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||-Cof || *yofön || to enjoy || Pennofpábef motéba. 'I enjoy writing my mother.'
||-Cof || *yofön || to enjoy || Pennofpábef motéba. 'I enjoy writing my mother.'
Another category of co-verb suffixes are directional and local suffixes. These suffixes are different to the ones mentioned before for two reasons:
1. they convey spatial / directional meanings;
2. they do not combine with the last consonant by lenghtening it.
3. their vowels differ depending if a local reference is meant (-o- / locative), a direction (-i- / accusative [directive]) or the original of a movement (-e- [-ä- in the northern dialect] / dative / exlative.
They lengthen the vowel of the verbal stem.
Celestial directions:
{| class="bluetable lightbluebg"
!meaning !! direction !! suffix !! example sentence
|| north || nol || -nVl- || Goolnilémz.  'The men have gone north.'
|| south || sul || -sVl- || Düvlorfüpó fliitseláapsayàel sóals. 'Each year, the swallows come from the south in spring.'
|| west || ves || -vVs- || Goolvisös! 'Go west!'
|| east || lof || -lVf- [-lVs- south/east] || Püükneeflofsáapš. 'They speak slowly in the east."
Spatial elements can also be included:
{| class="bluetable lightbluebg"
!meaning !! direction !! suffix !! example sentence
|| above || löp- || -lVp- || Köömlepáp räníid. 'A spider is coming from above.'
|| down || don- || -dVn- || Siindinzȁn Atlantíis nimmelí. 'Atlantis sank in the sea [downwards].'
|| front || föf- || -fVf || Faanbetkȁmib tiirfifkȁmibee. 'He caught me from right behind and pulled me to the front.
|| behind || bäk- || -bVk || Goolbikarsös

