Eḥeiθymmen Amran: Difference between revisions

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Since verbs are constructed regularly via predictable combinatorics, it is useful to make a generalized template with which to consult.
* '''α''' is a verb in the perfective aspect construction
* '''β''' is a verb in the imperfective aspect construction
* '''V''' is the primary verb
* subscript "copula" means that that verb is the copula
* subscript "modal" means that that verb is a modal verb
* subscript "infinitive" means that that verb is in the infinitive form of the verb
* superscript "+" or "-" means that that verb is either the positive or the negative form (of the copula)
Additionally, to see an example of an inflected word, included in the paradigms is the 1st person singular inflection for the root '''N-Y-L''', which refers to writing.

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