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=== Action/Process ===
=== Action/Process ===
* '''Be ignorant:''' Be in a state of not knowing something. [2651]
* '''Believe:''' To be confident about something. [1890]
* '''Betray:''' To harm someone or hurt their feelings by violating their trust or being disloyal to them. [1902]
* '''Check:''' To see if something is correct. [1975]
* '''Deceive:''' To trick someone by making them believe something that is not true or by acting in a dishonest way, usually in order to take advantage of it. [3230]
* '''Decide:''' To reach, make, or come to a decision about something. [685]
* '''Detect:''' To notice or recognize something that is not particularly obvious. [3895]
* '''Doubt (something):''' Be unsure about the truth or accuracy of a matter. [3536]
* '''Err:''' To make a mistake. [839]
* '''Explain:''' To inform about the reason for something, how something works, or how to do something. [1626]
* '''Find out:''' To apprehend something involuntarily. [2237]
* '''Forget:''' To lose memory of something. [1523]
* '''Grow up:''' To mature and become an adult. [552]
* '''Guess:''' To suppose, to estimate or to make a surmise. [1932]
* '''Hesitate:''' To hold back from saying or doing something because of doubt or uncertainty. [3629]
* '''Ignore:''' To be ignorant of or in the dark about. [41]
* '''Imagine:''' To form a mental image of (something not present). [3879]
* '''Imitate:''' To follow as a model or a pattern. [117]
* '''Induce:''' To encourage into action; to cause to act in a specified manner. [61]
* '''Intend:''' To assign for a specific end, use, or purpose; to design or destine. [22]
* '''Investigate:''' To look into carefully in order to uncover (find) facts or information. [2010]
* '''Know (somebody):''' To have met and recognize somebody. [2248]
* '''Know (something):''' To be sure about something or be acquainted with something. [1410]
* '''Know how:''' To be able to do something which requires or could require that one would learn it before. [2238]
* '''Know:''' To have met and recognize somebody or to be certain or sure about something. [3626]
* '''Learn:''' To acquire, or attempt to acquire knowledge or an ability to do something. [504]
* '''Pretend:''' To behave in such a way that makes someone believe something that is not true. [3631]
* '''Remember:''' To recall from memory. [707]
* '''Result in:''' Having a specific result, a logical consequence. [1723]
* '''Seem:''' To have a given outward appearance. [1521]
* '''Study:''' To follow a course of study; to be enrolled at an institute of learning. [1929]
* '''Succeed:''' To attain a desired goal. [1112]
* '''Suspect:''' To assume something to be true without direct evidence. [1841]
* '''Teach:''' To pass on knowledge and skills. [709]
* '''Think (believe):''' To have as opinion, belief, or idea. [1513]
* '''Think (reflect):''' To actively and consciously use one's mental powers, usually to form ideas. [1415]
* '''Think:''' Use ones mental power to form ideas or having used ones mental power to form ideas of conviction or belief. [2271]
* '''Try:''' To attempt to do something. [1812]
* '''Understand:''' To be aware of the meaning of. [1536]

=== Other ===
=== Other ===
* '''And:''' Used to connect two homogeneous words or phrases. [1577]
* '''Because:''' Conjunction initiating a causal phrase. [1157]
* '''By heart:''' Completely and faithfully, refering to something that has been learnt and memorized. [71]
* '''Few pieces:''' More than one, but not as many as usual or as expected. (for countable nouns) [3451]
* '''How many pieces:''' Which quantity? (for countable nouns) [3450]
* '''How many:''' Which quantity? [822]
* '''How much:''' Which quantity? (for mass nouns) [531]
* '''How:''' In what way? [1239]
* '''If:''' [The introduction of a condition or decision.] [1459]
* '''Main:''' The most important element. [1078]
* '''Many pieces:''' An indefinite large number of. (for countable nouns) [3453]
* '''Much:''' An indefinite large number of. (for mass nouns) [3452]
* '''Necessary:''' Needed for a purpose or a reason. [1030]
* '''Need (something):''' Feeling the desire or the urge for something. [2339]
* '''No or not:''' A word used to show disagreement with something or to negate something. [2279]
* '''No:''' A word used to show disagreement of something. [1269]
* '''Or:''' [Conjunction that indicates an alternative.] [1014]
* '''What:''' Which thing. [1236]
* '''When:''' At what time? [1238]
* '''Where:''' At what place? [1237]
* '''Which:''' What one or ones (of those mentioned or implied). [727]
* '''Who or what:''' What person or which thing. [2147]
* '''Who:''' What person or people; which person or people. [1235]
* '''Why:''' For what reason. [1270]
* '''Yes:''' A word used to show agreement or affirmation of something. [1268]

