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1. /p, t, k/ are realised as [pʰ, tʰ, kʰ] when the only consonant in the onset of a stressed syllable.
2. In intervocalic position and when the onset of an unstressed syllable, /b, d, ɡ/ are realised as [v, ð̠, ʒ].
3. Onset /s, ɬ/ is realised as [z, ɮ] after a coda of /b, d/.
4. Coda /s, ɬ/ is realised as [z, ʒ] before an onset of /b, d, ɡ/.
5. The consonant clusters /ɬp, ɬt, ɬk/ are realised as [ʃp, ʃt, ʃk].
6. The consonant clusters /ɬm, ɬn, ɬŋ, ɬl/ are realised as [ʃm, ʃn, ʃŋ, ʃl].
7. The consonant clusters /ɬɹ, ɬw, ɬj/ are realised as [ʃɹ, ʃw, ʃj].
8. The consonant clusters /mm, nn, ŋŋ, ll/ are realised as [bm, dn, ɡŋ, dl].
9. /i, u/ are realised as [ɪ, ʊ] in closed syllables.
