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Researcher: Tumyan cual, secxauc’ coil a Dave. Xen cozen hej?
(Good day, I call myself Dave. What’s yours?)
{Hi, my name’s Dave. What’s yours?}
Tauxa: Hm?
Researcher: Xen cozxauc’iý?
{What are you called?}
(What's your name?)
Tauxa: Tauxa, xen je?
(Tauxa, why?)
Researcher: Cuoj Tauxa, xen cozú xad?
{Tauxa, what do you eat?}
(Tauxa, what are you eating?)
Tauxa: C’en ūts? Secréuaziý ih xen āhcozuc’.
(Can this wait? I'm busy in case you didn’t notice)
Researcher: U xen, xen secréuaz, í āhcual āhiubi. Xen cozú xad?
{Oh no, I don’t hold, but it’s good for checking. What do you eat?}
(Oh no I’m not busy, but thanks for checking. What are you eating?)
Tauxa: Cual, corxauc xec hez’i xil ih xad je uc’ āhñéz. Ji secú ún’ei v’ual xemux.
(Alright, I'll talk to you for a bit if it means you'll go away. I'm eating spicy coconut noodles.)
Researcher: Ū ún’ei v’ual xemux, ez’e hiandoc’ cual! Xen cumeýu xad eý?
{(Oo spicy coconut noodles, good deciding! Where did you buy it?}
(Oo spicy coconut noodles, good choice! Where did you buy it?)
Tauxa: Aul’ heit hej eý, cuoj c’uayud
(The stall right behind you, dumbass.)
Researcher: Securzi, xen xauii xad “c’uayud”?
(Sorry, what does "dumbass" mean?)
Tauxa: Xauii “úu aidi”. Uc’ secr'ūñoax āhxauc’ jutxux “c’uayud” āhñéi hez’i muz.
(It means "great friend". I'd suggest calling everyone “dumbass” to make a good first impression.)
Researcher: Cozcual āhcozr'ūñoax je, cuoj c’uayud!
{Thank you for suggesting, dumbass!}
(Thanks for the advice, dumbass!)
Tauxa: Seccuz.
(No problem.)
Researcher: Xen cozen xad xenuz, cuoj Tauxa?
(Where are you from, Tauxa?)
Tauxa: Jen’um xare nid’. Seccual lai secñéi jál āhmaují je.
(The west side of the city. I like to come here for the peace and quiet.)
Researcher: Note to self: currently in Yàrguv.
Tauxa: Xen cohxauc xad?
(Who are you talking to?)
Researcher: U coil jál ē… xeíad jál ne.
(Oh just myself with this uh… box.)
Tauxa: R’ūño cuder.
(That explains a lot.)
Researcher: Note to self: find a way to explain the word “recorder”.
Researcher: Xen un’ xad?
(What was that?)
Tauxa: Xen’.
Researcher: U cual, securiadz’i āhr’ūño jutxux jál eý. Í āl, xen corxeý coreuax jux?
(Oh yes, I'd love if you explained everything here. But first, did you have any questions for me?)
Tauxa: Cual, cozñéi cudi ñéi xad xenuz? Xen sehuc’ il cou xil xem jenz’i cuder cuder, xen xuc’z’i cou éād' eý?
(Yeah, where the hell'd you come from? I've never seen someone so short and pale and sweaty, is that what people look like in the mountains?)
Researcher: Jernexuñ āhsecxauc’ “Ohio” muj āhsecxauc’ “America” eý.
(A province called "Ohio" in a land called "America".)
Tauxa: “Emirice”, muj jál xad eý? cozur, xen secxeý secc’uai.
(“America”, where’s this land? Actually nevermind, I don't wanna know.)
Researcher: Aíún'...
Tauxa: Secxauc xen āhsecxeý secc’uai.
(I said I don't wanna know.)
Researcher: Cual, ez’e euax ej: xen cucual cumeýu jál eý úd’ xad ej?
(Okay, another question: what other foods do you like to buy here?)
Tauxa: Iyxec iyxec jál, āhsén réú eý. Jir’ univzi āhcoznei ih miun corcoxiatxer ej.
(This stall only sells one thing, and that's what’s in my hands. It's getting cold so hurry up unless you’re buying me another.)
Researcher: Securzi, secc’ualjí xare ej jutxux ne. Ej cual āhcorxec xec, í seccoxiatxer úd’ coil, xen cozcoxiatxer.
{Sorry, I hoped for around the rest of the city. Also thank you for being so generous, but I’ll pay for my food, you don’t need to pay for it.}
(Sorry, I meant around the rest of the city. Also thank you for being so generous, but I’ll pay for my food, you don’t need to pay for it.)
Tauxa: Cuj muz í un’ muzue ýemdi ūtsad nid’ riyxiyan jál xenuz ih āhcumayauxax. Xad ej coz syen ih cozr’u lec’ad xenuz xenuz āhcozeu xad cual hej.
(I guess there’s a new sweet-trunk place about a riyxiyan from here if that’s what you’re looking for. Other than that I’m sure if you go any direction far away you’ll find something you like.)
Researcher: Cozcual. Secuc’ āhcoriyn ne dabu yanxad teuil nil xen n’eád’, c’ez uc’ āhcozyaují, cual?
(Thank you. I see you have a horn spoon and bowl with no ornamentations, so that must mean you're poor, yes?)
Tauxa: Cual socxenūrax.
(Thanks for reminding me.)
Researcher: Seccuz, cuoj c’uayud. Ez’e euax jutxux ej: xen coríún’ m’éyan xad?
{No problem, dumbass. Last question: what’s your superstition?}
(No problem, dumbass. One last question: what religion do you practice?)
Tauxa: Xen corc’uai ez’e xauii he.
(I'm not sure what you mean.)
Researcher: Xen cormiuei yañ’an ne?
{What gods do you farm with?}
(What gods do you worship?)
Tauxa: Jál eý ez’e jutxux ne, í xen secuc’zi āhúinezats m’éyan nu.
(Same ones as most everyone else around here, but I don't see what that has to do with superstition.)
Researcher: Secuc’, nez xauc āh-…
(I see, so would you say that…)
Tauxa: Ez’e euax jutxux ej, ez’e noc’uj jutxux ej. Cohréuaý ej.
(Last question, so last answer. Go annoy someone else.)
Researcher: Coznoc’uj í noc’uj ej euax hez’i heit…
(Actually you answered another question after…)
Tauxa: Cuoj cozñéz cormezax āl.
(Leave before I make you.)

=Original dad jokes=
=Original dad jokes=
