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=== Action/Process ===
=== Action/Process ===
* '''Accept:''' To take or get something that was offered by someone. [3898]
* '''Accustom:''' Get used to something. [1118]
* '''Add:''' Join or unite so as to bring about an increase. [2882]
* '''Amuse oneself (have fun):''' To do something joyful. [3239]
* '''Arrange:''' To give structure to. [1568]
* '''Attach:''' To fasten one thing to another. [3894]
* '''Be able:''' To have the ability to do something. [972]
* '''Beat:''' To strike or pound repeatedly, usually in some sort of rhythm. [1665]
* '''Become extinguished:''' Being stopped from burning or emitting light. [2209]
* '''Become sick:''' To catch a disease. [2327]
* '''Belch:''' To release gas from the digestive tract through the mouth. [2245]
* '''Bend (oneself):''' To turn oneself over. [2761]
* '''Bend (something):''' To carry out a movement to turn something into a curved shape. [2224]
* '''Bend:''' Movement that causes the formation of a curve. [2004]
* '''Blacken:''' To change the color of something into black. [2808]
* '''Block (the way):''' To prevent somebody or something from passing. [2762]
* '''Blow (with mouth):''' To expel air through persed lips. [176]
* '''Blow (with nose):''' To clean one's nose by exhaling through it. [2679]
* '''Bore:''' To create a hole by removing material with a drill. [1501]
* '''Box (somebody or something):''' The act of using fists to fight or hit. [3108]
* '''Braid (verb) or weave (basket):''' To braid together hair, threads, strings, twigs etc. in order to create a larger string-like object or to weave a basket or use similar techniques for creating other objects. [3294]
* '''Braid (verb):''' To braid together hair, threads, strings, twigs etc. in order to create a larger string-like object (which can be linear as in a braid of hair or circular as in a wreath). [3295]
* '''Brawl (fight):''' To be involved in a normally unarmed and ruleless scuffle. [2902]
* '''Brawl:''' A normally unarmed and ruleless scuffle. [3301]
* '''Break (breaking):''' To come apart or split into pieces (intransitive). [3020]
* '''Break (cleave):''' To divide something with force in two or more parts. [2558]
* '''Break (destroy or get destroyed):''' To divide or be divided into pieces and thereby damaged. [680]
* '''Break (of rope):''' The breaking of a thread or strap. [460]
* '''Build:''' To form by combining materials or parts. [1840]
* '''Burn:''' To put fire on something or to be on fire. [2102]
* '''Burp:''' To release gas from the digestive tract through the mouth. [2789]
* '''Bury:''' To put in the ground and cover with earth. [1719]
* '''Carry (with pole on shoulder):''' The act of transporting something by means of a carrying pole placed on one's shoulder. [3438]
* '''Carry horizontally:''' To carry some object horizontally. [2763]
* '''Carve:''' To cut or to chip in order to form something. [228]
* '''Cast:''' To pour [a hardenable liquid material, like metal, plaster, glass, concrete etc.] into a mold in order to produce a solid object of the shape of the mold. [211]
* '''Cause to (let):''' To allow or cause somebody to do something. [2896]
* '''Cease or finish:''' To stop doing something, voluntarily or involuntarily. [2115]
* '''Chat (with somebody):''' To have a conversation with somebody. [2903]
* '''Chop (into pieces):''' To chop meat, vegetables etc. into small pieces. [2149]
* '''Chop:''' To chop wood, or to chop meat, vegetables etc. into small pieces. [155]
* '''Clog (something):''' To block a fluid or similar from running through a pipe-like object. [2707]
* '''Close (eyes):''' Move ones eyelids in such a way that the eyes are no longer visible. [2063]
* '''Compare:''' To estimate something in terms of similar or contrasting features as opposed to the other(s). [3429]
* '''Continue:''' To carry on with something or to keep existing or happening. [3699]
* '''Convey (a message):''' To share a message with somebody. [2898]
* '''Crow (verb):''' To utter the characteristic cry of a rooster. [2074]
* '''Cut (with axe):''' To chop with an axe, e.g. wood in order to use it as firewood. [3151]
* '''Cut (with knife):''' To slice or to divide into pieces with help of a knife or a knifelike object. [2156]
* '''Cut (with scissors):''' To divide into pieces with help of scissors, especially things like a rope, a piece of cloth, or a piece of paper. [2155]
