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'''{{FULLPAGENAME}}''' /ˈθiːən/ (Zzean: ''Zzea kī̄'' /θiə̯˧ ki˥/) is an analytic monosyllabic tonal language created by [[User:IlL|Inthar]]. {{PAGENAME}} has an extraordinarily complex tone system, with 5 level tones and 6 contour tones. It is head-final and SVO. Zzean belongs to a small family called the Zzeic languages but otherwise has no known relatives.
{{PAGENAME}} is inspired by East and Southeast Asian tonal languages, Ojitlán Chinantec, Toda, and Saanich.

The following is the phonology of Standard Zzean.
=== Phonotactics ===
A morpheme is almost always monosyllabic. A syllable always has the structure IR<sup>T</sup>, where I = initial, R = rime, and T = tone. {{SUBPAGENAME}} has 33 initials, 9 rimes, and 11 tones, making 3267 possible syllables.
=== Rimes ===
* /ɑ/ and /ɑj/ are phonetically [a{{ret}}] and [a{{ret}}j]. <!-- Rationale: Backing too much would cause pharyngealization, messing up tones. -->
* /ɨə{{nonsyll}}/ is commonly monophthongized to [ɨ] or [ɨ{{lowered}}].
=== Initials ===
-->{| border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" class="wikitable" style="width: 700px; text-align:center;
! colspan="2" rowspan="2" |
! rowspan="2" |Labial
! colspan="2" |Lamino-dental
! colspan="2" |Apico-alveolar
! colspan="2" |Subapical
! rowspan="2" |Palatal(ized)
! rowspan="2" |Velar
! rowspan="2" |Glottal
! |<small>nonsib.</small>
! |<small>sib.</small>
! |<small>nonsib.</small>
! |<small>sib.</small>
! |<small>nonsib.</small>
! |<small>sib.</small>
| '''m''' /m/
|colspan="2"| '''nh''' /n̪/
|colspan="2"| '''n''' /n/
|colspan="2"| '''nr''' /ɳ/
| '''p''' /p/
| '''th''' /t̪/
| '''tz''' /t&#810;s&#810;/
| '''t''' /t/
| '''ts''' /ts&#800;/
| '''tr''' /ʈ/
| '''tsr''' /ʈʂ/
| '''k''' /k/
| /ʔ/
| '''f''' /f/
| '''zz''' /θ/
| '''z''' /s&#810;/
| '''ss''' /θ&#800;/
| '''s''' /s&#800;/
| '''sr''' /ʂ/
| '''x''' /ʃ/
| '''kh''' /x/
| '''h''' /h/
| '''w''' /w/
|colspan="2"|'''zh''' /ð&#798;/
|colspan="2"|'''r''' /ɾ/
|colspan="2"|'''rr''' /ɻ/
|'''y''' /j/
|'''g''' /ɰ/
|colspan="2"|'''lh''' /l&#810;/
|colspan="2"|'''l''' /l/
|colspan="2"|'''lr''' /ɭ/
|'''lg''' /ʟ/
=== Tones ===
Tones have a high functional load in Þhea Kï.
! Rom.
! English name
! Example
! Description
| '''ā̄'''
| /˥/ (55)
| top
| ''kā̄'' /kɑ˥/ 'short'
| Often marked by stiff voice.
| '''ā'''
| /˦/ (44)
| high
| ''kā'' /kɑ˦/ 'coat'
| '''a'''
| /˧/ (33)
| mid
| ''ka'' /kɑ˧/ 'to take'
| '''a̱'''
| /˨/ (22)
| low
| ''ka̱'' /kɑ˨/ 'to breathe'
| '''a̱̱'''
| /˩/ (11)
| bottom
| ''ka̱̱'' /kɑ˩/ 'to burn (intrans.)'
| Often marked by vocal fry.
| '''a̗'''
| /˩˥/ (15)
| bottom-rise
| ''ka̗'' /kɑ˩˥/ 'roof'
| Often begins with vocal fry. May be realized as [˩˦] (14), or even [˨˦] (24) in rapid speech.
| '''á'''
| /˧˥/ (35)
| mid-rise
| ''ká'' /kɑ˧˥/ 'fencepost'
| '''à'''
| /˥˩/ (51)
| top-fall
| ''kà'' /kɑ˥˩/ 'crow, raven; (ideophone) caw'
| May be realized as [˥˧] (53).
| '''a̖'''
| /˧˩/ (31)
| mid-fall
| ''ka̖'' /kɑ˧˩/ 'finger'
| '''a̬'''
| /˨˩˨/ (212)
| dip
| ''ka̬'' /kɑ˨˩˨/ 'oil, fat, grease'
|  Often realized as [˩˨] (12) in rapid speech.
| '''â'''
| /˧˦˧/ (343)
| peak
| ''kâ'' /kɑ˧˦˧/ 'to imprint, to stamp'
| May be [˨˧˨] (232). Often realized as [˦˩] (41) or [˦˨] (42) in rapid speech.
==== Tone box ====
{| class="wikitable"
!A (null or resonant coda) (2/6)
!B (glottal stop coda) (1/6)
!C (fricative coda) (1/6)
!D (voiceless stop coda) (1/6)
!E (voiced stop coda) (1/6)
!Modal initial (3/8)
|33 (a)
|212 (a̬)
|22 (a̱)
|35 (á)
|11 (a̱̱)
!Breathy initial (3/8)
|31 (a̖)
|15 (a̗)
|343 (â)
|15 (a̗)
|343 (â)
!Creaky initial (2/8)
|51 (à)
|44 (ā)
|11 (a̱̱)
|55 (ā̄)
|51 (à)
===Awkwords input===
C: m/nh/n/nr/p/th/tz/t/ts/tx/tr/tsr/k//f/zz/z/ss/s/x/sr/kh/h/lh/zh/l/r/lr/rr/lg/g/y/w
R: ā̄/ā/a/a&#817;/a&#817;&#817;/a&#791;/á/à/a&#790;/a̬/â/ā̄y/āy/ay/a&#817;y/a&#817;&#817;y/a&#791;y/áy/ày/a&#790;y/a̬y/ây/ē̄/ē/e/e̱/e&#817;&#817;/e̗/é/è/e̖/e̬/ê/ē̄y/ēy/ey/e̱y/e&#817;&#817;y/e̗y/éy/èy/e̖y/e̬y/êy/ē̄a/ēa/ea/e̱a/e&#817;&#817;a/e̗a/éa/èa/e̖a/e̬a/êa/ī̄/ī/i/i̱/i&#817;&#817;/i̗/í/ì/i̖/i̬/î/ə̄̄/ə&#772;/ə/ə&#817;/ə&#817;&#817;/ə&#790;/ə&#769;/ə&#768;/ə&#791;/ə&#812;/ə&#770;/ə̄̄y/ə&#772;y/əy/ə&#817;y/ə&#817;&#817;y/ə&#790;y/ə&#769;y/ə&#768;y/ə&#791;y/ə&#812;y/ə&#770;y/ū̄a/u&#772;a/ua/u&#817;a/u&#817;&#817;a/u&#790;a/u&#769;a/u&#768;a/u&#791;a/u&#812;a/u&#770;a
== Dialects ==
== Orthography ==
Zzean is written in the Zzean script and uses a very deep orthography, like Tibetan.

Revision as of 00:23, 10 May 2023