Modern Phrygian: Difference between revisions

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====Latin orthography====
====Latin orthography====
! Letter !! Name !! IPA
| '''Α α''' || άλφα || [ˈalfa]
| '''Β β''' || βέτα || [ˈved̥a]
| '''Γ γ''' || γάμμα || [ˈɣama]
| '''Δ δ''' || δέλτα || [ˈðeld̥a]
| '''Ε ε''' || έμανου || [ˈemanu]
| '''Ζ ζ''' || ζέτα || [ˈzed̥a]
| '''Ζ̌ ζ̌''' || ζ̌έτα || [ˈʒed̥a]
| '''Η η''' || έτα || [ˈed̥a]
| '''Θ θ''' || θέτα || [ˈθed̥a]
| '''Ι ι''' || γιώτα || [ˈʝod̥a]
! Letter !! Name !! IPA
| '''Κ κ''' || κάππα || [ˈkapa]
| '''Λ λ''' || λάμπδα || [ˈlambða]
| '''Μ μ''' || μου || [mu]
| '''Ν ν''' || νου || [nu]
| '''Ξ ξ''' || ξι || [ksi]
| '''Ξ̌ ξ̌''' || ξ̌ι || [kʃi]
| '''Ο ο''' || όμανου || [ˈomanu]
| '''Π π''' || πι || [pi]
| '''Ρ ρ''' || ρο || [ro]
| '''Σ σ ς''' || σίγμα || [ˈsiŋma]
! Letter !! Name !! IPA
| '''Σ̌ σ̌ ς̌''' || σ̌ίγμα || [ˈʃiŋma]
| '''Τ τ''' || ταυ || [taf]
| '''Υ υ''' || ούψιλο || [ˈupsilο]
| '''Φ φ''' || φι || [fi]
| '''Χ χ''' || χι || [çi]
| '''Ψ ψ''' || ψι || [psi]
| '''Ψ̌ ψ̌''' || ψ̌ι || [pʃi]
| '''Ω ω''' || ωμέκα || [oˈmeɡ̊a]
The letters with carons ⟨σ̌, ζ̌, ξ̌, ψ̌⟩ can alternatively be written as multigraphs.
! rowspan="2"|With caron !! colspan=3| As multigraph
!before front vowel !! before back vowel !! word-finally or before consonant
| σ̌ || σχ || σχι || σχ
| ζ̌ || ζγ || ζγι || ζγ
| ξ̌ || ξχ || ξχι || ξχ
| ψ̌ || ψχ || ψχι || ψχ
{| class="wikitable"
|+ '''Consonants'''
! '''Letter'''
! '''Context'''
! [[Help:IPA|IPA]]
! '''Examples'''
! '''Remarks'''
| rowspan="2" | '''b'''
| after vowel or liquid
| [b̥]
| kitá'''b''' [ciˈta'''b̥'''] "book"
| after nasal; before voiced obstruent
| [b]
| kám'''b'''a [ˈkam'''b'''a] "worm"; e'''b'''damás [e'''b'''ðaˈmas] "week"
| c
| everywhere
| [ts]
| pí'''c'''a [ˈpi'''ts'''a] "pizza"
| č
| everywhere
| [tʃ]
| '''č''éteres [ˈ'''tʃ'''eteres] "four"
| rowspan="2" | d
| after vowel or liquid
| [d̥]
| pró'''d'''os [ˈpro'''d̥'''os] "first"
| after nasal; before voiced obstruent
| [d]
| án'''d'''ras [ˈan'''d'''ras] "(adult) man"
| ď
| everywhere
| [ð]
| '''ď'''úra [ˈ'''ð'''ura] "door"
| v
| everywhere
| [v]
| '''β'''εχ ['''v'''ex] "six"
| rowspan="4"| γ
| before front vowels ([e] or [i]).
| [ʝ]
| '''γ'''εν ['''ʝ'''en] "yen"
| before velar consonants ([ɡ] or [x]) or nasal consonants ([m] or [n])
| [ŋ]
| μά'''γ'''κο [ˈma'''ŋ'''go] "mango"; α'''γ'''νός [a'''ŋ'''ˈnos] "pure, chaste"
| This occurs when the following consonant is ⟨ξ⟩, ⟨ξ̌⟩, non-palatalized ⟨κ⟩ or ⟨χ⟩, ⟨μ⟩, or ⟨ν⟩.
| before palatal consonants ([ɟ] or [ç])
| [ɲ]
| α'''γ'''κινάρα [a'''ɲ'''ɟiˈnara] "artichoke"
| This occurs when the following consonant is palatalized ⟨κ⟩ or ⟨χ⟩.
