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==== Direct ====
==== Direct-genitive ====
The [[w:direct case|direct]] case ({{interlinear|DIR}}) is used to mark the [[w:Subject (grammar)|subject]] of an [[w:Intransitive verb|intransitive verb]], the [[w:Agent (grammar)|agent]] of a [[w:Transitive verb|transitive verb]], or the donor of a [[w:Ditransitive verb|ditransitive verb]] for 3rd person arguments in the split verb paradigm, and 1st and 2nd person arguments in the nominative verb paradigm. That is, the person or thing that does the action of the verb.
The [[w:direct case|direct]]-[[w:genitive case|genitive]] case ({{interlinear|DIR}}) is used to mark the [[w:Subject (grammar)|subject]] of an [[w:Intransitive verb|intransitive verb]], the [[w:Agent (grammar)|agent]] of a [[w:Transitive verb|transitive verb]], or the donor of a [[w:Ditransitive verb|ditransitive verb]] for 3rd person arguments in the split verb paradigm, and 1st and 2nd person arguments in the nominative verb paradigm. That is, the person or thing that does the action of the verb.

:{{interlinear | box = yes
:{{interlinear | box = yes
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:{{interlinear | box = yes
:{{interlinear | box = yes
| ul as pruviós llo gotejo
| ul as pruviós llo gotejo
|'The wumbo stole the cap'}}
|'The wumbo stole the cap'}}

:{{interlinear | box = yes
:{{interlinear | box = yes
| uy vuestre çón priezon llo riel
| uy vuestre çón priezon llo riel
| DEF-T.DIR.SG elder-DIR.SG give-PFV.3PL pen-ACC.PL DEF-T.ACC.SG child-ACC.SG
|'The elder gave the child some pens'}}
|'The elder gave the child some pens'}}

Line 315: Line 315:
:{{interlinear | box = yes
:{{interlinear | box = yes
| tego ne queñid sevol nen me
| tego ne queñid sevol nen me
| You would kill me, who loved you?}}
| You would kill me, who loved you?}}

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==== Indirect-dative ====
==== Accusative-dative ====

The [[w:Indirect case|indirect]]-[[w:Dative case|dative]] case ({{interlinear |INDAT}}) is used to mark the patient (also called the object) of transitive verbs, and both the theme (direct object) and recipient (indirect object) of ditransitive verbs.  While in theory the overlap of these two roles may lead to confusion, in practice confusion is rare, and usually resolved via context.  In cases where resolution of ambiguity is necessary the preposition ''a'' may be used to mark the indirect object.
The [[w:Accusative case|accusative]]-[[w:Dative case|acc]] case ({{interlinear |ACC}}) is used to mark the patient (also called the object) of transitive verbs, and both the theme (direct object) and recipient (indirect object) of ditransitive verbs.  While in theory the overlap of these two roles may lead to confusion, in practice confusion is rare, and usually resolved via context.  In cases where resolution of ambiguity is necessary the preposition ''a'' may be used to mark the indirect object.

:{{interlinear | box = yes
:{{interlinear | box = yes
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|'The priest sees me'}}
|'The priest sees me'}}

The indirect-dative can also be used with the ''a''-[[w:Applicative voice|applicative]] to mark the [[w:Benefactive case|benefactor]] of an action, or with the ''co''-applicative to mark [[w:comitative case|accompaniment]].
The accusative-dative can also be used with the ''a''-[[w:Applicative voice|applicative]] to mark the [[w:Benefactive case|benefactor]] of an action, or with the ''co''-applicative to mark [[w:comitative case|accompaniment]].

:{{interlinear | box = yes
:{{interlinear | box = yes
| çi mientron a-jovan harenan
| çi mientron a-jovan harenan
| REFL-DIR sibling-INDAT.PL BEN<nowiki>=</nowiki>write-3PL letter-INDAT.PL
| REFL-DIR sibling-ACC.PL BEN<nowiki>=</nowiki>write-3PL letter-ACC.PL
|'They write letters for their siblings'}}
|'They write letters for their siblings'}}

:{{interlinear | box = yes
:{{interlinear | box = yes
| garinon co-teudo tin
| garinon co-teudo tin
| friend-INDAT.SG COM<nowiki>=</nowiki>drink-PFV.1SG tea-INDAT.SG
| friend-ACC.SG COM<nowiki>=</nowiki>drink-PFV.1SG tea-ACC.SG
|'I drank tea with friends'}}
|'I drank tea with friends'}}

Finally the indirect-dative case can be used to mark location, as well as movement motion towards something.  Whether or not these uses take verbal agreement depends on the valency of the verb.
Finally the accusative-dative case can be used to mark location, as well as movement motion towards something.  Whether or not these uses take verbal agreement depends on the valency of the verb.

:{{interlinear | box = yes
:{{interlinear | box = yes
| tan caro en çi combre
| tan caro en çi combre
| but dance-DIR.1SG in REFL-DIR home-INDAT.SG
| but dance-DIR.1SG in REFL-DIR home-ACC.SG
|'I only dance in my own home'}}
|'I only dance in my own home'}}

:{{interlinear | box = yes
:{{interlinear | box = yes
| nen co-vel llo cuerço me
| nen co-vel llo cuerço me
| 2SG-INAB COM<nowiki>=</nowiki>go-SUBJ.ERG.1SG DEF-INDAT.SG market-INDAT.SG INTERR
| 2SG-INAB COM<nowiki>=</nowiki>go-SUBJ.ERG.1SG DEF-ACC.SG market-ACC.SG INTERR
|'Will you go with me to the market?'}}
|'Will you go with me to the market?'}}