User:MIGUELbM/Muna v2.8: Difference between revisions

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* Voiced fricatives [β ð ɣ] undergo fortition [b d g] when adjacent to a stop or nasal
* [β ð ɣ] undergo fortition [b d g] when adjacent to a stop or nasal
* Adjacent unvoiced stops and their voiced counterparts [pb bp td dt kg gk] become voiced and geminated [b: d: g:]
* Unvoiced stops and their voiced counterparts, when adjacent [pb bp td dt kg gk], become voiced and geminated [b: d: g:]
* The voiced alveolar fricative [ð] undergoes fortition [d] before [l]
* [ð] undergoes fortition [d] before [l]
* The lateral approximant [l] becomes a lateral release [◌ˡ] after alveolar stops [t d]
* [l] becomes a lateral release [◌ˡ] after alveolar stops [t d]
* Alveolar and velar nasals [n ŋ] become palatal nasals [ɲ] before [j]
* [n ŋ] become palatal nasals [ɲ] before [j]
* [h] becomes [ɧ] before [j]
* [j] undergoes fortition [ʝ] word-initially
* [h ɣ g] become labialized [hʷ ɣʷ gʷ] before [w]

==Word Classes==
==Word Classes==