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There are four modal particles:
* ''era'': potential, indicates a possibility or an ability
* ''pin'': obligative, indicates an obligation
* ''pot'': necessitive, indicates a necessity
* ''hai'': optative, indicates a wish

===Speaker's opinion===
===Speaker's opinion===

Revision as of 14:20, 3 September 2017

Erai Pe Andaidu tod te nok naito. Lino Berulan te nok naito ama ama Andaidu tod, wati tod dabai rêai.

There is a lot of dialectal variation, to the point that it is unclear whether Kunesian is one language or nine. In any case, this description focuses mostly on the standard variety which is based on the coastal dialects.



Broadly speaking, Kunesian has these consonants:

Labial Dental Palatal Velar Uvular
Nasal m n ŋ
Stop Voiceless p t k q
Voiced b d g
Affricate Voiceless t͡s
Voiced d͡z ɟ͡ʝ
Fricative ɸ s, θ, (ɬ) x~χ
Approximant β (ð) l ɰ
Rhotic r

The actual number of consonants is considerably larger as most of these "broad" consonant phonemes have several variants, also known as the "narrow" consonants. The exact inventory of narrow consonants varies considerably between different dialects, but in Standard Kunesian:

  • Voiceless stops distinguish aspirated and non-aspirated variants word-initially.
  • Every consonant except /q/, /ɟ͡ʝ/ and the rhotics has a palatalised version.
    • Voiceless stops, particularly the aspirated ones, become affricates when palatalised. These are transcribed as [p͡ç t͡ɕ c͡ç] respectively. /g/ also becomes and affricate and merges with /ɟ͡ʝ/.
    • The palatalised variants of /n/ and /ŋ/ merge as [ɲ].
    • The palatalised variants of /l/ and /ɰ/ are [ʎ] and [j] respectively.
  • Like all other varieties of Kunesian, it does not have all three of /θ ð ɬ/, and like all coastal dialects, it merges /ɬ/ with /θ/ and /ð/ with /l/.
  • Between vowels, the only rhotic is [ɾ].

Consonant clusters only appear between vowels. The following ones are possible:

  • Nasal + stop. The nasal is always pronounced at the same POA as the following stop.
  • /r/ + coronal consonant. These clusters are realised as retroflex consonants, often preceded by a faint [ɻ].
  • [ɾχ] and its palatalised variant [ɾç].
  • [st] and its palatalised variant [ɕt͡ɕ], which, especially in colloquial speech, is often realised as [ɕː].

Word finally, only the basic variants of /m n ŋ p t k q ɸ s θ ɬ x l/ appear. The word-final consonant which is realised as /x/ in Standard Kunesian is realised as a rhotic in some other varieties.


In stressed syllables, the following monophthongs occur:

Front Cenral Back
Unrounded Rounded Unrounded Rounded
Close i y ~ ʉ ɨ ~ ɯ u
Mid ɛ ~ e œ ~ ø ʌ ~ ɤ ɔ ~ o
Near-open æ
Open a

In addition, there are three stressed diphthongs: /aɨ̯/, /ei̯/ and /ɔɨ̯/.

In unstressed syllables, only /ɐ e ɨ ʊ/ and sometimes /əɨ̯/ occur. However, /əɨ̯/ merges with /ɨ/ for some speakers.


Most Kunesian words are stressed on the first syllable, but a few are stressed on the second instead. The stressed syllable can have either a high or a low tone, and in addition each word may be pronounced with either modal or creaky voice. While phonation applies to a word as a whole, unstressed syllables tend to be pronounced with a medium tone regardless of what tone the stressed syllable has.



Without twisting the truth too much, this can be called a mess.


Classifying particles

Nouns may be followed by a classifying particle. In principle any noun may be used with any particle, though many combinations have lexicalised meanings, as is shown by the following examples:

  • erai "word" > Erai Pe "Kunesian"
  • abok "root" > abok itu "carrot"
  • dsile "sky" > dsile nô "roof"

In addition, some nouns exclusively, or almost exclusively, occur with one particular particle, such as gâlo kem "poison", with just gâlo being ungrammatical outside the phrase gâlo nênte "to poison".


Plurals can be marked by the particle ti. Frequently it is combined with the classifier tai. Plural marking is not obligatory and is generally used either to stress that one is talking about a large group, or as a collective.

ti potrai tai
/t͡ɕí pʌ̀ʈɨ tʰáɨ̯/
PL house CL(many)
houses, many houses, a village

Relational particles

To indicate a noun's relationship to another one, Kunesian uses relational particles. Some of the most important relational particles and their uses are:

  • li: possession, focus on possessed rather than possessor.
    • potrai mela li: the man's house
  • du: possession, focus on possessor rather than possessed.
    • mela potrai du: the man who has a house
  • me: the last noun is an important part of the first one.
    • potrai nipit me: house with books = library
  • to: the last thing is located inside the first one.
    • mura rente to: a forest with monkeys
  • kim: the first thing is inside the last.
    • rente mura kim: a monkey in the forest
  • anku: the two nouns refer to the same.
    • mela kusto anku: the man who is a liar



Person Singular Plural
Inclusive Exclusive
1st no, naik ninke, lâm bunai, pod
2nd pas, paik nili, paik
3rd kai, te enni, ten
4th nuro laite
All tola
Some kosse
No(ne) pige
Interrogative suk
Demonstrative ama

When two forms are given, the first one is the subject form and the second one the object form.

