Cwengâr/Vocabulary: Difference between revisions

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{| border="none" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" class="bluetable lightbluebg sortable collapsible collapsed jquery-tablesorter" id="collapsibleTable0"
! class="headerSort headerSortDown" title="Sort descending"|English
! class="headerSort headerSortDown" title="Sort descending"|English
Line 285: Line 285:
| write || rŷnob
| write || rŷnob
{| border="none" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" class="bluetable lightbluebg sortable collapsible collapsed jquery-tablesorter" id="collapsibleTable0"
{| border="none" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" class="bluetable lightbluebg sortable collapsible collapsed jquery-tablesorter" id="collapsibleTable0"
! class="headerSort headerSortDown" title="Sort descending"|English
! class="headerSort headerSortDown" title="Sort descending"|English
! class="headerSort" title="Sort ascending"|Cwengâr
! class="headerSort" title="Sort ascending"|Cwengâr
| all || dol
| all || dol
Line 914: Line 916:
| yellow || lanŷl
| yellow || lanŷl
all || dol |-
animal || rŷner |-
anvil || rhôlhêc'h |-
arguement || âryg'h |-
arm || erhàd |-
armour || gwôsad |-
art || nâten |-
ash || funug'h |-
aunt [maternal] || palhulyn |-
aunt [paternal] || cwyngalhyn |-
autumn || âshânaf |-
back || fyt |-
ball || lârhod |-
banner || tenof |-
bark || acwatŷl |-
bell || ilhôtân |-
belly || tam |-
birch || bôreb |-
bird || ashâ |-
bite || ôrhôt |-
black || pelh |-
blade || âlhàr |-
blessing || pelâr |-
blood || fferen |-
blue || cwŷnŷl |-
boat || erêt |-
body || tad |-
bone || gwêd |-
boy || un |-
bread || tanŷr |-
breast || melagw |-
brick || dolŷcw |-
bronze || gwànal |-
brother || àlhun |-
brown || gwônŷl |-
burn || ffemen |-
bush || ôgwôb |-
cane || dôlŷgw |-
cart || leran |-
castle || nŷlhàn |-
cat || lŷffŷn |-
cavern || nŷlhàr |-
central || mat |-
centre || cwâmat |-
centre || - |-
chair || ûtad |-
cheek || ârhôcwŷn |-
chest || ffât |-
clothing || gwotad |-
cloud || ârad |-
coin || perel |-
copper || taled |-
corner || leg'hô |-
cost || cwypelhôn |-
courage || fferate |-
cow || terhogw |-
curse || pelhocw |-
cut || ug'hôn |-
daughter || yla |-
death || - |-
death || c'harhôn |-
deep || lyrel |-
desire || mad |-
despair || gwôlel |-
dice || gworel |-
dirt road || lâram |-
dog || bôrŷn |-
doing || târ |-
door || êram |-
dream || tŷc'hâm |-
drink || lag'hôn |-
drum || rhôc'hâl |-
dust || cwât |-
ear || rhôs |-
earth || âr |-
east || ônôn |-
edge || cwânâcw |-
egg || bêcw |-
elbow || merhàn |-
end || urad |-
equinox || cwalhog'hôl |-
evergreen || dolanŷl |-
exile || tŷsheffel |-
eye || yr |-
family || ngeg'hel |-
far || lyr |-
farm || tac'hyr |-
fat || tedôgw |-
fate || mêl |-
father || ãl |-
fence || cwŷnabôl |-
fight || cwŷlh |-
finger || ryr |-
fire || ffer |-
fish || cwynôn |-
flat || bôlŷr |-
flesh || gwôlad |-
flood || rhushan |-
flower || cwŷnaf |-
fog || lyred |-
food || tac'had |-
foot || tem |-
ford || cwanam |-
foreign warrior || ânŷlhon |-
forgiveness || fogwên |-
fort || ulhàn |-
fox || - |-
free man || cwelhn |-
friend || - |-
front || ffâl |-
fruit || ratel |-
game || gwêlam |-
garden || cwŷneffâr |-
gem || relhàn |-
gift || pelad |-
girl || yn |-
glimpse || lŷm |-
god || Êlhôn |-
gold || perŷl |-
grass || lŷgw |-
grey || pelhôd |-
growth || tec'hapad |-
guts || gwêtedô |-
hair || cwarala |-
hall || âcwem |-
hammer || tenocw |-
hand || rat |-
harp || ôrhôdun |-
head || dàcw |-
heart || rân |-