* '''Cut down:''' To bring down by cutting. [355]
* '''Cut or hack:''' To perform an incision or chop something. [3889]
* '''Cut:''' To perform an incision (for example, with a knife). [1432]
* '''Decrease:''' To become smaller in number or size. [2864]
* '''Deliver:''' To bring or transport something to its destination. [2033]
* '''Despise:''' To feel a strong dislike for something. [2715]
* '''Die (from accident):''' To cease to live due to unforeseen circumstances. [2865]
* '''Diminish:''' To make smaller. [1184]
* '''Dip:''' To put something partially in a liquid for a short time and take it out again. [3697]
* '''Do or make:''' To do something or to make something. [2575]
* '''Do:''' To perform an action. [813]
* '''Drag:''' To draw slowly or heavily. [2030]
* '''Draw (water):''' To draw by a physical force causing or tending to cause to approach, adhere, or unite. [1911]
* '''Drop (something):''' To let something fall down. [2866]
* '''Dry in sun:''' To put something in the sun in order to dry it. [3364]
* '''Dry up:''' To lose moisture, usually through evaporation or absorption. [1786]
* '''Emerge (appear):''' To become known or apparent. [1076]
* '''Encircle:''' To enclose or cause to be enclosed; to surround; to confine. [3274]
* '''Endure:''' To allow (something that one dislikes or disagrees with) to continue to exist or occur without interference; accept or undergo, often unwillingly. [833]
* '''Escape:''' To get free, to free oneself. [1615]
* '''Exchange:''' To hand out one thing while receiving another thing or to replace one thing with another. [2509]
* '''Explode:''' To burst violently as a result of internal pressure. [3976]
* '''Fade (loose color):''' Loose color (of cloth or other material). [2704]
* '''Fail:''' Not succeeding in an endeavour (of persons) or to stop working as intended (of objects). [3861]
* '''Fan (action):''' To blow air on (something) by means of a fan (hand-held, mechanical or electrical) or otherwise. [360]
* '''Fasten:''' Tighten and close, for example a belt. [1094]
* '''Feel (tactually):''' To sense something by touching its surface. [2559]
* '''Fishing (with a net):''' To hunt for fishes by using a fishnet. [2639]
* '''Fishing:''' To hunt for fishes (general expression). [2638]
* '''Fix:''' To restore something by replacing a broken part or putting together what is broken, or to repair a hole in a cloth or wheel. [3074]
* '''Flatter:''' To praise somebody openly. [2709]
* '''Fold:''' To bend a thin material (such as paper) over so that it comes in contact with itself. [1470]
* '''Forge:''' To create and mold by hammering. [288]
* '''Get dizzy:''' Experience an impairment in spatial perception and stability. [2712]
* '''Get drunk:''' Activity of drinking alcoholic beverages that leads to having an altered conciousness. [3980]
* '''Get lost:''' To end up in an unknown place, to be not to be found again, to get lost, to irrecoverably slip away. [423]
* '''Get up from bed:''' To leave one's place of sleeping. [3350]
* '''Gnaw:''' Treat some material with one's teeth. [2706]
* '''Grate (something):''' To abrade an object by rubbing it against a rough surface. [3114]
* '''Halt (stop):''' To halt one’s movement. [2880]
* '''Hammer (something):''' Strike or beat something with a hammer. [3115]
* '''Hang up:''' To put up to hang. [357]
* '''Hang:''' Remain suspended to some point above. [2884]
* '''Happen:''' To come to pass. [248]
* '''Have a fever:''' Have an increased body temperature. [2713]
* '''Have diarrhea:''' Suffering from loose or liquid bowel movements. [2714]
* '''Herd (something):''' Keep or move animals together. [2885]
* '''Hit (a target):''' To hit something that someone has aimed for. [3307]
* '''Hit:''' To hit against with a sharp blow or to impel, usually with a hand or weapon or to be forcefully or suddenly contacting, e.g. a tree falling down and hitting the ground. [1433]
* '''Hold or take:''' To grasp something or to carry something in ones hands. [2104]
* '''Hollow out:''' To make a hole in something. [46]
* '''Improve (something):''' Improvement is the process of a thing moving from one state to a state considered to be better, usually through some action intended to bring about that better state. [2872]
* '''Increase:''' (Of a quantity) to become bigger. [1041]
* '''Inhale:''' Breathe in some substance (smoke, steam) other than air. [2705]
