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Bearlandic allows fairly complex syllables, which can begin in up to three and end in up to four consonants, making the maximal syllable structure (C)(C)(C)V(C)(C)(C)(C). The last consonant of final clusters with four consonants is always an -s, as is the first consonant of an initial cluster with three consonants. Note that geminated consonants count as single consonants, and can only appear directly after vowels.
Bearlandic allows fairly complex syllables, which can begin in up to three and end in up to four consonants, making the maximal syllable structure (C)(C)(C)V(C)(C)(C)(C).
The following rules determine which onsets are possible:
*S can be followed by any of p t g w n l.
*An obstruent other than q s z can be followed by r.
*An obstruent other than q t d can be followed by l.
*T d z can be followed by w.
*K can be followed by n.
*Ng does not occur at the beginning of a syllable.
To codas the following rules apply:
*There is no phonemic voicing contrast, but instead the voicing depends on the voicing of the onset of the following syllable. Before vowels and at the end of an utterance coda obstruents are by default voiceless.
*Any possible final consonant except s itself can be followed by s.
*P t k can be preceded by r l s or a homorganic nasal consonant.
*H q do not occur at the end of a syllable.
