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=Geographic distribution=
==Official status==
Rangyan is the national language and one of the two official languages (together with English) of the [http://conworld.wikia.com/wiki/Rangya Kingdom of Rangya]. The standard form of the Rangyan language is called "standard language" ({{Dl_lang|''pyotsunyo''|標準語||pjɔ.tsun.jɔ}}), which was initially based on the Ponto dialect ({{Dl_lang|''ponto pangyen''|本島方言||pɔn.tɔ.paŋ.jɛn}}) on the main island. The standard Rangyan is taught in schools and used on news and in official communications. The regulatory body for Rangyan is the National Institute of the Rangyan Language ({{Dl_lang|''kokrip kokyo wen''|国立国語院||kɔk̚ .ɾip.kɔk̚ .jɔ.wɛn}}), which is a special body of the Rangyan Ministry of Culture, Education, Science and Technology ({{Dl_lang|''munkokhwagi-bu''|文教科技部||mun.kɔ.kʰwa.gi.bu}}).
There are three main dialects spoken in Rangya. They are
* Ponto dialect ({{Dl_lang|''ponto pangyen''|本島方言||}}), the initial basis of Standard Rangyan
* Jakang dialect ({{Dl_lang|''jakang pangyen''|茶岡方言||}}), and
* Dukhyu dialect ({{Dl_lang|''dukhyu pangyen''|豆丘方言||}}).
The formation of dialects is due to the long history of internal isolation of the population living on isolated islands in Rangya. Dialects typically differ in terms of pitch accent, inflectional morphology, vocabulary, and particle usage.
Kuiyungyo or Kuiyung Creole ({{Dl_lang|''kuiyungyo''|帰融語||kuɪ.jʊŋ.jɔ}}), meaning "mixed language", is a creole language derived mainly from Dutch, Rangyan, English and Indonesian, which was originally spoken by the Kuiyung community of the Dutch colony of Rangya. It is now considered as a critically endangered language spoken only by very few people in Rangya.
This is the Kuiyungyo version of Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 1) compared with Dutch, English and Rangyan.
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:left; vertical-align:top; width:600px;"
! style="width:15%; vertical-align:top;"|Kuiyungyo
|Olle mensen zelfhevul en reten in geleik en vrei geborenorden.<br>Zeinun verstont en geweten met begiftitzein, en brudershop tu gêst in elkonder yegens zigedrogenshut.
! style="width:15%; vertical-align:top;"|Dutch
|Alle mensen worden vrij en gelijk in waardigheid en rechten geboren.<br>Zij zijn begiftigd met verstand en geweten, en behoren zich jegens elkander in een geest van broederschap te gedragen.
! style="width:15%; vertical-align:top;"|English
|All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.<br>They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
! style="width:15%; vertical-align:top;"|Romanised<br>Rangyan
|Mogi oro wi bomün yu jiyu'i rü tai tsonyem ta gwenri ti bengtüng'i rü.<br>Oro wi riseng ta rangshim ye thenpyuim kibemotü tai dungpo tu tsengjin yo mobim hangdungnusü.
== Consonants ==
== Consonants ==