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|[u] / [w]
|[u] / [w]
|it is pronounced as [u] when it is followed by a consonant; it is pronounced [w] when it is preceded or followed by a vowel; when it is followed by '''l''' or '''r''' it can have either a consonantal or vocalic value, to distinguish it, it is written '''ŵ''' when it has a vocalic value; in the diphthong '''wy''' it can be either the vocalic (it is written '''ŵy''') or consonantical element (it is written wŷ)  
|it is pronounced as [u] when it is followed by a consonant; it is pronounced [w] when it is preceded or followed by a vowel; when it is followed by '''l''' or '''r''' it can have either a consonantal or vocalic value, to distinguish it, it is written '''ŵ''' when it has a vocalic value; in the diphthong '''wy''' it can be either the vocalic (it is written '''ŵy''') or consonantal element (it is written wŷ)  
|[i] / [e]
|[i] / [e]
|in monosyllabic words it is read as [i], in polysyllabic words it is read [i] if in the last syllable, otherwise [e]; in the diphthong '''wy''' it can be either the vocalic (it is written '''ŷw''') or consonantical element (it is written yŵ)
|in monosyllabic words it is read as [i], in polysyllabic words it is read [i] if in the last syllable, otherwise [e]; in the diphthong '''wy''' it can be either the vocalic (it is written '''ŷw''') or consonantal element (it is written yŵ)