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==Particles (''remīn'')==
Traditional Chlouvānem grammar only recognizes a single part of speech called "particles" (''remīn'', literally "helper(s)") which includes conjunctions, postpositions, and interjections. However, these three are recognized as subsets of particles - here translated as "conjunctive particles" (''natemālāhai remīn''), "accompanying particles", i.e. postpositions (''ūtimāhai remīn''), and "exclamatory particles" (''pigdilanah nali remīn''), as is also a further fourth subgroup called "adverbial particles" (''khladaradhausirāhe remīn'').
===Conjunctive particles===
Conjunctive particles typically may not stand alone and do not modify (i.e. require a particular case) nouns they're attached to - with the exception of ''væse''. They are:
* '''golat''' — on the other hand, whereas (less common than ''maip'')
* '''lai''' — inclusive or
* '''lasь''' — and (incomplete listings, i.e. "X and Y and Z and so on"; <small>see ''no'' below for the use.</small>)
* ''maip'' — on the other hand, whereas (more common than both ''golat'' and ''vādvyeṣi'')
* '''mbu''' — exclusive or
* '''menni''' — because, for, as
:: If there is a following main clause, then it's the last word in the subordinate of reason (this use is usually synonymous to the consequential secondary verbal mood of cause, e.g. ''aganą lā įstiāk menni yųlakepañcekte'' "as (s)he was hungry, (s)he started eating" = ''aganą lā įstiānairek yųlakepañcekte''); if it's just a lone sentence (an answer), then it is usually at the ''second'' place in the sentence, after the verbal trigger (e.g. ''tami menni yuyųlsegde'' "because (s)he wants to eat").
* '''najelai''' — maybe. Originally the archaic potential form of ''najalle'' (to happen). Requires a verb in the subjunctive mood.
* '''nanū''' — also, too (only between sentences; <small>see ''tora'' below</small>). Actually a different use of the adverb meaning "more" (comparative of ''taili'' "many, much").
* '''natte''' — until. Requires a noun in translative case (or dative case for places, meaning "as far as")<ref>Compare ''ājvan natte'' "until dawn" and ''līlasuṃghāṇa kahērimaila ga keikom natte'' "as far as Līlasuṃghāṇa Kahērimaila Station".</ref> or a verb in the subjunctive.
* '''ni''' — but
* '''no''' — and (between nouns and denoting a complete listing; use ''lasь'' for incomplete listings). It follows the noun it refers to, and in listings with more than two nouns it follows every noun except the first. It (and ''lasь'') can also translate "and" between verbs, but ''sama'' is preferred between sentences, especially with different subjects (e.g. ''yąlute molute no'' "I eat and drink", either ''mēlitu yąlute kolecañu molute no'' or ''mēlitu yąlute sama kolecañu molute'' "I eat curry and drink kvas", but most often ''mēlitu yąlute sama liliā ñæltah kolecañu molegde'' "I eat curry and my sister drinks kvas". Note that ''mēlitu yąlute liliā ñæltah kolecañu molegde no'' is still correct, but mostly found in literary or very formal language).
* '''sama''' —  and (between sentences). Shortened to '''sam''' before vowel-initial words.
* '''tī''' — because, for, as
:: Unlike ''menni'' (which it is an exact synonym of), ''tī'' is always in second place, cf. ''aganą lā tī įstiāk yųlakepañcekte'' (in this case, note that no other word can intervene between the "accompanying particle" ''lā'' and the noun it is attached to).
* '''tora''' — also, too; used both as a conjunctive particle (even if ''nanū'' is more common) and as an adverbial one, in the latter case always before the verb (and any non-subject pronoun). (e.g. ''tora tū uyųlaṃte'' "I've eaten that too").
* ''vādvyeṣi'' — on the other hand, whereas (more formal than both ''golat'' and ''maip'')
* '''væse''' — while, in the meantime. Requires a subjunctive mood verb or a noun in essive (or, depending on the meaning, exessive or translative) case.
