Pamarėska/Phrases and words

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in Pomorian in English
Hei! Hi!
Lėpakėli! Hello! (wishing health)
Lėpadieni! Good day/ good afternoon
Lėpuostra! Good morning!
Lėpvecere! Good evening!
Kė dživėsi? How are you (your life)?
Kė tė jes? (Kė t'ės?) How are you doing?
Kė tavu/tavi jena/dživena? How are you doing?
Kė esi? (K'esi?) How are you?
Såsvėtim! Good bye!
Svėti! (Svė!) Bye! (informal)
Sådievim! Good bye!


Like in the rest of Europe, Pomorian has names for four seasons. However, traditionally summer is split in two parts, each part having its own name. Unlike months names, Pomorian seasons names are native (not borrowed from any language).

Season Name
winter žiema
spring vesera
early summer paveseri
late summer lėtå, dage
autumn aseni

Days of the week

Words for days of the week are similar to Slavic tradition, nevertheless Pomorian once had its own names for the days. It is known, that Old Pomorian calendar had nine days, but their names were not preserved, except for the third day which probably was sawaitjā, meaning "own day" (and maybe also the ninth - gadjā, but it is disputed, whether this day was every week or just on special occasions). Some scholars think that these words can actually come from neighbouring Sudovian (an extinct West Baltic language) and not from Old Pomorian itself.

Day Name
Monday panedėli
Tuesday ąterine
Wednesday serdadieni
Thursday cetvirtike
Friday pęktunika
Saturday såbota
Sunday nedėlia


Most months names have cognates with Slavic, with some probably being loanwords. Some, like suošini are similar to Baltic traditional months names. (Suošini is not a loanword from Baltic but derives from the word suoši - dryness).

Month Name
January suošini
February šiečini
March pažymi
April beržini
May kvėtini
June vyšnėti
July liepini
August širpini
September aserini
October virškini
November lapekroši
December gruodini

The word aserini is the only month name, having no clear etymology. Most scholars state it comes from Old Pomorian asērs/aserīs - the time of harvest ending.