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This language is being designed for a fictional cultural group that I haven't named yet. The speakers were originally a semi-nomadic society who venerated the elements and valued mischief. Their reality is Earth-like and their technology is equivalent to what we have today, so while some of this society still lives like their ancestors did, many of them have long adapted to and been integrated with the invading culture (also as yet unnamed). In the world this culture is set in, Mua'ebo: has (approximately) 50,000 fluent speakers and 170,000 conversational speakers, but a vast majority of these speakers are native to or descendants of the culture.
This language is being designed for a fictional cultural group that I haven't named yet. The speakers are a semi-nomadic society who venerate the elements and value mischief. Their reality is Earth-like and their technology is equivalent to what we have today, so while some of this society still lives like their ancestors did, many of them have long adapted to and been integrated with the invading culture (also as yet unnamed). In the world this culture is set in, Mua'ebo: has (approximately) 50,000 fluent speakers and 170,000 conversational speakers, but a vast majority of these speakers are native to or descendants of the culture.

Family structure for this society is extended with matrifocal leanings and the government structure resembles a republic, combining a meritocracy with an oligarchy. They are strictly neutral/hands off regarding other cultures and countries. They are non violent, in general, but known for their neophobia, gender inequality, and caste system. They use a flag composed of 4 triangles (one each red, green, yellow and blue) with a white circle centered and have no permanent architecture. Physically, they tend to be of tall and slender build, with golden colored eyes, hair in shades of browns and blacks, and skin the approximate color of oiled cedar wood. Stereotypically, they are considered lazy, simple, always chewing on something, and happily sporting several body modifications.
Family structure for this society is extended with matrifocal leanings and the government structure resembles a republic, combining a meritocracy with an oligarchy. They are strictly neutral/hands off regarding other cultures and countries. They are non violent, in general, but known for their neophobia, gender inequality, and caste system. They use a flag composed of 4 triangles (one each red, green, yellow and blue) with a white circle centered and have no permanent architecture. Physically, they tend to be of tall and slender build, with golden colored eyes, hair in shades of browns and blacks, and skin the approximate color of oiled cedar wood. Stereotypically, they are considered lazy, simple, always chewing on something, and happily sporting several body modifications.