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==Example Texts==
==Example Texts==
===Digenes Acritas (Translated)===
===Digenes Acritas (Translated)===
This is a small part of the [[w:Digenes_Akritas|Digenes Acritas]] song, translated into Proto-Grekelin. It was one of the few surviving Byzantine songs in the era, and it's one of the few texts to be written using the Greek script. Notable parts include the use of the [[w:Digamma|digamma]] to denote the now lost /w/ sound and the introduction of the [σζ] digraph to show the /ʃ/ sound.
This is a small part of the [[w:Digenes_Akritas|Digenes Acritas]] song, translated into Proto-Grekelin. It was one of the few surviving Byzantine songs in the era, and it's one of the few texts to be written using the Greek script. Notable parts include the use of the [[w:Digamma|digamma]] to denote the now lost /w/ sound, the use of [ζ̌] to indicate the /ʒ/ sound and the introduction of the [σζ] digraph to show the /ʃ/ sound.
For comparison, the original verse is put by the side. Do note that the tildes do not mean much in pronunciation of the text. The version of the text displayed here is from the 17th century, about 5 centuries after the original was written down:
{| class="wikitable"
|+ Verse from Digenes Acritas in Old Grekelin and Medieval Greek
! Old Grekelin !! Medieval Greek
Κί σάμα είϝλαϊν ἀδέρφια τἦ ά κόρα μαρεμέναν,
μαζιή αῑ πένδε ρεστένατσζαν, δάϝτο λόγο ειρελάλησσαϊ:
'Ρἐστάσζε, ά λεγένυα, εῑδεσζην αδερφήν μἦ
εχὧμεθα σἧ άς δήζ̌ήϝετην
κὶ ά Θιὸς φέλατσζε σἧ έτσζ σέπυως κάλλεως σἧ.
Πόλεμους οὐ φοβὧμεθα έτσζ ἀγάπη σἧ.'
Καὶ ὡς εἴδασιν τὰ ἀδέλφια της τὴν κόρην μαραμένην,
ἀντάμα οἱ πέντε ἐστέναξαν, τοιοῦτον λόγον εἶπαν:
'Ἐγείρου, ἠ βεργόλικος, γλυκύν μας τὸ ἀδέλφιν˙
ἐμεῖς γὰρ ἐκρατοῦμαν σε ὡς γιὰ ἀποθαμένην
καὶ ἐσὲν ὁ Θεὸς ἐφύλαξεν διὰ τὰ ὡραῖα σου κάλλη.
Πολέμους οὐ φοβούμεθα διὰ τὴν σὴν ἀγάπην.'