
BAD MINHAST TRANSLATIONS!™ is all about translations from a source language to Minhast, or from Minhast to a target language. A BAD MINHAST TRANSLATION!™ is always terrible for various reasons. Some are due to the usual sources of mistranslations, such as a bad command of the grammar and vocabulary of the foreign language to be translated. Other times the translator has a good understanding of the grammar and vocabulary, but gets tripped up on idiomatic expressions. Then there are instances where cultural differences factor in, and the Minhast translator tries to explain why the speakers of a foreign language would engage in such non-Minhast behaviour, such as why anyone would ask for directions when Google Maps is universally available.

In contrast to the Minhast homeland, in the expatriate Minhast communities one should theoretically be able to get a good translation. However, to be Minhast is to be argumentative, and a translation prompt can spark a totally off-topic rant. Eventually, the person requesting the translation will locate it, but it may be in a wall of text, or sandwiched somewhere in a two-hour recording involving diatribe of Flat Earth conspiracists that's only tangentially related to the translation prompt.

So whether the translation is coming from a Minhast student enrolled in a beginning ESOL class, or a bilingualMinhast-Italian speaker in Rome, you'll always get...a BAD MINHAST TRANSLATION!™

Mistranslations from Filling in the Blanks

A Teacher's Clothing

Mistranslations from Going Off On a Tangent

Flat Earth Conference Announcement

Screwing Up Idiomatic Expressions

Getting Directions

  1. Original Text: "At the intersection, take a right at the traffic light and continue till you reach a stop sign. Make another right and you'll reach the cul-de-sac. The house will be on your left."
  2. Bad Minhast Translation: "Ambuntaħnessammāš yakuddataħnessāš: saryamtuttahammāš yaštahamannimāš niswaktahandūš! Wahēk matti Kambaħš warrā'e, hittazduatahuš! Kurasumhidaštitaħnessammāš asusnurūditaħnessāš!"
  3. Actual Meaning: "You will continue on your path and you will have a choice: you can stop, turn from your evil ways, and pursue righteousness! When you see it, stop and accept The Light that appears before you! Otherwise you will be trapped and left behind!"

Mistranslations from a Passive-Aggressive Translator

Little Red Riding Hood