| everywhere else
| [ɣ]
| '''γ'''αλκός ['''ɣ'''alˈɡ̊os] "copper"
| rowspan="2" | γγ
| before front vowel
| [ɲ]
| ά'''γγ'''ελος [ˈa'''ɲ'''elos] "angel"
| elsewhere
| [ŋ]
| ά'''γγ'''ουρο [ˈa'''ŋ'''uro] "cucumber"
| γι
| before vowels
| [ʝ]
| μα'''γι'''ά [maˈ'''ʝ'''a] "yeast"
| γγι
| before vowels
| [ɲ]
| πάρκκι'''γγι'''ους [ˈparci'''ɲ'''us] "parking (gen.)"
| ει
| after a consonant and before a vowel
| [ʝ]
| ζ
| everywhere
| [z]
| '''ζ'''εμελός ['''z'''emeˈlos] "man"
| ζ̌
| everywhere
| [ʒ]
| βρου'''ζ̌'''ικιά [vru'''ʒ'''iˈɟ̊a] "Phrygian"
| η
| after a consonant and before a vowel
| [ʝ]
| θ
| everywhere
| [θ]
| π'''θ'''ουγά [p'''θ'''uˈɣa] "fold"
| rowspan="3"| ι
| preceded by ⟨μ⟩ and followed by a vowel
| [ɲ]
| μ'''ι'''α [m'''ɲ'''a] "one (f.)"
| <!--⟨ι⟩ remains a vowel in these positions if it has a diaresis and/or an accent (i.e. ⟨ϊ, ί, ΐ⟩).
|preceded by an unvoiced consonant other than ⟨κ⟩ or ⟨χ⟩ and followed by a vowel
| [ç]
| ιμάτ'''ι'''ο [iˈmat'''ç'''o] "cloak"
| [tç] and [sç] may instead be pronounced [tʃ] and [ʃ] respectively.
|preceded by a voiced consonant other than ⟨γ⟩, ⟨λ⟩, ⟨μ⟩, or ⟨ν⟩ and followed by a vowel
| [ʝ]
| τρ'''ι'''α [tr'''ʝ'''a] "three (n.)"
| [dʝ] and [zʝ] may instead be pronounced [dʒ] and [ʒ] respectively.
| rowspan="7"| κ
| after vowel or liquid and before front vowel ([e] or [i]).
| [ɟ̊]
| κα'''κ'''οί [kaˈ'''ɟ̊'''i] "bad, harmful (pl.)"
| after vowel or liquid otherwise
| [ɡ̊]
| κα'''κ'''ός [kaˈ'''ɡ̊'''os] "bad, harmful"
| after nasal before front vowel
| [ɟ]
| αγ'''κ'''ινάρα [aɲ'''ɟ'''iˈnara] "artichoke"
| after nasal otherwise
| [ɡ]
| μάγ'''κ'''ο [ˈmaŋ'''ɡ'''o] "mango"
| before voiced obstruent
| [ɡ]
| ί'''κ'''δις [ˈi'''ɡ'''ðis] "mortar"
| otherwise before front vowel
| [c]
| '''κ'''ιττάπ ['''c'''iˈtab̥] "book"
| everywhere else
| [k]
| '''κ'''ακός ['''k'''aˈɡ̊os] "bad, harmful"
| rowspan="2" | κκ
| before front vowel
| [c]
| δί'''κκ'''οι [ˈði'''c'''i] "discs"
| otherwise
| [k]
| Μά'''κκ'''α [ˈma'''k'''a] "Makkah"
| rowspan="3"| κι
| after vowel or liquid and before a vowel
| [ɟ̊]
| βρουζ̌ι'''κι'''ά [vruʒiˈ'''ɟ̊'''a] "Phrygian"
| after nasal before a vowel
| [ɟ]
| άγ'''κι'''ο [ˈaɲ'''ɟ'''o] "cup"
| otherwise before a vowel
| [c]
| '''κι'''ουριακό ['''c'''urʝaˈɡ̊o] "mosque"
| κκι
| before a vowel
| [c]
| ί'''κκι'''ο [ˈi'''c'''o] "horse"
| λ(λ)
| everywhere
| [l]
| ά'''λ'''φα [ˈa'''l'''fa] "alpha"
| λ(λ)ι
| before a vowel
| [ʎ]
| ζέ'''λλι'''α [ˈzeʎa] "thousand"
| μ(μ)
| everywhere
| [m]
| ζε'''μ'''ελός [ze'''m'''eˈlos] "man"
| rowspan="2"| ν
| non-final
| [n]
| ό'''ν'''ομαν [ˈo'''n'''omã] "name"
| final
| [-̃, ɰ̃]
| όνομ'''αν''' [ˈonom'''ã'''] "name"
| Nasalizes the preceding vowel.
