Quququqquq: Difference between revisions

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Line 82: Line 82:
| II-qauaq || III-qauaq
| II-qauäq || III-qauäq
Line 142: Line 142:
| aqüqauaq || aquaqaqauaq
| aqüqauäq || aquaqaqauäq
Line 200: Line 200:
| quququqququqauaq || quququqquqaqauaq
| quququqququqauäq || quququqquqaqauäq
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| qaqqaäaqauaq || qaqqaäqaqauaq
| qaqqaäaqauäq || qaqqaäqaqauäq

Revision as of 14:12, 14 November 2024

Pages with the prefix 'Quququqquq' in the and 'Talk' namespaces:


In Angai, Quququqquq (/ku:ku:'kʊkkʊk/, natively quququqquq qaqqaäa /kùkùkùkːùk kàkːàáà/ [kʰùvūvūkūɰˀ kʰàkǣǽǣ]) is the most phonologically minimalistic Kawenic language, with just one consonant /k/, two vowels /u a/, and two tones (high, Romanized ä ü and low, Romanized a u). It's spoken in the island nation of Quqqaäa (pronounced /'kʊkə/ in English).

Quququqquq grammar is mainly inspired by Finnic languages. Like Estonian, Quququqquq is a partially fusionalized agglutinative language with a large noun case system.


Needs more ü ä


The official name of the country is Quqqaäau Uqaqaüquaqquq (Republic of Quqqaäa). Quqqaäa.png


Old Quququqquq had two consonants /t k/. After an epidemic hit, speakers could only communicate in a whistled form of the language, which didn't distinguish between the two consonants. When they later developed a written language based on this, the distinction was thus lost. Words that became homophonous were distinguished by compounding and derivation.



Nouns and adjectives

Quququqquq nouns and adjectives have 17 cases:

  1. nominative: the syntactic subject of any verb, intransitive or transitive
  2. genitive: the possessor of a noun, or the semantic patient of a verb (the noun that undergoes change as a result of a transitive verb)
  3. partitive: an object of a transitive verb that is not semantically a patient
  4. illative: 'into'
  5. inessive: 'in, inside'
  6. elative: 'out of'
  7. allative: 'towards; recipient of an act of giving'
  8. adessive: 'at, by, next to'
    • X-ADE qaü Y-NOM is used for 'X has Y': Qauaqqüqua qaü qüqququqau 'Qauaqquq has a cuckoo'
  9. ablative: 'from; a person from whom something is taken, stolen, etc. from'


Nouns and adjectives have four principal parts:

  • I: nominative singular (never ends in -qq)
  • II: genitive singular (never ends in -q)
  • III: genitive plural (often but not always ends in -qa; never ends in -q)
  • IV: partitive plural (always ends in -q; sometimes III+q but not always)

Given principal parts nouns are declined as follows:

singular plural
nominative I II-q
genitive II III
partitive I-q IV
illative II-ü III-ü
inessive II-qqu III-qqu
elative II-qqüq III-qqüq
allative II-qua III-qua
adessive II-qqa III-qqa
ablative II-qqäq III-qqäq
translative II-ququ III-ququ
terminative II-quaä III-quaä
durative II-quqqü III-quqqü
essive II-qaua III-qaua
exessive II-qauäq III-qauäq
comitative II-qqäqu III-qqäqu
abessive II-uqqau III-uqqau
instructive II-qqaqqu III-qqaqqu


aqua, aqü, aquaqa, aquauq 'water'
singular plural
nominative aqua aqüq
genitive aqü aquaqa
partitive aquaq aquauq
illative aqüü aquaqaü
inessive aqüqqu aquaqaqqu
elative aqüqqüq aquaqaqqüq
allative aqüqua aquaqaqua
adessive aqüqqa aquaqaqqa
ablative aqüqqäq aquaqaqqäq
translative aqüququ aquaqaququ
terminative aqüquaä aquaqaquaä
durative aqüquqqü aquaqaquqqü
essive aqüqaua aquaqaqaua
exessive aqüqauäq aquaqaqauäq
comitative aqüqqäqu aquaqaqqäqu
abessive aqüuqqau aquaqauqqau
instructive aqüqqaqqu aquaqaqqaqqu

