Literature:Hansu Hansuen/Raxic

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Łihiuanāh Łihiuan Gloss The King of Kings
Uīgīz, zī yoni īlōz, mī yōbinātł īcotzunīciz., 2sg.m.nom who.nom q-be-2sg, thus 1sg-gen word-pl-dat q-test-refl-2sg-ipfv Who are you to test yourself against my words, human?
Hinoh īziromiz. 1sg-acc q-neg-know-2sg-ipfv Do you not know me?
1sg-gen see-2sg-ipfv q-neg-recognize-2sg-ipfv Can you not recognize my face?
My face is carved into stone and my name is written on walls.
Tłhūceda huēara tłiz iziquāquālin. only Only a blind man would fail to see that.
Hinoz tacizhin, łihiuan. 1sg-acc call-2sg-pfv, You called me a king.
Mic hin ubo łihiuan izilōīn. but 1sg.nom merely neg-be-1sg But I am not just a king.
Ziyotł ītłōtzhīnoh, yoni lōīn. Shall I tell you who I am?
I am the King of Kings, the mightiest of all.
My kingdom goes from the sea to the mountains and beyond the horizon, from the north to the south and from the east to the west – it is all my land, without borders.
The sun, the wind, fire and water are mine to command.
The day comes when I call it and the night with its stars and the moon on the night sky dare not show up until I'm done.
I do not drink the same water as the mortals, nor do I eat the same bread as them.
The whole world is my garden - I have created it and I rule it.
The heavens envy me, and the gods stand before me humble.
Yut hātłhihuān hāzēna lōīn. for god-pl-abl great-cpr-sg.nom be-1sg For I am greater than the gods.
Who and what are you, compared to me, human?
You are dust and you will remain dust when you die, while my garden will stand for an eternity and win against the tide of time.
Yours is a house of bricks and wood, mine is a palace of stone, marble and gold.
1sg.nom 2sg.m-dat q-neg-give-1sg-ipfv, neg-be-2sg You do not have the right to exist if I do not give it to you.
Am I obligated to tolerate your existence?
You are but a servant of mine.
I am the first among kings, I am the King of Kings.
Everything here belongs to me.
From the smallest grain of dust to the tallest mountain, from the smallest drop of rain to the largest ocean, from a mouse in a field to an eagle high in the sky.
Every dog and horse, soldier and weapon and treasure belong to me by right.
Zī, zī moznōtziz izimōmoziz. 2sg.m.nom who.nom q-be-2sg / neg-sbjv-exist-2sg What about you? You might as well not even exist!
And this is my garden and I am its king, the King of Kings.
