
Proto-Lúsanic, also Proto-Lusanic, (sometimes abbreviated PLu.), is the reconstructed ancestral language of all the Lúsanian languages, including Aurónian, Finian and the Limbe-Mereian languages. Proto-Lúsanic is classified as being part of the “centum” languages (similarly to Italic, Celtic, Germanic, etc.), having merged the traditional palatovelar and plain series of the Proto-Indo-European plosives.

The reconstruction of Proto-Lúsanic is currently being undertaken but suffers from a lack of recorded sources as written material is mostly attested from one branch (Finio-Dhannic).

Sound changes from Proto-Indo-European

Late Proto-Indo-European

Many of these changes were shared by other branches of the Indo-European family.

  • “Palatovelars” merge with the “plain” velars (centumization):
  • /ḱ/ → /k/
  • /ǵ/ → /g/
  • /ǵʱ/ → /gʱ/
  • Two adjacent dentals become *ss:
  • /dt/ → /ss/
  • /tt/ → /ss/
  • /dd/ → /ss/
  • metathesis of “thorn clusters” (TK > KT, e.g. *h₂rtkos → *h₂rktos)
  • Loss of laryngeals before a following vowel:
  • /h₁e/ → /e/
  • /h₂e/ → /a/
  • /h₃e/ → /o/
  • Loss of laryngeals after a preceding vowel, lengthening and colouring it:
  • /eh₁/ → /ē/
  • /eh₂/ → /ā/
  • /eh₃/ → /ō/

Early Proto-Lúsanic

  • Labiovelars and sequences of velar + *w merge:
  • /kʷ/ → /kw/
  • /gʷ/ → /gw/
  • /gʷʱ/ → /gʱw/
  • Sequences of *s + plosive simplify to *ss
  • /st/ → /ss/
  • /sk/ → /ss/
  • /sp/ → /ss/
  • *m becomes *n before dentals and at the end of words.
  • /m̩d/ → /n̩d/
  • /m̩t/ → /n̩t/
  • /m#/ → /n#/
  • Sequences of a nasal and velar reduce to *nn in a two-step process.
  1. velars turn into a nasal velar
    • /nk/ → /nŋ/
    • /ng/ → /nŋ/
    • /ngʱ/ → /nŋ/
  2. nasal velars are de-velarized after a nasal
    • /nŋ/ → /nn/


  • Fricativization and devoicing of syllable-initial velar consonants before *w, *r, *l:
  • /kw/ → /hw/
  • /gw/ → /hw/
  • /gʱw/ → /hw/
  • Epethentic *a inserted before syllabic resonants:
  • /m̩/ → /am/
  • /n̩/ → /an/
  • /l̩/ → /al/
  • /r̩/ → /ar/
  • All words become stressed on the first syllable (e.g. *gʰortós → *gʰórtos)
  • Lowering of *e to *a if the following syllable has *a (e.g *ésanti → *ásanti)
  • Raising of *o after *w
  • /wo/ → /wu/
  • Voicing of plosives between a resonant and a vowel (RCV > RC+voicedV)

Late Proto-Lúsanic

These features spread somewhat unevenly among the daughter branches of Proto-Lúsanic, but still probably constituted a single intelligible dialect continuum.

  • Voicing of word-medial and word-final *s
  • Loss of word-initial *h when followed by a liquid
  • /hl/ → /l/
  • /hr/ → /r/


  1. ^ Only word medial in Finian