Chlouvānem/Phonology: Difference between revisions

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The three non-central diphthong qualities - /aɪ̯ eɪ̯ aʊ̯/ - are mostly stable across different regions; the main tendences are to front /aɪ̯/ and back /aʊ̯/. In most of the Jade Coast, /aʊ̯/ is realized with a more closed nucleus, as [ɐʊ̯], or backed as [ɑʊ̯], the former being prevalent in the inland part and the latter in the coastal part; both are found in intermediate areas, such as the whole area of Lake Lūlunīkam; on the coast northeast of it, in and around Līlta and Taitepamba, it is backed and rounded to [ɒʊ̯]. The backed [ɑʊ̯] realization is also common in the Northern Far East and in the Near East, while rounded [ɒʊ̯] or even [ɔʊ̯] are found in the Southern Far East.
The three non-central diphthong qualities - {{IPA|/aɪ̯ eɪ̯ aʊ̯/}} - are mostly stable across different regions; the main tendences are to front {{IPA|/aɪ̯/}} and back {{IPA|/aʊ̯/}}. In most of the Jade Coast, {{IPA|/aʊ̯/}} is realized with a more closed nucleus, as {{IPA|[ɐʊ̯]}}, or backed as {{IPA|[ɑʊ̯]}}, the former being prevalent in the inland part and the latter in the coastal part; both are found in intermediate areas, such as the whole area of Lake Lūlunīkam; on the coast northeast of it, in and around Līlta and Taitepamba, it is backed and rounded to {{IPA|[ɒʊ̯]}}. The backed {{IPA|[ɑʊ̯]}} realization is also common in the Northern Far East and in the Near East, while rounded {{IPA|[ɒʊ̯]}} or even {{IPA|[ɔʊ̯]}} are found in the Southern Far East.
: ''mauši'' "Calémerian bergamot" /maʊ̯ɕi/ – Std. [mäʊ̯ɕi], Līl. [mɐʊ̯ɕi~mɑʊ̯ɕi], Lṭh. [mɑʊ̯ɕi], Līt. [mɒʊ̯ʃi], Cam. [mɑʊ̯ɕi], Lkn. [mɔʊ̯ʃi]
: ''mauši'' "Calémerian bergamot" {{IPA|/maʊ̯ɕi/}} – Std. {{IPA|[mäʊ̯ɕi]}}, Līl. {{IPA|[mɐʊ̯ɕi~mɑʊ̯ɕi]}}, Lṭh. {{IPA|[mɑʊ̯ɕi]}}, Līt. {{IPA|[mɒʊ̯ʃi]}}, Cam. {{IPA|[mɑʊ̯ɕi]}}, Lkn. {{IPA|[mɔʊ̯ʃi]}}

/aɪ̯/ is fronted to [æɪ̯] in virtually all of the Chlouvānem-speaking world except for most of the Plain and of the Jade Coast (Līlasuṃghāṇa and Taitepamba being the only major areas there where fronting occusrs). In some areas of the South (notably in Kælšamīṇṭa), it is merged with /eɪ̯/ as [e̞ɪ̯] or even [ɛɪ̯]. When word-final and unstressed, as commonly occuring as a plural marker, most of the Southern Far East reduces it to [ɛ].
{{IPA|/aɪ̯/}} is fronted to {{IPA|[æɪ̯]}} in virtually all of the Chlouvānem-speaking world except for most of the Plain and of the Jade Coast (Līlasuṃghāṇa and Taitepamba being the only major areas there where fronting occurs). In some areas of the South (notably in Kælšamīṇṭa), it is merged with {{IPA|/eɪ̯/}} as {{IPA|[e̞ɪ̯]}} or even {{IPA|[ɛɪ̯]}}. When word-final and unstressed, as commonly occuring as a plural marker, most of the Southern Far East reduces it to {{IPA|[ɛ]}}.
: ''maita'' "river" /maɪ̯tä/ – Std. [mäɪ̯tä], Līl. [mæɪ̯tɐ], Lṭh. [maɪ̯tɐ], Klš. [me̞ɪ̯tä], Hiy. [maɪ̯tä~maɪ̯tɐ], Cam., Ytc., Lkn. [mæɪ̯tä]
: ''maita'' "river" {{IPA|/maɪ̯tä/}} – Std. {{IPA|[mäɪ̯tä]}}, Līl. {{IPA|[mæɪ̯tɐ]}}, Lṭh. {{IPA|[maɪ̯tɐ]}}, Klš. {{IPA|[me̞ɪ̯tä]}}, Hiy. {{IPA|[maɪ̯tä~maɪ̯tɐ]}}, Cam., Ytc., Lkn. {{IPA|[mæɪ̯tä]}}
: ''maitai'' "rivers" /maɪ̯taɪ̯/ – Std. [mäɪ̯täɪ̯], Līl., Cam., Ytc. [mæɪ̯tæɪ̯], Lṭh., Hiy. [maɪ̯taɪ̯], Klš. [me̞ɪ̯te̞ɪ̯], Hiy. [maɪ̯taɪ̯], Lkn. [mæɪ̯tɛ]
: ''maitai'' "rivers" {{IPA|/maɪ̯taɪ̯/}} – Std. {{IPA|[mäɪ̯täɪ̯]}}, Līl., Cam., Ytc. {{IPA|[mæɪ̯tæɪ̯]}}, Lṭh., Hiy. {{IPA|[maɪ̯taɪ̯]}}, Klš. {{IPA|[me̞ɪ̯te̞ɪ̯]}}, Hiy. {{IPA|[maɪ̯taɪ̯]}}, Lkn. {{IPA|[mæɪ̯tɛ]}}

