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Camalanàbha (Modern Padmanábha: /'kæm.l̩.'niə.b̥e/) or Camalapradhàna is a Camalic language inspired by Sanskrit. It is a major source of loans in Bhadhagha.


Camalanàbha should be conservative

PCam -oi, -ia > e, -e > -0, -o > a?, -oyi, -oyī > -aì

e o > a á (stealing from actual Sanskrit diachronics somewhat)


  • ghamh-, ghaomh-, ghumh, ghuamh- = to be (like Irish )
    • prefixed to verbs for the progressive aspect, like Aramaic qa
  • seao- = self
  • seaoghamh = self-existing
  • seaoghamhsa = universe, nature
  • libhe "to want"
  • Camalanàbha = Camalic language
  • sthàna, stha = (you polite pronoun)
  • stèbhana = country
  • sra(n)- = agentive
  • sraimh = person
  • èngh = to create
  • sandhacht = to specialize
  • bhadha = sea
  • gha = edge
  • evad = cat
  • sphùrta = curiosity
  • prathama = red
  • antima = violet
  • phrùmlach = dulcimer
  • saphalatà = pasta guitar
  • sumucha = flute
  • bhishe = big
  • sava = island
  • vaonda = cave
  • creaobh = sleep
  • lèdhamh = concept, idea
  • dheaona = color
  • sthàma = fury
  • -adh = forms adverbs
  • abh(i)- = -ful
  • pari(n)- = -less, un-
  • gustav = king
  • rughach = love
  • gangà = river
  • cofh = sky
  • sthusha = cloud
  • dhàrana = rain
  • laesh = snow
  • seoraì = hail
  • uabhtha = moon
  • ètha = sun
  • abhiatha = sunny
  • mhinna = star
  • bhèda = flame
  • sandarbha = to end
  • darbha = end
  • paridarbha = endless
  • pàridarbhav = infinity
  • sambhatsara = to burst
  • àsthàpa = world
  • pratisthàpana = (spinning) top
  • sansthàpana = to set in motion
  • aemhush = ant
  • dhaolba = fly (insect)
  • samasta = moth
  • vàrutha = spider
  • gathsha = beetle
  • pralaobha = larva
  • uarimh = yellowjacket
  • duvar = hawk
  • sepach = eagle
  • mhaedhas = robin
  • sancasrita = to nest
  • dàcha = duck
  • scòbhar = bluejay
  • sthambha = crow
  • gaocha = raven
  • simhiùl = heron
  • snuathrilach = elephant
  • nàlach = swan
  • sphiamh = fly (verb)
  • badhan = swim
  • apròsha = drive (verb)
  • mangala = exit (verb)
    • Mangalàsàsana = Brexit
  • suprabhàta = courtyard
  • nasa = space
  • vinàsa = to enlarge
  • tràna = hope
  • paritràna = hopeless
  • tleao = window
  • dhùrva = to twist
  • sruchal = to drag
  • bhreodh = street
  • om... = um...
  • ghlaev = load
  • dremhach = north
  • rushv = west
  • vaolèr = east
  • tiana = south
  • sthama = black


srutabòdha; pradhàna; pràrambha; pratimanthana; pratibimba

Mèghadùta, Cumàrasambhava, Ritusamhàra, Càlidàsa?

Scèashar Tàbha: a fictional explorer, like Robinson Crusoe?



p ph b bh t th d dh c ch g gh m mh n l r v s sh h (mh sounds like Sanskrit m with underdot)

a e i o u à è ì ò ù ao ae ia ua aì eo èa eà eao iu iù oì uì


Camalic uses a native writing system called Camalabhadra. It's a Brahmic-style abugida with separate letters for unaspirated and aspirated consonants.


Camalanàbha is an agglutinative, ergative, head-final language.

The three core cases are absolutive, ergative, dative, and genitive. Other morphological cases arise from a suffixed preposition on one of these three cases, and many more "case" markers exist that are not morphological cases (read: postpositions).

  • nàbha 'speech (abs)'
  • nàbhala 'speech (erg)'
  • nàbhe 'speech (dat)'
  • nàbhaì 'speech (gen)'
  • sraimh 'person (abs)'
  • sraimhal 'person (erg)'
  • sraimhi 'person (dat)'
  • sraimhì 'person (gen)'

Plurals are formed by -ava or -àna.

Cognates in Skézaric

ǫ ę ǫ̈ = /ɔ ɛ œ/, acute = long vowel

  • náp Gamal = Camalic language
  • stépan = country
  • sra- = agentive
  • sreŋ = person
  • ík = to create -> to make -> to do
  • santaid = to specialize
  • pat = sea -> water -> drink
  • ka = edge -> cliff
  • evad = cat
  • fúrd = curiosity
  • braδam = green
  • vrúmla = dulcimer
  • savlada = pasta guitar
  • sumu = flute
  • koz = big (randomly changed)
  • sav = island
  • vǫ́nd = cave
  • grǫ́b = sleep
  • lítaŋ = concept, idea
  • tö́n = color
  • θám = fury
  • -ek = forms adverbs
  • pi = full of
  • bar = without
  • stab = king (shortened from *custab)
  • rǘka = love
  • kaŋ = river
  • gov = sky
  • θuz = cloud
  • táran = rain
  • lę́d = snow
  • sö́ri = hail
  • uavaδ = moon
  • éδ = sun
  • apiδ = sunny
  • ŋin = star
  • pét = flame
  • santarp = to end
  • tarp = end
  • bar tarp = without end
  • bartarpav = infinity
  • sampatsar = to burst
  • aθab = world
  • radiθab = (spinning) top
  • sanθab = to set in motion
  • ę́ŋuz = ant
  • tǫ́lb = fly (insect)
  • samast = moth
  • váruδ = spider
  • caδaz = beetle
  • ralö́p = larva (the prefix pra- always becomes ra-)
  • füariŋ = yellowjacket
  • tuvar = hawk
  • seba = eagle
  • ŋétaz = robin
  • saŋgasrid = to nest
  • tá = duck
  • skópar = bluejay
  • kǫ́ = raven
    • kǫ́δasan = nevermore
  • θamp = crow
  • sŋǘl = heron
  • snuaδrila = elephant
  • nála = swan
  • fiaŋ = fly (verb)
  • patan = swim
  • abróz = drive (verb) (or should it be bróz?)
  • maŋkal = exit (verb)
  • surapád = courtyard
  • nas = space
  • vinás = to enlarge
  • drán = hope
  • bar drán = hopeless
  • dlǫ̈́ = window
  • túrav = to twist
  • srúl = to drag
  • prid = street
  • clę́b = load
  • treŋa = north
  • ruzab = west
  • vǫ́lir = east
  • dian = south