The numerous particles in the Chlouvānem language have various uses, including coordinating conjunctions, semantic, and pragmatic particles. Most of them (except a few conjunctions) follow the word they modify. Here they are listed in Latin alphabetical order:
The numerous particles in the Chlouvānem language have various uses, including coordinating conjunctions, semantic, and pragmatic particles. Most of them (except a few conjunctions) follow the word they modify. Here they are listed in Latin alphabetical order:
* '''dam''' is an interrogative particle, put after the verb: ''dalьtah væl dam?'' "is it a fish?".
* '''dam''' is an interrogative particle, put after the verb: ''dalьtah væl dam?'' "is it a fish?".
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* '''golat''' translates "meanwhile" or "on the other hand".
* '''golat''' translates "meanwhile" or "on the other hand".
* '''gu(n) — ša''' is a circumfix around verbs used to negate it, e.g. ''gu yuyųlsegde ša'' "(s)he doesn't want to eat"). Note that the ''ša'' element is omitted if the verb is attributive.
* '''gu(n) — ša''' is a circumfix around verbs used to negate it, e.g. ''gu yuyųlsegde ša'' "(s)he doesn't want to eat"). Note that the ''ša'' element is omitted if the verb is attributive.
* '''lai''' is the "inclusive or"
* '''laha''' means "only, just", e.g. ''lārvājuṣui laha flå'' "I'm only going to the temple".
* '''laha''' means "only, just", e.g. ''lārvājuṣui laha flå'' "I'm only going to the temple".
* '''lā''' (arch. ''lapi'') means "with", in the comitative sense, requiring essive case. Similarly, '''udvī''' means "without", with the same case (e.g. ''liliąa ñæltęs lā'' "with my sister"; ''liliąa ñæltęs udvī'' "without my sister").
* '''lā''' (arch. ''lapi'') means "with", in the comitative sense, requiring essive case. Similarly, '''udvī''' means "without", with the same case (e.g. ''liliąa ñæltęs lā'' "with my sister"; ''liliąa ñæltęs udvī'' "without my sister").
* '''lǣh''' translates "already", with a noun in essive case or a verb in the semantically correct mood.
* '''lǣh''' translates "already", with a noun in essive case or a verb in the semantically correct mood.
* '''mbu''' is the "exclusive or"; placement with nouns is the same as ''no''/''lasь'', and with verbs it's often the same as ''sama''.
* '''mei''' and '''go''' are the Chlouvānem words for "yes" and "no" respectively; their use is however different from English, as they are used according to the polarity of the question: ''mei'' answers "yes" to affirmative questions and "no" to negative questions; ''go'' answers "no" to affirmative questions and "yes" to negative questions.
* '''mei''' and '''go''' are the Chlouvānem words for "yes" and "no" respectively; their use is however different from English, as they are used according to the polarity of the question: ''mei'' answers "yes" to affirmative questions and "no" to negative questions; ''go'' answers "no" to affirmative questions and "yes" to negative questions.
* '''menni''' translates "because, for". If there's a following main clause, then it's the last word in the subordinate of reason (this use is synonymous to the consequential secondary verbal mood of cause); if it's a lone sentence (an answer), then it is usually at the ''second'' place in the sentence, after the verbal trigger (e.g. ''tami menni yuyųlsegde'' "because (s)he wants to eat").
* '''mūji''' translates "almost", "more or less"
* '''mūji''' translates "almost", "more or less"
* '''mæn''' [[Chlouvānem#Use of the topic|marks the topic]] which otherwise has no role in the sentence (often used inside larger conversations, e.g. ''lili mæn yulte kåmbe'' (mine/as for me (echoing a previous sentence), [it is] in the bright yellow backpack; OR: as for me, [I keep it] in...)).
* '''mæn''' [[Chlouvānem#Use of the topic|marks the topic]] which otherwise has no role in the sentence (often used inside larger conversations, e.g. ''lili mæn yulte kåmbe'' (mine/as for me (echoing a previous sentence), [it is] in the bright yellow backpack; OR: as for me, [I keep it] in...)).
* '''najelai''' means "maybe"; it stems from the archaic potential form of ''najalle'' (to happen). It requires a verb in subjunctive mood.