/ɔə̯/ varies much more diatopically, with the [ɔə̯] realization (likely the Classical one) being mostly only persistant in the Standard, in the Near East, in the North, and in the West. Most other areas have a fronted and more closed second element in [ɔɪ̯]; the Southern Far East usually has a more closed first element in [oə̯], while the southern Jade Coast and parts of the Southern coast have both in [oɪ̯]. Opening, rounding, and backing of the second element to [ɔɒ̯] is found almost exclusively in a coastal strip from just north of Taitepamba through Līlta (where [ɔɪ̯] is however also found) to the Nīmbaṇḍhāra Delta included, and is a possible realization in the Standard. Finally, a realization as a rounded front vowel is found in the southern rainforest and adjacent areas, including the whole of the Līlasuṃghāṇa metro area.
{{IPA|/ɔə̯/}} varies much more diatopically, with the {{IPA|[ɔə̯]}} realization (likely the Classical one) being mostly only persistant in the Standard, in the Near East, in the North, and in the West. Most other areas have a fronted and more closed second element in {{IPA|[ɔɪ̯]}}; the Southern Far East usually has a more closed first element in {{IPA|[oə̯]}}, while the southern Jade Coast and parts of the Southern coast have both in {{IPA|[oɪ̯]}}. Opening, rounding, and backing of the second element to {{IPA|[ɔɒ̯]}} is found almost exclusively in a coastal strip from just north of Taitepamba through Līlta (where {{IPA|[ɔɪ̯]}} is however also found) to the Nīmbaṇḍhāra Delta included, and is a possible realization in the Standard. Finally, a realization as a rounded front vowel is found in the southern rainforest and adjacent areas, including the whole of the Līlasuṃghāṇa metro area.
: ''haloe'' "name" /ɦäɴ̆ɔə̯/ – Std. [ɦäɴ̆ɔə̯~ɦɐɴ̆ɔə̯~ɦɐɴ̆ɔɒ̯], Līl. [ɦɐɴ̆œː], Pmh. [ɦäɴ̆œː] Lṭh. [ɦɐɴ̆oɪ̯], Līt. [ɦɐɴ̆ɔɒ̯~ɔɪ̯], Tmṣ. [ɦäɴ̆ɔɒ̯], Mam., Cam. [ɦäɴ̆ɔɪ̯], Lkn. [ɦäɴ̆oə̯]
: ''haloe'' "name" {{IPA|/ɦäɴ̆ɔə̯/}} – Std. {{IPA|[ɦäɴ̆ɔə̯~ɦɐɴ̆ɔə̯~ɦɐɴ̆ɔɒ̯]}}, Līl. {{IPA|[ɦɐɴ̆œː]}}, Pmh. {{IPA|[ɦäɴ̆œː]}} Lṭh. {{IPA|[ɦɐɴ̆oɪ̯]}}, Līt. {{IPA|[ɦɐɴ̆ɔɒ̯~ɔɪ̯]}}, Tmṣ. {{IPA|[ɦäɴ̆ɔɒ̯]}}, Mam., Cam. {{IPA|[ɦäɴ̆ɔɪ̯]}}, Lkn. {{IPA|[ɦäɴ̆oə̯]}}

===Rounded front vowels===
===Rounded front vowels===
