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Verbal structures encompass the following information based on slots:
Verbal structures encompass the following information based on slots:
{| class="wikitable"
!Slot I !! Slot II !! Slot III !! Slot IV !! Slot V !! Slot VI !! Slot VII !! Slot VIII !! Slot IX !! Slot X !! Slot XI !! Slot XII !! Slot XIII !! Slot XIV !! Slot XV
! Passiv + tense !! Modal !! Motional !! Stem !! tense (habiual) !! Subject (nom.) !! Accusative / Genitive !! Object !! Dative !! Object !! Ess. / Transl./Exl. !! Lokative / Temporal !! Modalpartikel !! Subordinated phrase !! Questions & Moods