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:1SG.ERG-3PL.ABS-PST-yell-dummy-DRPAC 2SG.ERG-1SG.ABS-IMP-kick-stop-GER
:1SG.ERG-3PL.ABS-PST-yell-dummy-DRPAC 2SG.ERG-1SG.ABS-IMP-kick-stop-GER
:I kept yelling at you to stop kicking me!
:I kept yelling at you to stop kicking me!
==Sample text==
''Pipepi'' ("The Bushlark", 1958), a free-verse piece by the Rttirrian poet Sruwurtu Ukapi, who is credited with helping Rttirrian literature and poetry branch out from its long tradition of cynicism and darkness.
||'''English'''|| || '''Rttirri'''
||As I strode through the forest,|| || Nitutasaifaityunu sasyakichatta,
||I found a bushlark sitting on the ground.|| || pipepikka kku wukini mursuri.
||She cooed to greet me|| || Puhirnunu sahaipuhhui nakka
||and lifted a limp wing to wave.|| || hu weretumaki afnu michi.
||"So morose is the cry of the birds of this area,"|| || "Ttyasittyahirnupu kelime rreumanye rikeu,"
||I remarked to myself.|| || napukemisana.
||"Nay," she said! "I am happy.|| || "Nu, nimarrattyana!" wapurtiusana.
||"My stomach cries for berries,|| || "Amirsetini fraimahhui,
||but I can answer it with beetles.|| || wa nikinene tyurrumarratye.
||"My lungs cry for exercise of the wings,|| || Hhiamiwamini echauhhui makimarranye,
||but I can answer them with a jog.|| || wa nikinene mikikapurranye.
||My heart cries for a man or a friend|| || Amirupana rnuhhui wa nyeppaihhui
||of my own kind,|| || nakesyinye,
||anything for some pleasant conversation,|| || rsi isipuhhui ttima eka,
||but I can answer it with you."|| || wa nikinene kerranye."

==See also==
==See also==