion of Talman and Talman-derived societies.  
Ngronaism is, often, less a set of beliefs than a set of common symbols, language, and rituals. Ngronaism recognizes that narratives are important - in modern Ngronaism, efforts are made to construct narratives that approach truth.

Inspirations: Judaism, Gnosticism
A rough timeline:
*After the Calamities, Talman classical philosophy realized need for technology including social technology
*A period much like the Warring States period, with competing philosophies sponsored by warlords and citystates
*One of these philosophies win out and dominate Talma for a long time
**it happens to be a Lăcoaf philosophy; responsible for Lăcoaf as a classical language
*Then Grouid the revolutionary comes along - with a more dualistic idea
Some riffing on ideas:
*(It's OK for religions with anthropomorphic gods to have contradictions. In that case it's preferable to reduce the gods' role, though.)
*Folk religion could do something vaguely Christian in its themes. 2nd mover is much more anthropomorphic and the only reason that the 2nd Mover is so friendly to humans is that she herself was once a human. Well, the 2nd Mover is already quite human and limited. Would resonate with some people who only trust people who had suffered like them.
*"Mărotłites on the outside, Machiavellians on the inside"
*As Jewish as possible without being theistic?