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Below are sample texts for the Saxuma language.

Glossing key
1 first person
2 second person
3 third person
abs absolutive
attr attributive
caus causative
cons construct
dat dative
def definitive
dual dual
fut future
gen genitive
hab habitual
hs hearsay
hort hortative
inch inchoative
inf inferential
int intuitive
moon moon
neg negative
p plural
past past
perf perfective
pros prospective
ref reflexive
s singular
sun sun
sup superessive

Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

English Saxuma IPA Gloss
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Damáx zénu hip úmano vin gíjo i alá díni i rus nay. dɑ̀ˈmáɕ ˈd͡zɛ́.nu ˈxipʰ ˈú.mɑ.no βin ˈgí.ʑo i ɑ̀ˈlá ˈdí.ni i ˈr̥uh ˈnaj are-born.hab all.cons person human as free and have.attr dignity and right equal.
They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Aw bacá románu i korásu êma, i sū sirú bacakóm to korásu yúnem. ˈɑw bɑ̀ˈcá r̥òˈmá.nu i kòˈrá.su ˈe᷉ː.ma ǀ i ˈsuː sìˈr̥ú bɑ.càˈkóm to kòˈrá.su jú.nɛm have 3p.dat reason.cons and heart.cons ethics, and should behave 3p.dat-ref with heart.cons fraternity.

Now summer is gone.../Вот и лето прошло...

Below is a translation of the Russian poem "Now summer is gone.../Вот и лето прошло..." by Arseny Tarkovsky.

Russian Saxuma Gloss English Back-Translation
Вот и лето прошло,
Словно и не бывало.
На пригреве тепло.
Только этого мало.
Niqi kenē silaw i,
Enlyax ryuna dē wa.
Toxfay nes am lis,
Bas mesna sē wa.
now summer leave.perf and
int-can exist.neg 3s emph
warm.inch this day well
but is-enough.neg yet emph
Now summer has gone and
I feel it might not have been.
This day is starting to warm nicely,
But it isn't enough.
Все, что сбыться могло,
Мне, как лист пятипалый,
Прямо в руки легло,
Только этого мало.
Zen lawsá zûsa
Ba pome ome pē wa
Or hap to ī zā,
Bas mesna sē wa.
all can.attr happen.perf,
upon hand 1s.gen press emph
close-to leaf with finger five
but is-enough.neg yet emph
All that can has happened,
Pressing upon my hand
Like a leaf with five fingers,
But it isn't enough.
Понапрасну ни зло,
Ни добро не пропало,
Все горело светло,
Только этого мало.
Yone ka susyo,
Sin kayx o ēma.
Hasyo ni pirin zen,
Bas mesna sē wa.
nothing abs lose.perf
if evil or good
burn.perf in light all
but is-enough.neg yet emph
Nothing was lost,
Whether good or evil.
All burned brightly,
But it isn't enough.
Жизнь брала под крыло,
Берегла и спасала,
Мне и вправду везло.
Только этого мало.
Seve ya bome kovax,
I mek mobyu fey'wa.
Garax hona mek zu ya,
Bas mesna sē wa.
life voc 1s.dat care.hab
and 1s.abs stat.caus-perf lucky-emph
protect.hab lovely 1s.abs 2s voc
but is-enough.neg yet emph
O life you have cared for me,
And made me lucky.
You have protected me well,
But it isn't enough.
Листьев не обожгло,
Веток не обломало...
День промыт, как стекло,
Только этого мало.
Hap ne maw hase i,
Koy ne maw ni kē wa
Pori vin zalo umex,
Bas mesna sē wa.
leaf none stat burn and
branch none stat in shambles emph
clear like glass sky
but is-enough.neg yet emph
No leaves are burning,
No branches are broken,
The sky is clear as glass,
But it isn't enough.