quququqquq, quququqququ, quququqquqa, quququqquqq 'Quququqquq (adjective)'
singular plural
nominative quququqquq quququqququq
genitive quququqququ quququqquqa
partitive quququqquqq quququqquqq
illative quququqququü quququqquqaü
inessive quququqququqqu quququqquqaqqu
elative quququqququqqüq quququqquqaqqüq
allative quququqquququa quququqquqaqua
adessive quququqququqqa quququqquqaqqa
ablative quququqququqqäq quququqquqaqqäq
translative quququqququququ quququqquqaququ
terminative quququqquququaä quququqquqaquaä
durative quququqquququqqü quququqquqaquqqü
essive quququqququqaua quququqquqaqaua
exessive quququqququqauäq quququqquqaqauäq
comitative quququqququqqäqu quququqquqaqqäqu
abessive quququqququuqqau quququqquqauqqau
instructive quququqququqqaqqu quququqquqaqqaqqu

qaqqaäa, qaqqaäa, qaqqaäqa, qaqqaäaq 'tongue, language'
singular plural
nominative qaqqaäa qaqqaäaq
genitive qaqqaäa qaqqaäqa
partitive qaqqaäaq qaqqaäaq
illative qaqqaäaü qaqqaäqaü
inessive qaqqaäaqqu qaqqaäqaqqu
elative qaqqaäaqqüq qaqqaäqaqqüq
allative qaqqaäaqua qaqqaäqaqua
adessive qaqqaäaqqa qaqqaäqaqqa
ablative qaqqaäaqqäq qaqqaäqaqqäq
translative qaqqaäaququ qaqqaäqaququ
terminative qaqqaäaquaä qaqqaäqaquaä
durative qaqqaäaquqqü qaqqaäqaquqqü
essive qaqqaäaqaua qaqqaäqaqaua
exessive qaqqaäaqauäq qaqqaäqaqauäq
comitative qaqqaäaqqäqu qaqqaäqaqqäqu
abessive qaqqaäauqqau qaqqaäqauqqau
instructive qaqqaäaqqaqqu qaqqaäqaqqaqqu


TODO: Do verbs have principal parts?

Quququqquq verbs have several differences from Standard Average European:

  • negative verb that marks TAM
  • emphatic forms instead of subject pronouns (cf. Old Irish)
  • impersonal forms

Infinitives end in -uqa or -üqa depending on the verb. The connegative form (the form used after the negative verb) is always identical to the imperative.

quqüäquqa 'to write'
indicative mood imperative mood
nonpast past nonpast emphatic past emphatic
per. no. affirmative negative affirmative negative affirmative negative affirmative negative affirmative negative
1st sg. quqüäqau äau quqüä quqüäqää äqqau quqüä quqüäqauqqa äqauqqa quqüä quqüäqääuqqa äqqauqqa quqüä - -
2nd quqüäqu äu quqüä quqüäqäqu äqqu quqüä quqüäqqä äqäqqä quqüä quqüäqäqqä äqqäqqä quqüä quqüä äua quqüä
3rd quqüäquq ää quqüä quqüäqä äqq quqüä quqüäquqqa äqaquqqa quqüä quqüäqäqqa äqqaqqa quqüä quqüäqa äuqaa quqüä
1st pl. quqüäqaüq äqaüq quqüä quqüäqäaüq äqqauq quqüä quqüäqaüquqq äqaüquqq quqüä quqüäqäaüquqq äqqaüquqq quqüä quqüäqaqaüq äuqaqaüq quqüä
2nd quqüäququq äququq quqüä quqüäqäuquq äqququq quqüä quqüäquququqq äquququqq quqüä quqüäqäuququqq äqquququqq quqüä quqüäqaquq äuqaquq quqüä
3rd quqüäqüüq äqüüq quqüä quqüäqäüüq äqqüüq quqüä quqüäqüüquqq äqauqq quqüä quqüäqäüüquqq äqqauqq quqüä quqüäqääq äuqääq quqüä
impersonal quqüäqua äqua quqüä quqüäqäua äqqua quqüä - - - - quqüäqaua äuqaua quqüä

qaüqa 'to be'


Personal pronouns have no nominative forms; emphatic forms of verbs are used instead to emphasize a pronominal subject.

Pronouns have emphatic forms too.
