Verse:Anachron/Clicky Romlang

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This language preserves four out of the five Latin cases: nominative, genitive, oblique (from accusative and ablative), and vocative.

First declension

  • xifiah, xifie, xifia, xifia! xifie, xifiaro, xifivoh, xifie!
  • roza, roze, roza, roza! roze, rozaro, rozivoh, roze!
  • viqqoria, viqqorie, viqqoria, viqqoria! viqqorie, viqqoriaro, viqqorivoh, viqqorie!

Second declension

Todo: rv to rb

  • gattoh, gatti, gatto, gatte! gatti, gattoro, gattivoh, gatti!
  • filioh, fili, filio, filie! fili, filioro, filivoh, fili!
  • vir, viri, viro, vir/vire! viri, ...

Third declension

  • nôleh, nôleh, nôli/nôle, nôle! nôlih, nôlio, nôlivoh, nôlih! (-ēs → -ih)
  • mare, mareh, mare, mare! maria, mario, marivoh, maria!