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3) Permitted consonant clusters:
3) Permitted consonant clusters:

a) /m/ + /p, v/
a) /m/ + /p/

b) /n/ + /t, s, D/
b) /n/ + /t, s/

c) /N/ + /k, x, j/
c) /N/ + /k, x/

d) /r/ + /m, n, N, p, t, k, s, x, v, D, j/
d) /r/ + /m, n, N, p, t, k, s, x, v, j/

e) /l/ + /m, n, N, p, t, k, s, x, v, D, j/
e) /l/ + /m, n, N, p, t, k, s, x, v, j/

f) /p, t, k/ + /s/
f) /p, t, k/ + /s/
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5) Vowels in hiatus do not occur.
5) Vowels in hiatus do not occur.

6) Diphthongs may not occur in a closed syllable oe before a fortis consonant.
6) Diphthongs may not occur in a closed syllable or before a fortis consonant.


1) Sandhi occurs at morpheme boundaries as a result of suffixation.
2) The resulting sandhi transformations are as follows:
a) /m, n, N/ + /m, n, N/ > [mb, nd, Ng]
b) /m, n, N/ + /r/ > [rd, rd, rd]
c) /m, n, N/ + /l/ > [ld, ld, ld]
d) /m, n, N/ + /v, D, j/ > [mb, nd, Ng]
e) /m, N/ + /t, s/ > [nt, ns]
f) /m, n/ + /k, x/ > [Nk, Nx]
g) /n, N/ + /p/ > [mp]
h) /r, l/ + /r, l/ > [rd, ld]
i) /r, l/ + /D/ > [rd, ld]
j) /p, t, k/ + /p, t, k/ > [pp, tt, kk]
k) /p, t, k, s/ + /x, v, D, j/ > [hh, hh, ss, hh]
1) This process affects fortis consonants and lenis plosives following a nasal, liquid or vowel.
2) It is triggered if the consonants in question form the onset of a closed syllable due to suffixation.
3) The gradation sequences are as follows:
a) /mp/ > /mb/ > /m/
b) /nt/ > /nd/ > /n/
c) /Nk/ > /Ng/ > /N/
d) /rp/ > /rv/
e) /rt/ > /rd/ > /r/
f) /rk/ > /rj/
g) /lp/ > /lv/
h) /lt/ > /ld/ > /ll/
i) /lk/ > /lj/
j) /pp/ > /p/ > /v/
k) /tt/ > /t/ > /D/
l) /kk/ > /k/ > /j/
m) /ss/ > /s/
n) /xx/ > /x/