* '''Jog (something):''' To shake something. [2899]
* '''Knit:''' To create a textile by manipulating yarn with the help of two long needles. [2905]
* '''Lack (not have):''' To lack something or to describe the state when something is not there. [2329]
* '''Launder (wash clothes):''' To remove dirt from clothes. [2503]
* '''Lay (verb):''' To place down in a position of rest, or in a horizontal position. [2071]
* '''Lay eggs:''' The process by which birds produce eggs. [2464]
* '''Lean:''' To bend or move from a vertical position or to make something do that. [3619]
* '''Load (something):''' To put a large quantity of things onto something. [3669]
* '''Loosen:''' To make undone or untied ; to free from any fastening. [1933]
* '''Make dry:''' To remove the moisture and make dry. [2015]
* '''Make noise:''' To be loud. [2895]
* '''Make:''' To create something by combining or assembling materials or parts or by changing it. [734]
* '''Manage:''' To watch and direct someone and/or some activity; to be in charge. [3073]
* '''Massage (somebody):''' To rub someone's body with the hands. [3119]
* '''Menstruate:''' Regular natural change in female reproductive system that makes pregnancy possible. [2827]
* '''Mince (something):''' To cut something, especially food, into small pieces. [3082]
* '''Misplace:''' To place something in a place where one cannot find it again or in a wrong place; to lose something. [3072]
* '''Miss (a target):''' To fail to hit (a target, a bell, etc.). [161]
* '''Miss (somebody):''' To long to see somebody again. [2328]
* '''Moisten:''' To make moist. [28]
* '''Mold:''' To create something, usually for a specific function. [289]
* '''Mop (something):''' To clean or wipe up by using cloth or a mop. [3120]
* '''Move (affect emotionally):''' To affect somebody emotionally. [2873]
* '''Move (oneself):''' To get oneself in motion in order to arrive at some other place. [2874]
* '''Move away:''' To change one's domicile or place of business. [229]
* '''Must:''' To be required to do something. [971]
* '''Nail:''' To hammer a nail into something. [3306]
* '''Not have:''' Not being in possession of something (both abstract and concrete). [3363]
* '''Notice (something):''' To become aware of something. [2893]
* '''Open (eyes):''' Move ones eyelids in such a way that the eyes are visible. [3234]
* '''Open (mouth):''' To move one's jaw(s) in a way that the oral cavity becomes partially or fully visible. [3437]
* '''Order:''' To order someone or several persons by a superior authority to do something, or to arrange something in a tidy manner. [1128]
* '''Pack:''' To put something in a container so that it could be carried or transported. [3656]
* '''Paint (something) or painting:''' To apply color to a wall or to make a painting or drawing. [3194]
* '''Paint (something):''' The act of spreading coloured pigments on a surface. [3122]
* '''Painting:''' To make a painting or drawing. [2001]
* '''Patch:''' To repair a hole in a cloth or wheel. [3550]
* '''Pick:''' To take off the fruits or other useful parts of a plant. [2148]
* '''Pierce:''' To tab something through something else. [398]
* '''Plait or braid or weave:''' To add pleats to cloth, to braid together hair, threads, strings, twigs etc. in order to create a larger string-like object or to create a fabric by interlacing threads. [1729]
* '''Polish (something):''' To make something smooth and shiny by rubbing it with a cloth. [3659]
* '''Post (something):''' To send something by means of a postal service. [3126]
* '''Pound:''' To strike hard, usually repeatedly. [354]
* '''Pour:''' To cause a liquid to flow into a container. [1487]
* '''Prepare:''' To carry out things in advance to avoid to be later not able to do them. [2909]
* '''Press:''' To apply pressure to an item. [1913]
* '''Protect:''' To prevent something or somebody from being harmed. [2900]
* '''Pull off (skin):''' To strip or pull off the skin or hide of. [291]
* '''Pull out:''' To pull something out. [2325]
* '''Pull up (rice seedlings):''' To pull out rice seedlings from the soil including their roots in order to separate seedlings growing too closely [2066]
* '''Pull:''' To apply a force to (an object), in order that it moves towards the origin of the force that was applied. [1455]
* '''Put in order:''' To arrange something in a tidy manner. [3459]
