Verse:Hmøøh/King Sămtsay Song

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Only the first and last verses are used in modern usage.

Fi Chnur Păchnay Sămtsay
Ăngem tăche
Răsüel bruang mi spey e Sămtsay ăchemloa;
Ănngun ef hyltgäw te prien m'in noy smaw tsoa.
Răłow ya șăgor e tsor hües te slăngay,
Ătsäs șa-tăgoa ef păchnay bang Sămtsay!
Ăngem ămoach
_ yuth _ _ priech _ _ slüem _ chlüş chwa
_ thwil _ _ hüb _ _ tbäng _ chrănga,
Căbäw _ _ brä _ _ feats _ tsnăres,
Imłief _ _ doaș _ măsong _ wăples!

The King Sămtsay Song
Verse 1
May gracious Sămtsay endure long in health;
May the power and wisdom in him grow yet more by the morning.
May every street and market shout enthusiastically,
"May our king forever remain Sămtsay!"
Final verse