Drop final schwa? both ulster and yiddish do that
Vowel reduction in Hebrew loans is fairly complicated:
- Usually:
- patach segol qamatz cholam reduce to ă
- tsere chiriq shuruq reduce to i
- But: no *-ir, that changes to -ăr
Change how f and p are written in the An Yidis Hebrew alphabet
Should a conservative An Yidish dialect have Hebrew lenited tav = the Hiberno English slit fricative
Dialect that rebrackets ăn Idiș as ă Nidiș
Use yud dagesh for ģ? (TibH yud was /J/ when geminated)
change th to h unless result of lenition of t
An Yidis Hebrew can treat yud like a begadkefat consonant in Western Ăn Yidiș
Habitual bi?
ç ģ should be טש תּש
Get rid of initial f (and initial p leniting to f -- can get away with this since initial p is rare in Irish) in Pre-Proto-Ăn Yidiș? or use פ with a superscript ף specifically for the /f/ pronunciation
Should have more dvandva compounds than Yiddish (an Ăn Yidiș-internal innovation)
rederive new verbal nouns from older verbal nouns which are now analyzed as just verbs? (new enough verbs are no longer borrowed as verbal nouns)
maysrăl 'to master' -> maysrăl-ăf 'mastering a skill etc.'
mesdăr 'to master (music production)' -> mesdărăf 'mastering'
Slender lenis r should be r
Segol should be ea in some very old Hebrew loans (mealăch 'king', from */mE:lEx/). Also some cases of tsade reflexing as Proto-Ăn Yidiș /c/, reflecting PSem *D and *Z, e.g. חמץ chomiç
Change conjunctive șe/și to e/i
Accusative marking based on animacy rather than definiteness?
Make "of" t(h)ăģ/t(h)ăg, tagum, tagăd, ... (from *a tá ag 'that is at', cf. Hebrew shel 'that is to')
should be a bit more of a post-Talmud Jewish Aramaic relex
Old genitive functions as definite accusative (articles ăn+L (same rules as feminine nom sg article), nă h-, năn/năm) but ăģ still used for possession? (retaining gender makes more sense that way)
- Hebrew zero ending nouns get -ă
- don't worry about Hebrew feminine nouns in f sg gen bc it's clear they are gen sg (e.g. Bhă mi ă leyn nă Tură)
řth is pronounced ș, should they have a spelling reform?
change relative of the auxiliary תּאָ to to א ה- ă h-?
What should the Ăn Yidiș dreidel letters be and what Hebrew mnemonic phrase should they use?
me, tü -> mi, ti
avoid "șua"
vn ending -adh should become -ăg? (-achadh > -ăch)
șe ăr sgoth șin: 'that's why'
h should be he or he mappiq in native words
Qamatz should reduce in unstressed syllables even in native vocab
Bey af șu ney doł șechăd = This too shall pass.
nă Fyoghăn h-Orsi = the Great Old Ones
Chalk up șu X = this is X (like Gàidhlig seo X) to Hebrew influence
To nă ŗołtăn in oț = The stars are right (in place)
chet in Heb loans = χ (Ăn Yidiș Hebrew should have final /h/ pronounced)
Geresh is ׳
Rafe is ֿ
Gàidhlig -chadh VNs correspond to ĂnY -ch
Final aspirated stops realized as gemination (cf. Estonian): אָז oz [odz~ots] 'then' vs אָץ oț [ots:] 'place'
Update Hebrew script examples
Add ņ in the same places where Gàidhlig has slender nn; e.g. madiņ ~ madainn 'morning'
Hebrew m-, s-, ș- words should be masculine? Or just get rid of gender, șe/și/șin, make mutation lexical like Eevo? (Modern Secular ĂnY) A minimal set: fer [fɛɻ] 'man', fear [feːɻ~feəɻ] 'grass', fier [fiəɻ] 'to bend', fir [fɪɻ] 'very', fuar [fʊəɻ] 'cold'
șu/șin/șud can be used by themselves as pronouns: טע שין De șin? (< *ciod é sin) 'What's that?'
In "X is-the Y" type sentences cu 'who' and de 'what' can be used by itself: Cu tüsă? 'Who are you? (Identify yourself.)' (expecting an answer that is a definite noun) but to make other iș-sentences into questions you have to use deș: Deș efșăr lum ă zhean bichlál? 'What can I even do?'
sr' > șr (dial. stŗ or ștŗ)
Oy vey <- Nithish wė <- *wai?
Should have less vowel reduction in both native and Hebrew vocab? facłuŗ instead of facłăŗ, șvü'us for Shavuot instead of șvües
Should have a Scottish Gaelic bias in vocab
How to say "daloy"
Fix (later) Hebrew loans
ü from Old Irish ú and other sources
Sound laws (IFDY Ăn Yidiș):
- ŗeł > ŗoł
- eal > 'ăł
- בּייאל'אך byăłăch 'path'
- ann eann ionn onn unn > on jon ien oan uan (same for -ll and -rr)
- ainn einn inn oinn uinn > eyn eyn in in in
- aidh eidh idh oidh uidh > ay ey i ăy i
- yü > yi (Yüd- is still used in some dialects)
ק ט used for native g d
Semantic drifts
T' ănd iesg byu ă snov inș ănd ișģă = The living fish swims in the water
Compounds later than Proto-Ăn Yidiș are head-initial
și c̦ertüs, și c̦ertüs ă t' orăt o-toaŗ 'Justice, justice you must pursue' (צֶדֶק צֶדֶק תִּרְדֹּף)