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The Irish-influenced Arabic variety spoken in our Basque Country; written in the Latin alphabet. Its speakers are predominantly Catholic.

"Maltese but with Irish (and secondarily French) instead of Italian" --- the only Irtan Semlang that evolved naturally under Celtic influence (Crannish doesn't really count), and the only Irtan Semitic language written in the Latin script


has complete set of emphatic-nonemphatic pairs:

B b G g D d h w v Z z T t y q k X x L l M m N n S s F f P p R r Š š (Lith. broad and slender š)

has a similar vowel inventory to Irish, with short /u/ (retained from Classical Arabic) realized as [y] after nonemphatic consonants and with more vowels from lost ayin

a i u á é ý/í ó ú əj əw aj aw ea oa ia ua


should extract consonantal roots from Irish words