Tevrés: Difference between revisions

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Line 350: Line 350:
| friend-DAT.SG COM<nowiki>=</nowiki>drink-PFV.1SG tea-ACC.SG
| friend-DAT.SG COM<nowiki>=</nowiki>drink-PFV.1SG tea-ACC.SG
|'I drank tea with friends'}}
|'I drank tea with friends'}}
Finally the dative-accusative case can be used to mark location, as well as movement motion towards something.  While the [[w:Locative case|locative]] meaning does not take verbal agreement, the allative meaning does, unlike in [[Aeranir]], where verbs of motion can never take an accusative argument.
:{{interlinear | box = yes
| tan caro en çi combre
| but dance-NOM.1SG in REFL-GEN home-DAT.SG
|'I only dance in my own home'}}
:{{interlinear | box = yes
| nen co-vel llo cuerço me
| 2SG-ABL COM<nowiki>=</nowiki>go-SUBJ.ERG.1SG DEF-ACC.SG home-DAT.SG INTERR
|'Will you go with me to the market?'}}