* '''Raise (bring up):''' To take care of an infant or some other living creature, usually until it can live independently. [2134]
* '''Rake (something):''' The act of moving a tool over a surface in order to level or clean it. [3127]
* '''Recognize (somebody):''' Perceive to see something or someone previously known. [2870]
* '''Recommend:''' To suggest something or somebody. [2759]
* '''Repair:''' To restore something by replacing a broken part or putting together what is broken. [2243]
* '''Rest or sleep:''' Lie down or sleep. [2116]
* '''Ring (make sound):''' Ring most broadly refers to a hollow circular shape or to a high-pitched sound. [2875]
* '''Rinse:''' To clean by pouring water over the objects. [2904]
* '''Roar (of sea):''' A sound emitted by a stormy sea. [2876]
* '''Rob (verb):''' To illegally take something from, especially using force or violence. [2073]
* '''Rot:''' To be exposed to decomposition. [2907]
* '''Rub:''' To move one's hand or an object over a surface or other object (maintaining constant contact and applying moderate pressure). [1449]
* '''Run away:''' Leave a dangerous situation by moving one's body away from it. [2142]
* '''Rustle (of leaves):''' A sound emitted by leaves moving in the trees. [2877]
* '''Saw (something):''' To cut something with a saw. [3543]
* '''Scatter (seeds):''' To distribute seeds over a field. [2064]
* '''Scatter:''' To throw or drop things in different directions so that they cover a large area. [3705]
* '''Scrape:''' To move an object against another object such that abrasion or minor cutting occurs. [1767]
* '''Seat (somebody):''' To cause somebody to sit (e.g. by offering a seat). [2878]
* '''Sharpen (something):''' To make sharp or sharper. [251]
* '''Slap:''' Hit with the open palm of the hand. [3160]
* '''Slaughter:''' To kill animals for food. [1796]
* '''Smear:''' To spread (a substance) across a surface by rubbing. [364]
* '''Smoke (emit smoke):''' To emit smoke (such as something which burns). [2859]
* '''Snap (of stick):''' Quick breaking or cracking sound or the action of producing such a sound. [459]
* '''Sound (of instrument or voice):''' The noise emitted by musical instruments or humans speaking. [2879]
* '''Split open:''' To open something with a cut or incision, revealing its inside. [3080]
* '''Split:''' To divide fully or partly along a more or less straight line. [1437]
* '''Spread out:''' To spread out or open from a closed or folded state. [38]
* '''Sprout (verb):''' The process by which a plant grows from a seed. [2076]
* '''Squeeze:''' To apply pressure to something from two or more sides at once. [1414]
* '''Stab:''' To perforate the surface of something with a pointed tool or weapon. [1434]
* '''Step (verb):''' To move the foot in walking; to advance or recede by raising and moving one of the feet to another resting place, or by moving both feet in succession. [2065]
* '''Stop doing:''' To stop doing the action one was doing. [3351]
* '''Stretch:''' To lengthen by pulling. [214]
* '''Strike (someone):''' To intentionally hit someone with a sharp blow or to impel, usually with a hand or weapon. [3308]
* '''Strike (something):''' To intentionally hit something with a sharp blow or to impel, usually with a hand. [3309]
* '''Strike or beat:''' To hit or strike, either repeatedly or a single time. [2133]
* '''Strike:''' To intentionally hit with a sharp blow or to impel, usually with a hand or weapon. [353]
* '''Suckle (breastfeed, nurse):''' Giving milk to babies and young children with milk from a woman's breast. [2472]
* '''Sweep:''' To clean a surface with a broom. [230]
* '''Swell:''' To grow larger in volume. [1573]
* '''Swing (movement):''' To move freely to and fro. [2871]
* '''Swing (something):''' To set something in swinging motion. [2901]
* '''Take a photo:''' To make a photography. [2710]
* '''Take off one's clothes:''' Take off one's clothes. [2326]
* '''Take off:''' To take off a piece of clothing or similar. [3538]
* '''Talk:''' To converse with one or more persons. [2708]
* '''Tear (shred):''' To pull at something in such a way that it ends up divided. [1735]
* '''Thaw (dew):''' Go from a frozen to a liquid state. [2887]
* '''Tie up (tether):''' To attach an animal to something to prevent that it leaves. [2891]
* '''Tie:''' To establish connection between two or more things. [1917]
* '''Tinkle:''' Emit a sound suggestive of a tinkle. [2888]