| νν
| everywhere
| [n]
| μά'''νν'''α [ˈma'''n'''a] "manna"
| ν(ν)ι
| before a vowel
| [ɲ]
| χαλαππέ'''νι'''ο [xalaˈpe'''ɲ'''o] "jalapeño"
| ξ
| everywhere
| [ks]
| '''ξ'''ούλο [ˈ'''ks'''ulo] "tree"
| ξ̌
| everywhere
| [kʃ]
| '''ξ̌'''έκκια [ˈ'''kʃ'''eca] "larger mosque where Friday prayer is established (جامع)"
| οι
| after a consonant and before a vowel
| [ʝ]
| ου
| word-initial before a vowel or between vowels
| [w]
| '''Ου'''ίντζορ [ˈ'''w'''indzor] "Windsor"
| <!--⟨ου⟩ remains a vowel in this circumstance if it has an accent (i.e. ⟨ού⟩).-
| otherwise
| [p]
| '''π'''ρώτος [ˈ'''p'''rod̥os] "first"
| ππ
| everywhere
| [p]
| κά'''ππ'''αρις [ˈka'''p'''aris] "caper"
| ρ(ρ)
| everywhere
| [r ~ ɾ]
| κάππα'''ρ'''ις [ˈkapa'''r'''is] "caper"
| In free variation.
| σ(σ)
| everywhere
| [s]
| το'''ς''' [to'''s'''] "the (m. nom. sg.)"
| otherwise
| [t]
| '''τ'''ος ['''t'''os] "the"
| ττ
| everywhere
| [t]
| ά'''ττ'''α [ˈa'''t'''a] "father"
| τζ
| [dz]
| '''τζ'''αν'''τζ'''άρα ['''dz'''anˈ'''dz'''ara] "mosquito"
| τζ̌
| [dʒ]
| άν'''τζ̌'''αρος [ˈan'''dʒ'''aros] "messenger"
| rowspan="3" | υ
| after ⟨α⟩, ⟨ε⟩, or ⟨η⟩ and before a nasal consonant
| [m]
| ενε'''υ'''νάνα [ene'''m'''ˈnana] "ninety"
| after ⟨α⟩, ⟨ε⟩, or ⟨η⟩ and word-final or before a voiceless consonant
| [f]
| τα'''υ''' [ta'''f'''] "tau"
| after ⟨α⟩, ⟨ε⟩, or ⟨η⟩ otherwise
| [v]
| με'''ύ'''ος [ˈme'''v'''os] "mine"
| φ
| everywhere
| [f]
| '''φ'''υσικά ['''f'''isiˈɡ̊a] "physics"
| rowspan="2"| χ
| before front vowel
| [ç]
| '''χ'''εμικιός ['''ç'''emiˈɟ̊os] "chemist"
| otherwise
| [x]
| '''χ'''άλβα [ˈ'''x'''alva] "halwa"
| χι
| before vowel
| [ç]
| '''χι'''ούμορ [ˈ'''ç'''umor] "humour"
| ψ
| everywhere
| [ps]
| '''ψ'''ουγά ['''ps'''uˈɣa] "mind"
| everywhere
| [pʃ]
| '''ψ̌'''έμαν [ˈ'''pʃ'''emã] "soul"
*Voiced and partially voiced stops/affricates are allophones of the same phoneme in the standard language, with the fully voiced forms occurring after nasals and the partially voiced forms occurring otherwise. However, they have been distinguished here because some dialects keep them as separate phonemes.-->
{| class="wikitable"
|+ Monophthong Vowels
! Letter
! [[Help:IPA|IPA]]
! Examples !! Remarks
| a
| style="text-align:center;"|[a]
| '''a'''krós ['''a'''ˈɡ̊ros] "field"
| Actually closer to [ä].
| e
| style="text-align:center;" | [e]
| v'''é'''gos [ˈv'''e'''ɡ̊os] "bread"; v'''é'''na [ˈv'''e'''na] "hyena"
| Actually closer to [e̞].
| ι
| style="text-align:center;"|[i]
| m'''i'''ďós [m'''i'''ˈðos] "wage"; mať'''i'''mad'''i'''gá [maθ'''i'''mad̥'''i'''ˈɡ̊a] "mathematics"; f'''i'''s'''i'''gá [f'''i'''s'''i'''ˈɡ̊a]; '''í'''r'''i''' [ˈ'''i'''r'''i'''] "children"; m'''í'''as'''i'''s [ˈm'''i'''as'''i'''s] "myiasis"
| ο
| style="text-align:center;"|[o]
| '''ó'''n'''o'''man [ˈ'''o'''n'''o'''mã] "name"; pr'''ó'''d'''o'''s [ˈpr'''o'''d̥'''o'''s] "first"
| Actually closer to [o̞].
| u
| style="text-align:center;"|[u]
| k'''ú'''ra [ˈk'''u'''ra] "girl"
=====Diphthongs and hiatus=====
Falling diphthongs are formed by following a non-high vowel with a high vowel.
The following falling diphthongs are possible: ''ai, au, ei, eu, oi, ou''.
Vowels in hiatus may equivalently be pronounced as rising diphthongs provided that the first vowel is a high vowel.
Primary stress is always indicated in multisyllabic words via an acute accent.
When a syllable with a diphthong is stressed, the accent is written on the nucleus of the diphthong (i.e. the first vowel letter).
