Flewtish: Difference between revisions

148 bytes removed ,  29 December 2023
Orthography update
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Flewtish is officially written with the Cyrillic script as law enforces it in Russia. However, up until the [[w:Soviet Union|Soviet Union's]] dissolution in 1991, the language was actually written with the Latin script, which was brought over by Viking sailors around the 8th century. The Latin script is used mostly online and education is done almost exclusively in the Cyrillic-based alphabet instead.
Flewtish is officially written with the Cyrillic script as law enforces it in Russia. However, up until the [[w:Soviet Union|Soviet Union's]] dissolution in 1991, the language was actually written with the Latin script, which was brought over by Viking sailors around the 9th-10th century. The Latin script is used mostly in Finland with the local dialects and by older people elsewhere, but any new speakers are taught to write with the Cyrillic alphabet.

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! colspan="29" | Cyrillic Script for Flewtish
! colspan="29" | Cyrillic Script for Flewtish
| Аа /a/ || Бб /b/ || Вв /v/ || Гг /g/ || Ғғ /ɣ/ || Дд /d/ || Ѷѷ /ð/ || Ее /e/ || Зз /z/ || Ии /i/ || Ыы /ɨ/ || Ўў /y/ || Кк /k/ || Лл /l/ || Мм /m/ || Нн /n/ || Оо /o/ || Пп /p/ || Рр /ʁ/ || Тт /t/ || Сс /s/ || Уу /u/ || Фф /ɸ/ || Ьь (ʷ) || Хх /ç/ || Цц /t͡s/ || Чч /t͡ʃ/ || Шш /ʃ/ || Ѡѡ /w/
| Аа /a/ || Бб /b/ || Вв /v/ || Гг /g/ || Ғғ /ɣ/ || Дд /d/ || Ѣѣ /ð/ || Ее /e/ || Зз /z/ || Ии /i/ || Ыы /y/ || Кк /k/ || Лл /l/ || Мм /m/ || Нн /n/ || Оо /o/ || Пп /p/ || Рр /ʁ/ || Тт /t/ || Сс /s/ || Уу /u/ || Фф /ɸ/ || Ьь (ʷ) || Хх /x/ || Цц /t͡s/ || Чч /t͡ʃ/ || Шш /ʃ/ || Ѡѡ /w/ || Ъъ /ʔ/
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! colspan="27" | Latin Script for Flewtish
! colspan="27" | Latin Script for Flewtish
| Aa /a/ || Bb /b/ || Cc /t͡s/ || Dd /d/ || Đð /ð/ || Ee /e/ || Ff /f/ || Gg /g/ || Hh /ç/ || Ii /i/ || Yy /ɨ/ || Jj /ɣ/ || Kk /k/ || Ll /l/ || Mm /m/ || Nn /n/ || Oo /o/ || Pp /p/ || Rr /ʁ/ || Ss /s/ || Tt /t/ || Uu /u/ || Üü /y/ || Vv /v/ || Ww /w/ || Xx /ʒ/|| Zz /z/
| Aa /a/ || Bb /b/ || Cc /t͡s/ || Dd /d/ || Đð /ð/ || Ee /e/ || Ff /f/ || Gg /g/ || Hh /x/ || Ii /i/ || Yy /ɣ/ || Jj /j/ || Kk /k/ || Ll /l/ || Mm /m/ || Nn /n/ || Oo /o/ || Pp /p/ || Rr /ʁ/ || Ss /s/ || Tt /t/ || Uu /u/ || Üü /y/ || Vv /v/ || Ww /w/ || Xx /ʒ/|| Zz /z/
The letters correspond always to their pronunciation. The orthography is considered a [[w:phonetic orthography|phonetic]], as opposed to deep orthographies like [[w:French orthography|French's]].

