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Which forest did the lizard bite the dog in?
Which forest did the lizard bite the dog in?
How compounds are formed depends on their semantics [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compound_(linguistics)#Semantic_classification].
===Endocentric Compounds===
These are head final, with the second element (and any subsequent elements) losing its stress and phonation e.g.
a watchdog
If this compounding would result in multiple aspirated consonants in the same word, all except the first lose their aspiration e.g.
a wild dog (not */pʰáˈzè̤t-kʰwèi/)
Voiceless nasals, /h/, and clusters containing /h/ also count as "aspirated consonants" e.g. from /káˈkʰâṵd/ - "isthmus" we form the compound
land that rises from the sea due to isostatic rebound [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isostatic_reboundhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isostatic_rebound]
===Exocentric compounds===
Here it is the first element of the compound that loses its stress, phonation and aspiration (if any) e.g.
War fought over land that rises from the sea due to isostatic rebound (a very common occurrence)