* '''Translate:''' To communicate of the meaning of a source-language text by means of an equivalent target-language text. [2906]
* '''Transport:''' To carry larger objects, usually with help of a vehicle. [2711]
* '''Try (test):''' To put something to trial, to test whether something works as expected. [2571]
* '''Tug:''' A great force, applied in order that an object will move towards the origin of the force that was applied to it. [2029]
* '''Tumble (fall down):''' To fall down accidentally. [2894]
* '''Turn over:''' To change the direction one is facing while lying in bed, on the floor, or similar. [3537]
* '''Twinkle:''' Shine with flickering light. [2889]
* '''Uncover:''' To uncover; to show and display that which was hidden. [1108]
* '''Untie:''' To loosen, as something interlaced or knotted; to disengage the parts of. To unbind, to free from restraint. [352]
* '''Use (verb):''' To employ an object, often to reach a certain goal; to put into service. [2072]
* '''Walk (take a walk):''' To wander around. [2890]
* '''Warm up:''' To make warm or warmer. [2032]
* '''Wash (clothes):''' To clean pieces of clothing by using water and supplementary cleansing products as a part of hygiene routine. [3434]
* '''Wash (oneself):''' To cleanse one's body in/with water. [3371]
* '''Wash:''' To remove dirt and grime from an object, using water (usually with soap). [1453]
* '''Watch:''' To have one's eyes, one's attention on something or someone. [1650]
* '''Wave (verb):''' To move one's hand or arm in a waving motion, with or without holding something like a flag. [3544]
* '''Weave (basket):''' To weave a basket or use similar techniques for creating other objects. [3296]
* '''Winnowing:''' Wind winnowing is an agricultural method developed by ancient cultures for separating grain from chaff. [2462]
* '''Wipe:''' To move an object or utensil over a surface or other object while maintaining contact, in order that a substance be removed from its surface. [1454]
* '''Work (activity):''' To do a specific task by employing physical or mental powers. [1086]
* '''Wring:''' To take a cloth and twist its ends into different directions in order to dry it. [3224]

=== Classifier ===
=== Classifier ===
* '''Catty (mass unit):''' A traditional Chinese unit of mass used across East and Southeast Asia, notably for weighing food and other groceries in some wet markets, street markets, and shops. [2647]

=== Other ===
=== Other ===
* '''A little:''' More than one, but not as much as usual or as expected. (for mass nouns) [2924]
* '''Because of:''' Undergo decomposition. [2918]
* '''By (passive marker):''' Marker of the agent in a passive sentence. [2751]
* '''Hardly:''' Barely perceivable or noticeable. [2926]
* '''Working or work:''' The process by which one produces something (sometimes also in exchange for money). [2281]

=== Person/Thing ===
=== Person/Thing ===
* '''Adze:''' A sharp tool with the blade at a right angle to the handle, used to shape pieces of wood. [290]
* '''Anvil:''' A heavy iron block used by a blacksmith as a surface upon which metal can be struck and shaped. [1648]
* '''Axe:''' A tool for felling trees or chopping wood consisting of a heavy metallic or stone head flattened to a blade on one side, and which is attached to a usually wooden handle. [677]
* '''Baby carrier:''' A piece of cloth used around the body to carry a child [3926]
* '''Bag:''' A container that stores things and is small enough so that one can wear it. [2468]
* '''Bamboo basket:''' A basket from bamboo that is carried on the back. [3360]
* '''Basket:''' A lightweight container, generally round, open at the top, and tapering toward the bottom. [1539]
* '''Bell:''' A simple sound-making device. [2246]
* '''Bellows:''' A device that consists of a flexible leather air valve which can be expanded or contracted by operating the two handles, located on the opposite sides. It has many applications, especially blowing on a fire to supply it with air. [3658]
* '''Birth (accouchement):''' The process of giving birth to a child. [2805]
* '''Blacksmith:''' A craftsman expert in iron and other metals work. [1001]
* '''Boomerang:''' A tool with a curved shape used as a weapon or for sport which returns when thrown into the air. [135]
* '''Bottom grindstone:''' The bottom element in a two-stone grindstone. [3023]
* '''Bow string:''' The string of a bow used to hunt. [2119]
