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(→‎The Cat and the Bird: phonetic transcription (not complete!))
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Nyosangeyish (natively Nyosangé'g or jığo Nyosangé'g) is a conlang by [[User:CellularAutomaton|CellularAutomaton]]. As his first conlang, there are inevitably things he dislikes about it, although it is at the time of writing under a week old.
Nyosangeyish (natively Nyosangé'g or jığo Nyosangé'g) is a conlang by [[User:CellularAutomaton|CellularAutomaton]]. It is inspired by Turkish and Indonesian, but some English characteristics have accidentally slipped in.
== Phonology ==
== Phonology ==
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''A cat and a bird both wanted to eat persimmons from a tree.''<br>
''A cat and a bird both wanted to eat persimmons from a tree.''<br>
'''Céfod feyefdıjun mu aweng fe icégğu mu lejiğ.'''<br>
'''Céfod feyefdıjun mu aweng fe icégğu mu lejiğ.'''<br>
[t̠ʃe̞ˈ fo̞t̪ fɛjʌfd̪ɯˈ d̠ʒun̪̊ mu ˈ ɑwʌŋ fə it̠ʃe̞ʔˈ u mu l̪ɛˈ d̠ʒiː]<br>
[t̠ʃe̞ˈ fo̞t̪ fɛjʌfd̪ɯˈ d̠ʒun̪̊ mu ˈ ɑwʌŋ̊ fə it̠ʃe̞ʔˈ u mu l̪ɛˈ d̠ʒiː]<br>
bird treetop ACC fly and persimmon ACC eat<br>
bird treetop ACC fly and persimmon ACC eat<br>
''The bird flew to the top of the tree and ate all the persimmons.''<br>
''The bird flew to the top of the tree and ate all the persimmons.''<br>
'''Maye fonşow hefyet fe buju mu ngıre.'''<br>
'''Maye fonşow hefyet fe buju mu ngıre.'''<br>
[ˈ majə fo̞n̠̊ˈ t̠ʃo̞w həfˈ jət̪ fə buˈ d̠ʒu mu ˈ ŋɯ̟ɾə]<br>
cat see IPFV and anger ACC go<br>
cat see IPFV and anger ACC go<br>
''Seeing this, the cat became angry.''<br>
''Seeing this, the cat became angry.''<br>
'''"Ngi a ngi aweng," mu tiğ ngége, "yo mu lejiğem hetıtajığ!"'''<br>
'''"Ngi a ngi aweng," mu tiğ ngége, "yo mu lejiğem hetıtajığ!"'''<br>
[ŋi ä ŋi ˈ ɑwʌŋ̊ mu t̪iː ˈ ŋe̞gə jo̞ mu l̪ɛˈ d̠ʒiː.əm̥ hʌt̪ɯ̟t̪äˈ d̠ʒɯ̟ː]<br>
if 1sg if fly ACC 3sg say 2sg ACC eat-COND instead<br>
if 1sg if fly ACC 3sg say 2sg ACC eat-COND instead<br>
''"If I could fly," it said, "I would eat you instead!"''<br>
''"If I could fly," it said, "I would eat you instead!"''<br>
'''Déğé-héj yişiny şoduğ dıjun-pisre'g ice.'''<br>
'''Déğé-héj yişiny şoduğ dıjun-pisre'g ice.'''<br>
[d̪e̞je̞ˈ he̞t̠ʃ jiˈ ʃiɲ̊ ʃo̞ˈ d̪uː d̪ɯˌd̠ʒum̥ˈ pisɾəʔ ˈ it̠ʃə]<br>
just.then mouse large bush=ABL run<br>
just.then mouse large bush=ABL run<br>
''Just then a large mouse darted out from a bush.''<br>
''Just then a large mouse darted out from a bush.''<br>
'''Céfod ığuş, jél maye tiğ mu rağol déğé.'''<br>
'''Céfod ığuş, jél maye tiğ mu rağol déğé.'''<br>
[t̠ʃe̞ˈ fo̞t̪ ɯˈ ɰuʃ d̠ʒe̞l̪̥ ˈ majə t̪iː mu ɾɑːo̞l̪ d̪e̞ˈ je̞]<br>
bird attack but cat 3sg ACC catch now<br>
bird attack but cat 3sg ACC catch now<br>
''The bird lunged for it, but the cat had already caught it.''
''The bird lunged for it, but the cat had already caught it.''