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Below are sample texts for the Saxuma language.

Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

English Saxuma IPA Gloss
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Damáx zénu hip úmano vin gíjo i alá díni i rus nay. dɑ̀ˈmáɕ ˈd͡zɛ́.nu ˈxipʰ ˈú.mɑ.no βin ˈgí.ʑo i ɑ̀ˈlá ˈdí.ni i ˈr̥uh ˈnaj are-born.hab all.cons person human as free and have.attr dignity and right equal.
They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Aw bacá románu i korásu êma, i sū sirú bacakóm to korásu yúnem. ˈɑw bɑ̀ˈcá r̥òˈmá.nu i kòˈrá.su ˈe᷉ː.ma ǀ i ˈsuː sìˈr̥ú bɑ.càˈkóm to kòˈrá.su jú.nɛm have 3p.dat reason.cons and heart.cons ethics, and should behave 3p.dat-ref with heart.cons fraternity.

Now summer is gone.../Вот и лето прошло...

Below is a translation of the Russian poem "Now summer is gone.../Вот и лето прошло..." by Arseny Tarkovsky.

Russian Saxuma IPA Gloss English Back-Translation
Вот и лето прошло,
Словно и не бывало.
На пригреве тепло.
Только этого мало.
Niqi kenē silaw i,
Enlyax ryuna dē wa.
Toxfay nes am lis,
Bas mesna sē wa.
nɛˈʔi ˈkɛ.neː siˈlɑw i
ɛɲˈʎaɕ r̥i̯uˈna ˈdeː wa
toɕˈɸaj nɛs ˈam lih
bas mɛsˈna ˈseː wa
now summer leave.perf and
int-can exist.neg 3s emph
warm.inch this day well
but is-enough.neg yet emph
Now summer has gone and
I feel it might not have been.
This day is starting to warm nicely,
But it isn't enough.
Все, что сбыться могло,
Мне, как лист пятипалый,
Прямо в руки легло,
Только этого мало.
Zen lawsá zûsa
Ba pome ome pē wa
Or hap to ī zā,
Bas mesna sē wa.
ˈʣɛn loˈsa ˈzuː.sa,
ba poˈme oˈme ˈpeː wa
or̥ hapʰ to ˈiː ˈzaː
bas mɛsˈna ˈseː wa
all can.attr happen.perf,
upon hand 1s.gen press emph
close-to leaf with finger five
but is-enough.neg yet emph
All that can has happened,
Pressing upon my hand
Like a leaf with five fingers,
But it isn't enough.
Понапрасну ни зло,
Ни добро не пропало,
Все горело светло,
Только этого мало.
Yone ka susyo,
Sin kayx o ēma.
Hasyo ni pirin zen,
Bas mesna sē wa.
ˈ ka suˈɕo
sin kai̯ɕ o eːˈma
haˈɕo ni ˈpi.r̥in ʣɛn
bas mɛsˈna ˈseː wa
nothing abs lose.perf
if evil or good
burn.Template:Perf in light all
but is-enough.neg yet emph
Nothing was lost,
Whether good or evil.
All burned brightly,
But it isn't enough.