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Alternative forms


From Proto-Talsmic *gáçtʰwet, genitive of *gáçtʰwā "mouth".


(Themsaran) IPA: /gávθè/, [gáʊ̯fθè]


gávthè f, 2, k

  1. mouth
    mígāltensāvé gávthán.
    Let my mouth sing for you.
  2. language, tongue (system of communication)
    gávthȁ ħéntȁ
    the elevated language (one of the epithets used for Themsaran)


Declension of gávthè (2nd declension)
Singular Plural
Possessor Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
None gávthè gávthȁ gávthìr gávthénā
1sg gávthŧén gávthán gávthanŧán gávthâist
2sg.m gávthezzé gávthzá gávthanŧáz gávtháŋgit
2sg.f gávthŧvé gávthvá gávthanŧáv gávtháŋgis
3sg.m.abs gávthŧú gávthâu gávthánŧ gávthaná
3sg.m.conj gávthŧù gávthàu gávthànŧ gávthána
3sg.f.abs gávthŧí gávthâi gávthanŧí gávthanî
3sg.f.conj gávthŧì gávthài gávthànŧi gávthánī
4sg.m gávthšŧú gávtháth gávthánšŧ gávthanŧú
4sg.f gávthšŧí gávthéth gávthanšŧí gávthanŧí
1ex gávthŧám gávthîem gávthanŧám gávthaŋché
1in gávthŧént gávthánt gávthanŧént gávthanšá
2pl.m gávthŧís gávthâis gávthanŧís gávthansrá
2pl.f gávthŧíth gávthâith gávthanŧíth gávthansré
3pl.m.abs gávthŧéch gávthâch gávthanŧéch gávthanéch
3pl.m.conj gávthŧèch gávthȁch gávthnŧech gávthànech
3pl.f.abs gávthŧér gávthâir gávthanŧér gávthanér
3pl.f.conj gávthŧèr gávthàir gávthnŧer gávthàner
4sg.m gávthšŧéch gávththâch gávthanšŧéch gávthanthéch
4sg.f gávthšŧér gávththâir gávthanšŧér gávthanthér

Usage notes


Derived terms

Related terms