=== Person/Thing ===
=== Person/Thing ===
* '''Agreement:''' The state of sharing the same feeling or opinion. [3644]
* '''Cause:''' That which brings about any condition or produces any effect. [860]
* '''Concept:''' A particular object of thought formulated as an abstract or general idea. [3966]
* '''Content:''' In its physical sense, substance held by a recipient. In its cognitive sense, information or substance matter of a given subject. [3967]
* '''Doubt:''' Uncertainty about the truth or accuracy of a matter. [1308]
* '''Effect:''' The manifestation of the particular influence of a given action on something. [3968]
* '''Idea:''' A plan or notion that is formed and exists in the mind as a result of mental activity. [1609]
* '''Identity:''' A persisting state of being the same for an entity or someone, from an objective or a subjective standpoint. Commonly referring to an individual's self-sense of being as a distinct person. [3960]
* '''Intention:''' An anticipated outcome that is intended to obtain or that guides your planned actions. [1162]
* '''Kind (thing):''' A category of things distinguished by a common characteristic or quality. [844]
* '''Knowledge:''' The fact or state of knowing something or being familiar with a certain type of technique. [3874]
* '''Manner:''' Way of performing or effecting anything. [488]
* '''Memory:''' The ability of an organism to record information combined with the facility of recall. [1018]
* '''Mind:''' The ability for rational thought. [1562]
* '''Necessity:''' Something that needs to be done. [422]
* '''Need (noun):''' The fact or an instance of feeling the lack of something. [643]
* '''Plan:''' A method or a set of arrangements, needed to achieve a specific goal. [3630]
* '''Pupil (student):''' A student under the supervision of a teacher or professor. [753]
* '''Relationship:''' The way in which two elements or individuals are connected, usually in a social or affective sense. [3959]
* '''School:''' An institution or building at which children and young people receive education. [673]
* '''Suspicion:''' An assumption without direct evidence. [3197]
* '''System:''' A set of connected elements that form a whole by virtue of their interrelatedness and function. [3957]
* '''Teacher:''' A person who passes on knowledge, especially one employed in a school. [1038]
* '''Thought:''' Thought refers to ideas or arrangements of ideas that are the result of the process of thinking. [2975]

=== Property ===
=== Property ===
* '''Attentive:''' Giving attention. [1908]
* '''Certain:''' Without any doubt or possibility of deviation. [509]
* '''Clear:''' Free of ambiguity or doubt. [989]
* '''Clever:''' Mentally agile. [1310]
* '''Confused:''' Being in a state of not exactly knowing or understanding what is happening; bewildered; perplexed. [3858]
* '''Cunning:''' To be smart and witty. [2335]
* '''Difficult:''' Not easy, which needs hard work, patience and effort of either the physical or mental kind. [584]
* '''Easy:''' Requiring little skill or effort; posing no difficulty. [686]
* '''Experienced:''' To have apprehended objects, thoughts, or emotions through senses and mind. [2218]
* '''Foreign:''' Not belonging to that in which it is contained; introduced from an outside source. [109]
* '''Mad:''' Mentally ill. [1899]
* '''Obscure:''' Known vaguely or incompletely, if at all. [1764]
* '''Obstinate:''' Persisting in a reactionary stand. [1842]
* '''Secret:''' Being or kept hidden from public perception. [1121]
* '''Smart:''' To be of high intelligence. [2530]
* '''Strange:''' Out of the ordinary. [600]
* '''Stupid:''' Lacking in intelligence. [1518]
* '''Wise:''' Showing good judgement or the benefit of experience. [698]

== Emotions and values ==
== Emotions and values ==