* '''Brass:''' A yellow-colored metal made of the mixture of copper and zinc and used in the making of decorations and musical instruments. [3743]
* '''Breath or life:''' The act of inhalation and exhalation of air as one part of physiological respiration required to sustain life, or the fact that life is sustained itself. [2269]
* '''Broom:''' A tool used to sweep and clean the floor, made of a bundle of straws or twigs attached to a long handle. [245]
* '''Bucket:''' Typically a watertight, vertical cylinder or truncated cone, with an open top and a flat bottom, attached to a semicircular carrying handle called the bail. [2052]
* '''Bundle:''' A group of things fastened together. [2943]
* '''Burden stick:''' A long piece of wood used to carry a burden. [3159]
* '''Bushfire:''' An uncontrolled fire in a wooded or grassy area. [2811]
* '''Campfire:''' A campfire is a fire at a campsite that provides light and warmth, and heat for cooking. [2986]
* '''Carpenter:''' Artisan who works with wood. [1042]
* '''Chain:''' A series of interlocked rings or links forming a flexible length. [1627]
* '''Chisel:''' A tool with a cutting edge at the end. [1979]
* '''Clay:''' A loose, earthy, extremely fine-grained, natural sediment or soft rock composed primarily of clay-size or colloidal particles and characterized by high plasticity and by a considerable content of clay mineral and subordinate amounts of finely divided quartz, decomposed feldspar, carbonates, ferruginous matter, and other impurities; it forms a plastic, moldable mass when finely ground and mixed with water, retains its shape on drying, and becomes firm, rocklike and permanently hard on heating or firing. [1399]
* '''Copper:''' Chemical element with symbol Cu and atomic number 29; one of the most important nonferrous metals; a ductile and malleable metal found in various ores and used in industry, engineering, and the arts in both pure and alloyed form. [1825]
* '''Cough (act of coughing):''' The act of coughing or the sound of coughing. [3913]
* '''Drill:''' A power tool designed to create holes by means of rotating the drill bits into hard material. [3423]
* '''Dustpan:''' A cleaning utensil, commonly used in combination with a broom or brush. [2051]
* '''Envelope:''' An item to commonly used to package or wrap letters. [3088]
* '''Fan (object):''' A device for creating a current of air by movement of a surface or surfaces. (WN:360) [1971]
* '''Fight (combat):''' A hostile encounter, such as a battle or combat. [3880]
* '''File (tool):''' A hand tool with a long flat metal bar used to re-shape objects. [3407]
* '''Fire stick:''' Sticks used specifically to set fire to something or to burn. [3016]
* '''Flail:''' A manual device used for beating or striking with, consisting of a free-swinging stick attached to a handle. [3057]
* '''Foot (unit):''' A unit of length. [2688]
* '''Gift:''' A gift or a present is an item given to someone without the expectation of payment or return. [2982]
* '''Glass:''' A hard, amorphous, inorganic, usually transparent, brittle substance made by fusing silicates, sometimes borates and phosphates, with certain basic oxides and then rapidly cooling to prevent crystallization. [604]
* '''Glasses:''' Frames bearing lenses worn in front of the eyes used for vision correction. [2292]
* '''Glue:''' Substance used for sticking objects together. [1069]
* '''Gold:''' A heavy yellow elemental metal of great value, with atomic number 79 and symbol Au. [1369]
* '''Gridiron:''' Wooden grill used to dry or smoke meat or fish [3932]
* '''Grindstone:''' A grindstone is a round sharpening stone used for grinding or sharpening ferrous tools. [2459]
* '''Hammer:''' A tool with a heavy head and a handle used for pounding. [1481]
* '''Handle:''' A part of an object meant to hold that object with (e.g. the handle of a mug, pan or bag). [1254]
* '''Heap:''' A collection of things thrown one on another. [2984]
* '''Iron or metal:''' A generic way of referring to either the ore or the finished product. [3324]
* '''Iron:''' A malleable ductile silvery-white ferromagnetic metallic element with symbol Fe and atomic number 26, occurring principally in haematite and magnetite. It is widely used for structural and engineering purposes. [621]
* '''Knot:''' A loop of string or any other long flexible material which cannot be untied without pulling part of the string through the loops. [760]
