IPA for Millennish

Revision as of 13:15, 6 March 2024 by Dillon (talk | contribs)

The charts below show the way in which the IPA represents Millennish pronunciations. English approximations are loose in some cases and are only intended to give a general idea of the pronunciation. For more information, see Help:IPA.

IPA Example Translation (near) equivalent
b ??? ??? bear
c ??? ??? ski
ɕ ??? ??? she
d ??? ??? dawn
f ??? ??? face
h ??? ??? head
ɟ ??? ??? job
j ??? ??? yawn
k ??? ??? scar
l ??? ??? light
ʎ ??? ??? million
m ??? ??? man
n ??? ??? new
ɲ ??? ??? canyon
p ??? ??? spin
r ??? ??? carro (Spanish)
s ??? ??? sweet
ʃ ??? ??? shin
t ??? ??? star
w ??? ??? war
v ??? ??? violin
x ??? ??? juga (Spanish)
z ??? ??? zebra
ʑ ??? ??? treasure
ʒ ??? ??? treasure
IPA Example Translation (near) equivalent
a ??? ??? father
ɑː ??? ??? father
e ??? ??? leo (Spanish)
ə ??? ??? about
i ??? ??? meet
o ??? ??? hombre (Spanish)
œ ??? ??? können (German)
u ??? ??? boot
y ??? ??? üppig (German)
ai ??? ??? tie
au ??? ??? how
ɑːi ??? ??? tie
ɑːu ??? ??? how
??? ??? air
ɛi ??? ??? bait
??? ??? ear
ɪə ??? ??? ear
??? ??? knower
??? ??? cruel
œy ??? ??? øy (Norwegian)
IPA Example Translation
Consonant Allophones
ɦ ??? ???
ɫ ??? ???
ŋ ??? ???
IPA Example Translation
Vowel Allophones
ə ??? ???
ɪ ??? ???
ɔ ??? ???
ʊ ??? ???
ʏ ??? ???
Syllabic Consonants
??? ???
ɫ̩ ??? ???
ʎ̩ ??? ???
??? ???
??? ???
ɲ̍ ??? ???
ŋ̍ ??? ???
??? ???
??? ???
??? ???
ʑ̩ ??? ???
ʒ̍ ??? ???