
Lõis (地 Lõis /lɤis/, Türiŋit for 'Earth') is a collaborative alt-hist Earth created by User:Praimhín and User:IlL.


From Proto-Dravidian to Austro-Dravidian:

Retro → uvular

  • ɳ → ŋ
  • ʈ → q
  • ɭ, ɹ → ʀ

Some HGCS-ish shifts:

  • Vq → Vχ
  • Vk → Vx (when not word-initial)
  • pp → pf → f
  • tt → ts
  • ṟ → voiceless r → θ̠

Nasalless Dravidian

θ̠ → ɬ

Nasalization split

  • VNC → V~C → vowel split

nasals denasalize:

  • m → b, n → d, ŋ → g

1: ɔɬ 2: ɪrɑq 3: baɨɬ 4: dɑk 5: a:t 6: æ:r 7: e:ʀ 8: ɛq 9: ɔpæts 10: pæts 100: duːr

German gibby Dravidian

1: onþ /ʌnθ̠/ 2: iŕenq /ˈɪɾəŋq/ 3: maunþ /maʊnθ̠/ 4: nehl /neːl/ 5: eind /aɪnt/ 6: ehŕ /eːɾ/ 7: ihr /iːɐ/ 8: eqq /ɛq/ 9: dorr /tɔɐ/ 10: batz /pats/ 100: nauŕ /naʊɾ/

Dämmer nouns are inflected in 2 numbers (singular and plural) and 4 cases (nominative, accusative, genitive, instrumental-locative). The language uses SVO order and postpositions like Finnish. The accusative is different from the nominative only for /-m̩/ nouns. In the genitive singular i-umlaut is triggered (a ɛ: ʌ o: ʊ u: aʊ > ɛ i: œ ø: u y: œy), though it is blocked by certain noun suffixes.

The Dravidian plural suffix is added as follows:

  • nouns in /-m̩/: the /-m̩/ changes to /-ŋɐ/
  • after resonants: /-kɐ/
  • otherwise: -er /-ɐ/


  • maɾm̩ (nom. sg.); maɾŋɐ (nom./acc. pl.)
  • maɾt͡s (acc. sg.)
  • maɾt͡sn̩ (gen. sg.); maɾŋɐn (gen. pl.)
  • maɾt͡sl̩ (ins./loc. sg.); maɾŋɐl (ins./loc. pl.)


  • maçn̩ (nom./acc. sg.); maçn̩kɐ (nom./acc. pl.)
  • maçnn̩ (gen. sg.); maçn̩kɐn (gen. pl.)
  • maçnl̩ (ins./loc. sg.); maçn̩kɐl (ins./loc. pl.)


  • wɛɐ (nom./acc. sg.); wɛɐkɐ (nom./acc. pl.)
  • wɛʁn̩ (gen. sg.); wɛɐkɐn (gen. pl.)
  • wɛʁl̩ (ins./loc. sg.); wɛɐkɐl (ins./loc. pl.)


  • waɪχ (nom./acc. sg.); waɪχɐ (nom./acc. pl.)
  • waɪχn̩ (gen. sg.); waɪχɐn (gen. pl.)
  • waɪχl̩ (ins./loc. sg.); waɪχɐl (ins./loc. pl.)


  • mʊqə (nom./acc. sg.); mʊqɐ (nom./acc. pl.)
  • mʏqn̩ (gen. sg.); mʊqɐn (gen. pl.)
  • mʊql̩ (ins./loc. sg.); mʊqɐl (ins./loc. pl.)


  • IE
    • Tluh-buhd-tahch
    • Italic
      • Latin
        • Caucasian Romance
    • Celtic
      • Goidelic
        • Old Irish
          • L-Irish
          • L-Scottish Gaelic
      • Brythonic
        • L-Welsh
        • L-Icelandic
      • Ancient Gaulish
        • Living Proto-Celtic
    • Germanic
    • Balto-Slavic
      • Baltic
      • Slavic
        • West Slavic
          • Sorbian
          • Lechitic
            • Polish
            • L-Ukrainian (Pseudo-Nuxálk)
          • Czech
        • East Slavic
          • L-Russian (a clickretrouvular language)
    • Indo-Iranian
    • Armenian
    • Quibbertoot
  • Uralic
  • Semitic
    • Central Semitic
      • Canaanite
        • Hebrew
          • L-Modern Hebrew
        • Phoenician
          • Modern Punic?
      • Aramaic
        • Scooby-Doo
      • Arabic
        • Arabic + umlaut
  • Dravidian
  • "Altaic"
  • Sino-Tibetan
    • Tibetic
      • L-Tibetan
    • Old Chinese
      • L-Middle Chinese
      • qʷˁʼaqˁʼartːut gib
  • Mon-Khmer
    • L-Khmer (Philly Khmer)
    • L-Mon (Wiobian gib)
      • uses be-: transitivizer (causative, denominal verbs, applicative)
      • zraak = divide, split
  • Tai-Kadai
    • Pradjuul gib
  • Miao-Yao
    • Hmong
  • Austronesian
    • L-Polynesian
      • Californian AN
      • L-Hawaiian (with mutations!)
    • Dravido-Austronesian
      • Head-final Austronesian languages
    • Triconsonantal Austronesian
  • Salish
    • Coast Salish
      • L-Lushootseed (Boot Polishoe gib?)
    • Interior Salish
      • Okanagan
      • Montana Salish
  • Eskimo-Aleut
    • L-Inuit?
  • Na-Dené
    • Athabaskan
    • L-Tlingit (a click language)