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==51 – 75==
==51 – 75==
Yesterday the oldest girl in the village lost her kitten.
Were you born in this village?
Can your brother dance well?
Did the man leave?
Is your sister coming for you?
Can you come tomorrow?
Have the neighbors gone away for the winter?
Does the robin sing in the rain?
Are you going with us to the concert?
Have you ever travelled in the jungle?
We sailed down the river for several miles.
Everybody knows about hunting.
On a Sunny morning after the solstice we started for the mountains.
Tom laughed at the monkey's tricks.
An old man with a walking stick stood beside the fence.
The squirrel's nest was hidden by drooping boughs.
The little seeds waited patiently under the snow for the warm spring sun.
Many little girls with wreaths of flowers on their heads danced around the bonfire.
The cover of the basket fell to the floor.
The first boy in the line stopped at the entrance.
On the top of the hill in a little hut lived a wise old woman.
During our residence in the country we often walked in the pastures.
When will your guests from the city arrive?
Near the mouth of the river, its course turns sharply towards the East.
Between the two lofty mountains lay a fertile valley.
==76 – 100==
==76 – 100==
==101 – 125==
==101 – 125==