Pages with the prefix 'Quququqquq' in the and 'Talk' namespaces:
In Angai, Quququqquq (natively quququqquq qaqqaäa /kùkùkùk:ùk kàkːàáà/ [kʰùvūvūkūɰˀ kʰàkǣǽǣ]) is the most phonologically minimalistic Kawenic language, with just one consonant /k/, two vowels /u a/, and two tones (high, written ä and low, written a).
Todo: Vedic-style chanting tradition
aqua 'water' (nom.)
aqü (gen.)
aquaq (part.)
aqüü (illative)
aqüqqu (inessive)
aqüqquq (elative)
aqüqua (allative)
aqüqqa (adessive)
aqüqqaq (ablative)
aqüququ (translative)
aqüquaä (terminative)
aqüquqqü (durative)
aqüqaua (essive)
aqüqauaq (exessive)
aqüqqäqu (comitative)
aqüuqqau (abessive)
aqüqqaqqu (instructive)
aqüq (nom. pl.)
aquaqa (gen. pl.)
aquauq (part. pl.)
aquaqaü (illative pl.)
aquaqaqqu (iness. pl.)
quqüäqau 'I write'
quqüäqu (2sg)
quqüäquq (3sg)
quqüäqaüq (1pl)
quqüäququq (2pl)
quqüäqüüq (3pl)
quqüäqua (impersonal)