* '''nali''', when used with a noun in direct case, marks the benefactive argument in any voice except benefactive-trigger. When used with a verb in subjunctive mood, it means "in order to", with a nuance of hope (when compared to the bare subjunctive, which already has that meaning).
* '''nali''', when used with a noun in direct case, marks the benefactive argument in any voice except benefactive-trigger. When used with a verb in subjunctive mood, it means "in order to", with a nuance of hope (when compared to the bare subjunctive, which already has that meaning).
* '''nānim''' translates "almost", with a noun in essive case or a verb in the semantically correct mood.
* '''nānim''' translates "almost", with a noun in essive case or a verb in the semantically correct mood.
* '''natte''' translates "until", with a noun in translative case (or dative case for places, meaning "as far as")<ref>Compare ''ājvan natte'' "until dawn" and ''līlasuṃghāṇa kahērimaila ga keikom natte'' "as far as Līlasuṃghāṇa Kahērimaila Station".</ref> or a verb in the subjunctive.
* '''ni''' translates "but" as a coordinating conjunction.
* '''no''' translates English "and" when between nouns and when denoting a complete listing; for incomplete listings (e.g. "X and Y and so on") the particle '''lasь''' is used. Both follow the noun they refer to, and in listings with more than two nouns they follow every noun except the first. They can also translate "and" between verbs, but ''sama'' is preferred between sentences, especially with different subjects (e.g. ''yąlute molute no'' "I eat and drink", either ''mēlitu yąlute kolecañu molute no'' or ''mēlitu yąlute sama kolecañu molute'' "I eat curry and drink kvas", but most often ''mēlitu yąlute sama liliā ñæltah kolecañu molegde'' "I eat curry and my sister drinks kvas". Note that ''mēlitu yąlute liliā ñæltah kolecañu molegde no'' is still correct, but mostly found in literary or very formal language).
* '''pa''' translates "on, of, about; concerning, on the subject of", and requires a noun direct case or a verb in subjunctive mood.
* '''pa''' translates "on, of, about; concerning, on the subject of", and requires a noun direct case or a verb in subjunctive mood.
* '''ras''' marks the antibenefactive argument outside of antibenefactive-trigger voice, or "to avoid X" with a subjunctive mood verb.
* '''ras''' marks the antibenefactive argument outside of antibenefactive-trigger voice, or "to avoid X" with a subjunctive mood verb.
* '''sama''' translates "and" as a coordinating conjunction between clauses. If the following word starts with a vowel, it is shortened to '''sam''''.
* '''tī''' translates "because", "for", and it is always in the second clause of a sentence: ''tū dadrāṃte tī daudiau'' "I have done it because I wanted to".
* '''tora''' translates "also", "too", usually before the verb (e.g. ''tora tū uyųlaṃte'' "I've eaten that too"); note that "also" as a conjunction between two sentences is usually translated with ''nanū'' (more).
** '''tora gu''' is a particle-adjective locution translating "not even", and is put before the noun it refers to.;
** '''tora no''', after the noun, translates "even" - e.g. ''tami tora no tū dadrāte'' "even he has done it it").
* '''tælū''' means "again".
* '''tælū''' means "again".
* '''væse''' translates "while", "meanwhile", with an essive (or, depending on meaning, exessive or translative) noun or a verb of the semantically correct mood.

===Adjectival-adverbial particles===
Adjectival-adverbial particles are those particles that are semantically adjectives or adverbs identifying quantity, but - like particles - usually follow the noun or the verb they refer to instead of preceding it.
<!-- ===Adverbial particles===
Adverbial particles are a "catch-all" category -->
* '''glidemæh''' translates "only" or "alone".
* '''glidemæh''' translates "only" or "alone".
* '''lenta''' means "together (with)"; when used as a particle, it requires a noun in genitive case - e.g. ''lili buneyi lenta'' "I, together with my older sister".
* '''lenta''' means "together (with)"; when used as a particle, it requires a noun in genitive case - e.g. ''lili buneyi lenta'' "I, together with my older sister".