* '''Labour (effort):''' Work that has to be done and inflicts mental or physical pain. [2525]
* '''Ladder or stairs:''' Construction consisting of steps designed to bridge vertical distances. [2689]
* '''Lead (chemical element):''' A heavy toxic bluish-white metallic element with symbol Pb and atomic number 82 that is highly malleable; occurs principally as galena and is used in alloys, accumulators, cable sheaths, paints, and as a radiation shield. [627]
* '''Leash:''' A leash is a rope or similar material attached to the neck or head of an animal for restraint or control. [2959]
* '''Leather or hide:''' A generic way of referring to either cured or uncured animal hides. [3326]
* '''Lid (cover, cap):''' The cap of a container. [2319]
* '''Lighter:''' Portable instrument for igniting something. [3092]
* '''Load:''' The weight (materials, products, etc.) to be borne or conveyed. [1679]
* '''Mat:''' A flat object laid on the floor to protect a person from the hard floor. [195]
* '''Mold (get rotten):''' Discoloration and food caused by fungal species. [3251]
* '''Mosquito net:''' A web that keeps mosquitos away. [2795]
* '''Mould:''' A frame or model around or on which something is formed or shaped. [1166]
* '''Nail (tool):''' A spike-shaped metal fastener used for joining wood or similar materials. [502]
* '''Net (for catching):''' A grid-like device used for fishing and sports. [2653]
* '''Net:''' A grid-like device or object. [2963]
* '''Netbag:''' Bag made of net used to carry things. [293]
* '''News:''' News is information about current events. [2964]
* '''Noose:''' A loop at the end of a rope. [2604]
* '''Oar or paddle:''' Referring to tools used for water-based motion, either connected to the water vehicle or not. [3318]
* '''Oar:''' A pole with a blade at one end, and with the other end attached to the boat via an oarlock or thole, used to row or steer a boat. [3137]
* '''Paddle:''' A pole with a blade at one or both ends, the pole itself being not attached to the boat but held by both hands, used to row or steer a boat. [234]
* '''Paint (pigments):''' A mixture of pigment and a vehicle, such as oil or water, that together form a liquid or paste that can be applied to a surface to provide an adherent coating that imparts colour, protects the surface and/or gives the surface different features. [647]
* '''Paintbrush:''' Brush used to spread pigments of colour on a surface. [3094]
* '''Pearl:''' A small hard shiny ball formed in mussels or oysters. [3325]
* '''Peg:''' A cylindrical wooden, metal etc. object used to fasten or as a bearing between objects. [361]
* '''Picture (painting):''' A painted image. [3303]
* '''Plane (tool):''' A hand tool that is designed to flatten or shape wood. [3408]
* '''Pocketknife:''' A small knife with one or more blades that fold back into the handle. [3742]
* '''Potter:''' One who makes pots and other ceramic wares. [359]
* '''Pouch:''' A small bag. [2951]
* '''Process:''' A systematic and continuous course of actions and changes, which can be goal-directed or spontaneous. [3970]
* '''Result:''' The final outcome or consequence of a causal chain, operation or set of circumstances. [3969]
* '''Ribbon:''' A ribbon is a thin band of material, typically cloth but also plastic or sometimes metal, used primarily as decorative binding and tying. [2969]
* '''Rope:''' Thick, strong string made of several strands that have been twisted together. [1218]
* '''Rug:''' A piece of thick cloth or wool that is smaller than a carpet and is put on the floor as decoration. [292]
* '''Ruler:''' A long flat device that is designed to assist with drawing straight lines or measuring by means of distance markings. [3405]
* '''Rust:''' Any of various metallic coatings formed by corrosion, especially after oxidation in presence of water. [3064]
* '''Sack:''' A specific bag used to store or carry items. [2990]
* '''Saddle:''' A seat for an animal (especially horse) rider, secured by a girth. [3065]
* '''Saw:''' A tool with a toothed blade used for cutting hard substances, in particular wood or metal. [1948]
* '''Scissors:''' A tool used for cutting thin material, consisting of two crossing blades attached at a pivot point in such a way that the blades slide across each other when the handles are closed. [1328]
* '''Sculptor:''' A person who practices the art of sculpture. [914]
