Arjâm Vâks: Difference between revisions

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* '''â''' augment prefixed to verbs indicating past tense (PIE *e)
* '''â''' augment prefixed to verbs indicating past tense (PIE *e)
* '''√ag-''' v. drive, force to go (PIE *H₂eǵ-)
* '''√ag-''' v. drive, force to go (PIE *H₂eǵ-)
* '''agam''' 1st person singular pronoun I, locative '''mai''' (PIE *eǵoH, *eǵHom)
* '''agam''' 1st person singular pronoun I, locative '''mai''' (PIE *eǵóH, *eǵHóm)
* '''√agh-''' v. be grieved, mourn (PIE *H₂egh-)
* '''√agh-''' v. be grieved, mourn (PIE *H₂egh-)
* '''agras''' n. field (PIE *H₂éǵros)
* '''agras''' n. field (PIE *H₂éǵros)
* '''âku-''' a. swift (as av., swiftly) (PIE *eH₃ḱu-)
* '''âku-''' a. swift (as av., swiftly) (PIE *eH₃ḱú-)
* '''akvas''' n.m. horse (PIE *eḱwos)
* '''akvas''' n.m. horse (PIE *éḱwos)
* '''√as-''' v. be (PIE *H₁es-)
* '''√as-''' v. be (PIE *H₁es-)
* '''avis''' n.f. sheep (PIE *H₃ewis)
* '''avis''' n.m.f. sheep (PIE *H₃éwis)
* '''√bhar-''' v. carry (PIE *bher-)
* '''√bhar-''' v. carry (PIE *bher-)
* '''bhâras''' n.m. burden (PIE *bhóros)
* '''bhâras''' n.m. burden (PIE *bhorós)
* '''√bhug-''' v. bend; run away, escape (PIE *bhewg-)
* '''√bhug-''' v. bend; run away, escape (PIE *bhewg-)
* '''√dark-''' v. see (PIE *derḱ-)
* '''√dark-''' v. see (PIE *derḱ-)
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* '''√kru-''' v. hear, listen (PIE *ḱlew-)
* '''√kru-''' v. hear, listen (PIE *ḱlew-)
* '''magha''' a. great (PIE *meǵH₂-)
* '''magha''' a. great (PIE *meǵH₂-)
* '''manus''' n.m. man (PIE *manus)
* '''manus''' n.m. man (PIE *mánus)
* '''na''' av. not (PIE *ne)
* '''na''' av. not (PIE *ne)
* '''patis''' n.m. lord (PIE *potis)
* '''patis''' n.m. lord (PIE *pótis)
* '''sa, sâ, tat''' dem. pron. that (PIE *so, *seH₂, *tod)
* '''sa, sâ, tat''' dem. pron. that (PIE *so, *seH₂, *tod)
* '''sva''' a. (his, her, its, their own) (PIE *se-)
* '''sva''' a. (his, her, its, their own) (PIE *se-)
* '''√vagh-''' v. move, pull, carry (PIE *weǵh-)
* '''√vagh-''' v. move, pull, carry (PIE *weǵh-)
* '''vâghas''' n.m. vehicle (PIE *woǵhos)
* '''vâghas''' n.m. vehicle (PIE *woǵhós)
* '''√vak-''' v. say (PIE *wekʷ-)
* '''√vak-''' v. say (PIE *wekʷ-)
* '''vastram''' n.n. garment, clothing (PIE *westrom)
* '''vastram''' n.n. garment, clothing (PIE *wéstrom)
* '''√vid-''' v. know (PIE *weid-)
* '''√vid-''' v. know (PIE *weid-)