The fourth person refers to things not mentioned earlier in the sentence, but only if there already is a third person. Compare:

No te tânku.
/nʌ́ t͡ɕé tà̰ŋkɨ/
I hit him.
Kai te tânku.
/kʰáɨ̯ t͡ɕé tà̰ŋkɨ/
He hits himself.
Kai nuro tânku.
/kʰáɨ̯ nɯ́ɾɐ tà̰ŋkɨ/
3SG.SUBJ 3SG hit
He hits him (someone else).

All pronouns can be used either independently or adjectivally. When a personal pronoun is used adjectivally, it is possessive.

Te and ten may be placed after a noun or a non-personal pronoun to indicate that it is the object. This is particularly common when the object has been fronted or when there is no overt subject.

Numa and nuq

Numa and nuq are pronouns which refer to place and time respectively. They can be combined with the other pronouns to form combinations such as pige numa "nowhere" or ama nuq "then". When used alone, they tend to mean something like "here" and "now", though the exact meaning depends on the context.



Kunesian uses a duodecimal number system. The numbers 1-12 are:

  1. son
  2. pon
  3. tara
  4. naike
  5. ogat
  6. sinai
  7. tirai
  8. oras
  9. korotan
  10. sentil
  11. mese
  12. irek

Larger numbers are expressed as twelves - irek - units:

  • irek ogat = 17 (12 + 5)
  • tara irek sinai = 42 (3 * 12 + 6)

The powers of twelve are pinai (144), belu (1728) and ilarai (20736).


The verbal complex consists of at least one verb and a number of particles which indicate tense, aspect, mood, evidentiality and the speaker's opinion. The general formula for the verb complex is:

  • Evidentiality
  • Tense/aspect I
  • Verb root(s)
  • Tense/aspect II
  • Mood
  • Speaker's opinion


There are three evidential particles: akai (inferential), namai (belief; the word is identical to the word for "think") and palai (hearsay).

Ku naik jêtte mapot era. Te akai ne saiku ku.
/kɯ́ nɯ́k ɟ͡ʝèt͡ɕe mápɐt ǽɾɐ. t͡ɕé ákɨ ɲé sɔ́ɨ̯kʊ kɯ́/
NEG 1SG.OBJ bike find can / 3SG.OBJ INFER TEL steal PST
I can't find my bike. It must have been stolen.
Mura tod kai namai molas.
/mɯ́ɾɐ tʰʌ̀ kʰáɨ̯ námɨ mʌ́lɐs/
forest CL(place) 3SG.SUBJ think be
I think he's in the forest.
Rente tola ti pinokas lâm li palai ne peste ku.
/ræ̰̀nt͡ɕe tʰʌ́lɐ t͡ɕí p͡çɯ̰́kɐs làm ʎí pʰálɨ ɲé p͡çèɕːe kɯ́/
monkey all PL banana 1PL.INCL.OBJ of HS TEL eat PST
They say a monkey ate all our bananas.

Tense and aspect

Tense and aspect are marked by a variety of particles, some of which come before the verb and some after it. The particles that come before the verb are:

  • ne: telic, indicates an action with a defined endpoint
  • tad: habitual, indicates a habit
  • es: dynamic, indicates a change
  • nok: gnomic, indicates general facts
  • se: momentane, indicates something which was done exactly once
  • nhi: repetitive, indicates a repeated action

The particles that come after the verb are:

  • mai: present
  • ku: past perfective
  • kju: past imperfective
  • lai: past inceptive
  • tire: future

Each verb may have one particle of either type, though for obvious reasons some combinations of tense/aspect particles are more common that others. A few specific combinations deserve extra attention:

  • es ... ku: this indicates the end of an action, as opposed to es ... lai, which marks the beginning.
  • nok ... mai: this combination means "already". Apart from this combination, nok is always used without post-verbal tense particle.

Note that all of these particles are optional and that they are normally left out when several consecutive verbs have the same tense and aspect.


There are four modal particles:

  • era: potential, indicates a possibility or an ability
  • pin: obligative, indicates an obligation
  • pot: necessitive, indicates a necessity
  • hai: optative, indicates a wish

Speaker's opinion

Compound verbs

Word order

Complex sentences