* '''Shears:''' A tool consisting of two blades with bevel edges, connected by a pivot, used for cutting cloth, or for removing the fleece from sheep etc. [356]
* '''Sheath:''' A protection cover for a sharp blade (of a sword or knife). [3424]
* '''Shepherd:''' The person that watches over sheep. [2544]
* '''Shoulder pole:''' A pole that is used to carry things on the shoulder. [3432]
* '''Sieve (tool):''' A device for separating wanted elements from unwanted material. [3353]
* '''Silver:''' A very ductile malleable brilliant greyish-white element with symbol Ar and atomic number 47 having the highest electrical and thermal conductivity of any metal. [759]
* '''Sleep (state):''' Sleep is a naturally recurring state of mind and body characterized by altered consciousness, relatively inhibited sensory activity, inhibition of nearly all voluntary muscles, and reduced interactions with surroundings. [2972]
* '''Snowman:''' A mass of snow sculptured into the shape of a human. [3098]
* '''Statue:''' A three-dimension work of art, usually of a person or animal, usually created by sculpting, carving, moulding, or casting. [1002]
* '''Steel:''' Alloys of iron and carbon, widely used in construction and other applications because of their high tensile strengths and low costs. [2343]
* '''Steelyard (balance):''' Straight balance with arms of unequal length. [2687]
* '''Strap:''' A strap is an elongated flap or ribbon, usually of fabric or leather. [2973]
* '''String:''' A long, thin and flexible structure made from threads twisted together. [362]
* '''Swing:''' Tool used for play with a seat hanging from ropes. [3101]
* '''Thermometer:''' Instrument used for measuring temperature, mostly by means of a contracting or expanding substanced contained within the instrument. [3104]
* '''Tin (metal):''' A metallic element with symbol Sn, occurring in cassiterite. It is a malleable silvery-white metal. [893]
* '''Tin or tinplate:''' A metallic element with symbol Sn or a thin sheet of steel coated with tin to prevent rusting. [3217]
* '''Tinplate:''' A thin sheet of steel coated with tin to prevent rusting; used to make cans etc. [358]
* '''Tool:''' A mechanical device intended to make a task easier. [1361]
* '''Top grindstone:''' The top (and usually proper) element in a two-stone grindstone. [3022]
* '''Torch or lamp:''' Any portable device that produces light. [2131]
* '''Tumpline:''' A strap slung over the forehead or chest used (especially by native Americans) for carrying packs or loads. [294]
* '''Walk (manner):''' The act of walking, the way one walks. [2979]
* '''Wall:''' A supporting structure for different types of constructions, e.g. houses and huts, or a construction to enclose and separate areas. [3830]
* '''Weaver:''' A person whose occupation is weaving cloth, carpets, or baskets. [3637]
* '''Whetstone:''' A stone that is used for whetting a knife or edge tools. [295]
* '''Whistle (instrument):''' Wind instrument most often made out of metal or wood used for producing a loud, shrill tone. [3107]
* '''Windmill:''' A large structure or building with long revolving blades or sails that is used for converting wind energy in order to produce electricity or to directly power an attached mechanical construction for grinding. [3841]
* '''Work (labour):''' Productive activity, service, trade, or craft for which one is regularly paid. [984]

=== Property ===
=== Property ===
* '''Against:''' In opposite direction to. [2469]
* '''Broken (not working):''' Not capable of working. [3190]
* '''Broken (shattered):''' Broken into pieces. [3191]
* '''Broken:''' Not capable of working or broken into pieces. [588]
* '''Careful:''' Be cautious. [2758]
* '''Dexterous:''' Nimble in the use of the hands or body. [1824]
* '''Intact:''' That has not been impaired or altered; lacking nothing essential, especially not damaged. [220]
* '''Left handed:''' Preference of using the left hand. [2825]
* '''Loose:''' Being not tight. [2506]
* '''Lost:''' Not knowing where you are and unable to find the way. [3667]
* '''Open (state):''' To be accessible and/or not closed. [3235]
* '''Powerful:''' Being done using a huge amount of energy. [3001]
* '''Quickly:''' To carry out an action in a quick manner. [3365]
* '''Skilled:''' Experienced and clever, professional. [807]
* '''Tight:''' Being not loose. [3053]

== Clothing and grooming ==
== Clothing and grooming ==