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Чӏигьтӏуъ! Ынуъс Кьӏа̄тӏигъ Мытӏӣс сытӏәнцӏкьиды жаваб сә тӏырӣ суӏә̄линытиъ мэ̄ дӯтӏуъ, диркӏитӏиъчӏрэ̄ ракъис итӏэрисәс.
Суӏә̄линыс мэ̄ екӏэнтӏуъ, саккъӏ кьӏа̄тӏитиъ. Ми нииттӏ тӏыттӏ.
Чӏусы ниминсы тӏо гӯътӏ?
Ниминсы мәс Sir Lancelot of Camelot-әсы.
Чӏусы пуе̄сы тӏо гӯътӏ?
Вит Граал Чӏвәнтӏ диркӏтӏә.
Чӏусы рәнгэ̄сы кирмиънэ̄сы тӏо га̄йтӏ?
Руктӏ. Синттӏуъдэ.
О̄, шукрән. Шукрән хин.
Гӯътӏ са̄д!
Чӏигьтӏуъ! Ынуъс Кьӏа̄тӏигъ Мытӏӣс сытӏәнцӏкьиды жаваб сә тӏырӣ суӏә̄линытиъ мэ̄ дӯтӏуъ, диркӏитӏиъчӏрэ̄ ракъис итӏэрисәс.
Суӏә̄линыс мэ̄ екӏэнтӏуъ, саккъӏ кьӏа̄тӏитиъ. Ми нииттӏ тӏыттӏ.
Чӏусы ниминсы тӏо гӯътӏ?
Sir Robin of Camelot-әсы.
Чӏусы пуе̄сы тӏо гӯътӏ?
Вит Граал Чӏвәнтӏ диркӏтӏә.
Чӏусы па̄йтәхтэ̄сы Әшшӯрә̄ёс га̄йтӏ?
Ми сә нивӣцӏ! А̄А̄А̄А̄А̄А̄А̄А̄А̄А̄А̄А̄А̄А̄А̄А̄А̄!
Stop! Who would cross the Bridge of Death must answer me these questions three, ere the other side he see.
Ask me the questions, bridge-keeper. I'm not afraid.
What is your name?
My name is Sir Lancelot of Camelot.
What is your quest?
To seek the Holy Grail.
What is your favorite color?
Right. Off you go.
Oh, thank you. Thank you very much.
That's easy!
Stop! Who approaches the Bridge of Death must answer me these questions three, ere the other side he see.
Ask me the questions, bridge-keeper. I'm not afraid.
What is your name?
Sir Robin of Camelot.
What is your quest?
To seek the Holy Grail.
What is the capital of Assyria?
I don't know that! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
===Translations of Yambot text===
===Translations of Yambot text===
