User:MIGUELbM/Muna v2.8



Labial Alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
Plosive p t k
Nasal m n ŋ
Fricative Spirant β ɸ ð θ ɣ h
Silibant s
Liquid Flap ɾ
Approx. l
Glide Approx. j w


Front Back
Unrounded Rounded
Close i u
Mid e o
Open a ɒ


i u
a ai
e ei
ɒ ɒu
o ou


Syllable (σ)
Onset (ω) Rime (ρ)
Initial (ι) Medial (μ) Nucleus (ν) Coda (κ)
  • Consonant
  • Semivowel
  • Liquid
  • Plosive
  • /s/
  • Vowel
  • Diphthong
  • Nasal
  • Liquid
  • Fricative
  • Liquid + fricative
  • Liquid + nasal

Initial (ι)

  • Initials are optional word-initially and mandatory elsewhere
  • Can’t have the same manner of articulation as a preceding coda

Medial (μ)

  • Medials re optional
  • Liquids are only allowed after stops or fricatives
  • /s/ Is only allowed after nasals or liquids
  • /s/ is forbidden on a first syllable or after a syllable with coda

Nucleus (ν)

  • Nuclei are mandatory
  • Diphthongs are not allowed after a semivowel

Coda (κ)

  • Codas are optional
  • Nasals must have the same place of articulation as the following obstruent
  • Liquid + fricative are only allowed word-finally


Stress is placed on the first syllable of words that start with an onset or monosyllabic words and in the second syllable of words with two or more syllables that start with a vowel.


  • Spirants and plosives with the same place of articulation merge and become geminated voiced plosives
    • [βp] → [bː]

  • Spirants undergo fortition, becoming voiced plosives, when adjacent to plosives with a different place of articulation or nasals
    • [ðn] → [dn]
    • [tɣ] → [tg]

  • The alveolar voiced spirant undergoes fortition before the lateral fricative and...
  • The lateral fricative becomes a lateral release after an alveolar plosive
    • [ðl] → [dl] → [dˡ]

  • The alveolar and velar nasals merge with the palatal glide to form a palatal nasal
    • [nj] → [ɲ]

  • The alveolar sibilant merges with the palatal glide into a voiceless palato-alveolar sibilant
    • [sj] → [ʃ]

  • The velar spirant and the palatal glide merge into a voiceless palatal-velar fricative
    • [hj] → [ɧ]

  • The velar spirant and the labiovelar glide merge into a voiceless labiovelar approximant
    • [hw] → [ʍ]

  • The labiovelar glide turns into labialization after a voiced velar plosive or spirant
    • [ɣw] → [ɣʷ]

  • The palatal glide becomes a voiced palatal fricative word-initially
    • [∅j] → [ʝ]

  • The labiovelar glide becomes a labiodental approximant word-initially
    • [∅w] → [ʋ]

Word Classes


Dependency structure

Adverb Tense Modifier Verb
Root Aspect

Muna Versions

Current version is v2.7, other versions hosted on Linguifex are below