hesistance || cwereff |-
hiding place || enâmem |-
high || nâl |-
hill || rêlhô |-
hilt || ânŷlan |-
hold || râl |-
home || bôlam |-
hope || mad |-
horn || cweranŷl |-
horse || lâran |-
house || cwelem |-
hunter || ramalen |-
ice || âran |-
iron || gŷl |-
javelin || cwalhôt |-
jewel || lhànad |-
journey || lhônàr |-
keepsake || gwôrad |-
kindness || ffelâr |-
king || cwyshŷn |-
knee || merat |-
knowledge || lycwâm |-
lake || cwanur |-
law || cwyn |-
leaf || ranŷl |-
leg || cwadôm |-
lie || net |-
life || tel |-
light || ffecwad |-
liver || cwerhàcw |-
lode stone || tenelhàn |-
loss || foter |-
lover || rynen |-
low || lhur |-
luck || cwâter |-
man || ôlhon |-
map || rŷtal |-
meat || ôregw |-
melody || erhôd |-
mercenary || lhutânŷl |-
mid || ucwal |-
mid || mat |-
milk || tecwan |-
money || cwârhocw |-
month || tân |-
moon || tân |-
mother || ul |-
mould || rhôgwôn |-
mountain || nŷlhô |-
mouse || ôrhêc'hon |-
mouth || cwarhôt |-
nail || gwutŷl |-
name || ffemocw |-
near || nyl |-
necessity || câc'had |-
neck || gwàr |-
neighbour || bôlenôn |-
noise || umer |-
north || nâlhôn |-
northern || nâlhôn |-
nose || cwerŷn |-
path || nàr |-
peace || petan |-
pebble || cwŷbàn |-
peninsula || duf |-
people || cwel |-
place || ôtan |-
poetry || mocwen |-
port || cwaram |-
port town || cwaffan |-
possibility || cwâdur |-
power || gwonŷl |-
promise || cwyn focw |-
prophecy || tecwâm |-
pupil (eye) || macwer |-
rain || cwec'han |-
rear || ffyr |-
red || bôn |-
result || cwârad |-
river || lenàr |-
road || pŷlam |-
robin || bônôshâ |-
rock || pŷlhàn |-
root || nugw |-
rope || gwôtŷl |-
rot || forhocw |-
rule || cwyn |-
salt || pâl |-
sand || fêrâr |-
saying || cwâtâr |-
scent || erŷs |-
school || lecwâshan |-
scratch || gwutŷlŷc |-
sea || pecwan |-
seed || tâc'hab |-
shallow || ŷgwurel |-
sheep || merŷgw |-
shield || gwôc'had |-
shout || rhôlhôt |-
silence || merhôl |-
silver || cwârhôd |-
sister || àlyn |-
skin || gwut |-
sky || cwed |-
sleep || tŷn |-
sling || dôted |-
smoke || cweffer |-
snake || naran |-
snow || rhôtâr |-
son || ân |-
song || cwec'hŷr |-
soul || fferel |-
south || lyrhôn |-
southern || lyrhôn |-
spear || doc'halhôt |-
spit || cwer |-
split || fog'hôn |-
spring || cwashânaf |-
squeeze || naparâr |-
stand || nulan |-
star || ryl |-
stick || tŷgw |-
story || tetar |-
strife || tec'hŷlh |-
summer || ffeshânaf |-
summer soltice || cweg'hôl |-
sun || ghôl |-
supply || cwâc'hed |-
swelling || tecwed |-
sword || ânŷl |-
table || fôtal |-
tail || cwebot |-
tar || nen |-
taste || erhôdôn |-
tear || ffelan |-
temple || ylam |-
thing || tad |-
time || fôffan |-
tin || nàl |-
toe || târal |-
tongue || cwânâr |-
tooth || ôrhêcw |-
tower || môlên |-
town || lhôffan |-
trade || lhoten |-
trap || tenale |-
tree || ôrab |-
tribe || tâc'hel |-
trifle || rhoneb |-
twilight || peled |-
nephew [paternal] || àlhulân |-
uncle [paternal] || - |-
union || cwânan |-
valley || lhunŷl |-
vein || fferhôr |-
victory || ter |-
vomit || ucwar |-
vow || - |-
walk || dôl |-
wall || dôl |-
warrior || ânŷlen |-
water || cwan |-
way || nàr |-
weight || aral |-
west || tenôn |-
western || tenôn |-
whiskey || tel ngwôn |-
whisper || lhucwâr |-
white || fêrâr |-
wildman || angyn ôlhon |-
wind || cwac'hed |-
winter || cweshânaf |-
winter soltice || âlaghôl |-
wipe || leshelhôd |-
wit || cwer |-
wolf || pelhôtŷn |-
woman || alŷn |-
wood || ôran |-
wool || meral |-
word || mocw |-
work || gwufôr |-
worm || cwârhon |-
writing || rŷnob |-
yellow || lanŷl |-
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